The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 634: The Soul of the Ji Family (1)

Yan Xiangluo stepped on the ruins and walked towards the palace step by step.

Although they are all ruins and look desolate, they are not covered in heavy dust, as if they had just become ruins.

She was curious about how it was kept like this?

I don’t know what kind of force destroyed the entire city at that time, and all the green plants in the city died.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t know the specific time when the Ji family was destroyed. Historical records seemed to indicate that it was 30,000 years ago. Not a single green plant grew for such a long time, which was a bit abnormal. Even if other large plants are dead, the vitality of weeds is very tenacious. How can there be no grass at all?

Yan Xiangluo mobilized her wood element power to check as she walked. The wood element power can detect whether there is life force. It was not until she walked to the location of the palace that she sensed a breath of life force, which came from the palace.

Looking at the palace from a distance, I didn’t realize how high it was. When I walked closer, I realized that the walls of the palace were more than sixty meters high. So how high is the taller palace inside from a distance?

 It’s just that it is now blocked by the palace wall and the palace inside cannot be seen. Yan Xiangluo looked up at the tall and magnificent palace gate. She saw that it had been opened just before. Ji Jiuzhong should have opened it when he entered.

At this time, the palace door was tightly closed, and Yan Xiangluo did not push the door open for fear of affecting Ji Jiuzhong's acceptance of the inheritance.

Looking at the palace gate and then back at the ruins behind her, Yan Xiangluo wondered what she should do next.

Master Shuyi helped me when I came in, but there was no one to help me when I went out.

 She knew that she couldn't get out without thinking about her own strength, so she could only wait for Ji Jiuzhong to come out and leave together. But she didn't know when Ji Jiuzhong would come out, and she couldn't stand here and wait.

Sigh, it was really a delay if she didn't explain clearly. She actually just wanted to go outside the Ji family and didn't want to come in.

She really didn't expect that the last bit of power left by Master Shuyi was so strong.

The most powerful person she has ever seen alive is Master Mu Changling. He has lived for more than 3,600 years, and he is now at the peak of Taoist cultivation.

 Only when one reaches the Zong level can one gain one hundred years of life, and only when one reaches the divine level can one have five hundred years of life. Asked about the longevity of four thousand years, Master Mu Changling is already more than 3,600 years old. If he cannot break through to the level of transcending tribulation, he will only have a life span of more than 300 years. It sounds long, but in fact In the life of a monk it is but a blink of an eye.

Master Shuyi was at the peak of transcending tribulations and was already on the verge of ascension. At that time, his lifespan was a thousand years longer than his master Mu Changling, so he had no choice but to fall into nothingness.

Yan Xiangluo suddenly felt a little melancholy. She didn't know whether she could break through to the **** level. She didn't know what the last level of Pangu Flower would be like. She didn't know how strong she would be. She had such a short lifespan, let alone being compared to Master Shuyi. Even he can't compare with his master.

Hey, how sad!

  Why do you feel that the stronger you are, the weaker you are?

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, no longer thinking about these things that made her feel bad. She thought about the recipe for the magic pill that Master Shuyi had penetrated into her consciousness and his experience in refining it. She should be more pragmatic.

Yan Xiangluo stood in front of the palace gate, closed her eyes and remained alert outside with her mental energy, and then entered her spiritual consciousness.

A small light group was suspended in her consciousness. Yan Xiangluo's mental power lightly touched the light group, and the light group dispersed in her consciousness. Lines of words were suspended in her consciousness.

After Yan Xiangluo read it carefully, she admired Master Shuyi's alchemy talent even more, and at the same time, she was also filled with unexpected surprises.

If she could refine the magic elixir, wouldn't it be possible to eliminate the demonic energy in Master Deng Changze's body? She wouldn't need to use the magic beads, and there would be no need to wait for Ji Jiuzhong to refine the demon-killing mysterious pattern.

Master Shuyi has reached the final step of refining the magic elixir. To be precise, he has successfully refined the magic elixir. It’s just that the magic elixir transforms demonic energy, and the amount of demonic energy in each person’s body is difficult to detect and control. The power of the demon-transforming pill cannot exceed the amount of demon energy to be transformed from the opponent's body.

Although too much power can dispel the demonic energy, the remaining power will also cause great harm to the human body, and may even damage the Dantian and affect cultivation.

However, if the power is not enough, all the demonic energy cannot be eliminated. The remaining demonic energy will increase exponentially, making it easy for people to become demonized. Severe confrontation between spiritual energy and demonic energy will kill people.

 That's why the Demon Transformation Pill is not known to the world.

Yan Xiangluo's mind was immediately attracted by the study of the magic pill, and she became obsessed with studying the magic pill.

Master Shuyi has already taken ninety-nine steps on the magic pill. She only needs to take the last step, which has saved a lot of time.

In a large area of ​​ruins, in front of the deserted palace, a stunning girl in a red skirt standing quietly, she looks out of place no matter how you look at it, but there is a feeling that they complement each other.

 If anyone sees the scene in front of them at this time, they will definitely be shocked. It's a pity that this is the Ji family's clan. Not only can no outsiders come in, but no one can see what's going on inside.

But this doesn’t mean that no one saw her.

At this time, a figure appeared on the ruins, floating directly in front of Yan Xiangluo, with snow-white robes fluttering, staring intently at the girl in red dress in front of the palace gate.

Although Yan Xiangluo only had a trace of mental power left to guard outside, her current mental power was so powerful that she didn't even know what extent it had reached.

 Hence, she noticed this figure as soon as it appeared.

This is not entirely because of her strong mental power. The main reason is that she has strong soul control power. The person opposite is actually a soul body, so Yan Xiangluo was able to detect his existence at the first time.

Yan Xiangluo suddenly opened her eyes, and looked at the other person with a pair of beautiful eyes. When she saw the other person's appearance clearly, she was stunned. This person's appearance had some shadows of Ji Jiuzhong, to be precise, he was somewhat similar to Ji Jiuzhong.

Yan Xiangluo immediately understood that this man in the soul body should be from the Ji family, and his blood was passed down from generation to generation. Although there were many generations apart, there were still similarities.

“Are you from the Ji family?” Yan Xiangluo asked first.

 The man said somewhat unexpectedly, "Are you a Heavenly Master?"

Only a heavenly master who has the power to control souls or has opened his heavenly eyes can see their soul bodies.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "That's right."

 The corner of the man's mouth twitched. What did he mean? Did she just become a heavenly master?

“Ji family is now used to describe our family?” The man’s tone was filled with undisguised shock, and if you look closely, you could see that he was feeling lonely.

Yan Xiangluo's big eyes flickered a few times very quickly, and she asked in a weak tone, "How should I describe your family?"

 The man said with some surprise, "You don't know what kind of family our family is? Isn't there any record in the Continental Historical Records?"

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