The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 635: The Soul of the Ji Family (2)

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, "Historical records only record that your Ji family is a Xuan Wen family and possesses the most powerful Xuan Wen technique, Ji Seal. Later, the family was exterminated because someone coveted Ji Seal."

The man was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then gritted his teeth and said, "They were so cruel that they actually wiped out the truth."

Yan Xiangluo was extremely shocked. She seemed to have guessed something, but she couldn't believe it.

“How many years of history are recorded in mainland historical records?” the man asked again after calming down.

Yan Xiangluo said matter-of-factly, "A little more than thirty thousand years."

 The extra bit was all about the Nine Heavens, which she didn’t say. She has realized that the truth behind the demise of the Ji family is not simple.

It’s not just because the Xuan Wen technique is powerful.

The man sneered, "They did it cruelly. They were trying to cover up the facts, just like they were covering up the sins they had committed."

Yu Xiangluo's heart sank. Today she learned from Master Shuyi that the Tianmen at the end of the Nine Heavens Road has disappeared. This is the real reason why no one has ascended in the mainland for nearly 30,000 years.

There is no record of this in the historical records of the mainland. Now what the spiritual man from the Ji family said made her know that the truth of many things in the higher continent has been covered up. What is recorded in the historical records is not true. The truth of many things is unknown. It was deliberately covered up.

 But what surprised her was, who has such a strong ability to cover up the well-known truth?

After all, changing the records in historical records cannot change the memory of the entire mainland people. Even if written records are not allowed, word of mouth will not completely forget the truth of the matter.

 But now the entire mainland people have only one memory of the Ji family, that is, they cannot mention it. As we all know, the Ji family was coveted because of the powerful Xuan Wen technique and was exterminated.

“It seems that your Ji family was once very extraordinary, not just a family with powerful Xuanwen techniques.” Yan Xiangluo continued.

The man was obviously in a bad mood. After listening to Yu Xiangluo's words, he said, "Since you can come in here, it means that you are destined to be a member of our Ji family. You should also understand what kind of family our family is. You have something in your body." What a burden."

Yan Xiangluo quickly waved her hand, "It's purely an accident that I came in. I don't have the blood of your family, and I'm not from your Ji family."

She already had enough burdens on her, and she was wondering why she was so destined to the soul body.

Wherever she goes, she can see soul bodies that have lived for tens of thousands of years. Each soul body will tell her how heavy the burden is. She is just a little girl. She wants to live an ordinary and quiet life. There is nothing to save the world. She has lofty ambitions, but don’t let everyone fool her into taking the road of being a gentleman and becoming a powerful person.

 She wants to become a powerful person, but her purpose is just to go to the Nine Heavens. She doesn’t care about family grudges or the life and death of the people on the mainland.

 The man was stunned for a moment, and then raised the corners of his lips, "Has my family fallen to the point of being so despised by others?"

Yan Xiangluo quickly explained, "That's not the case. In the eyes of the world, your family has been exterminated. They covet your family's Xuanwen Kung Fu very much. People who mention your family hate and fear it."

The man smiled and said, "You are quite cute. You are worthy of being a member of our Ji family."

The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. Does this person not understand? His surname is Yuan, not Ji, and he is not from the Ji family. Why is he still saying that he is from their family?

The man saw Yan Xiangluo's frown and said teasingly, "Not everyone in our family has the blood of our family."

After hearing what he said, Yan Xiangluo immediately understood what he meant, and her face turned red. It turns out that he meant that he would marry into their family, and therefore, he would be counted as a member of their family.

"At least I'm not one now. I'll have to take a walk to see if I can be one in the future." Yan Xiangluo said calmly, holding back her shame.

 The man laughed heartily, "She is an interesting girl. No wonder the boy inside cares about you so much."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. How did he know that Ji Jiuzhong cared about him? Could it be that they used themselves to threaten Ji Jiuzhong?

"Stop thinking about it. That kid won't be able to get out for a while. Since you are his destined partner, you also have the right to know everything about the family. Come over here and I will take you around and tell you about our family. "

Yan Xiangluo wanted to refuse. Even if she wanted to listen, she still wanted to hear what Ji Jiuzhong said. In her heart, she only believed in Ji Jiuzhong's words.

 But his strength did not allow it. Although the man did not force her to go over, he did it directly.

As soon as he raised his hand, Yan Xiangluo was pulled to the man by a force.

 She looked at the man warily.

The man glanced at her and said, "Although your soul control power is very strong, with your current ability you cannot control a soul body as powerful as mine. I won't hurt you. You don't have to be so guarded against me. You can enter here now." If you don’t want to go, come with me and I will take you to a place first.”

Yan Xiangluo looked at the soul body floating in front of him, and the corners of her mouth twitched again. What was going on? Why were all the soul bodies she met so unique?

 Let's go, you can't beat them if you don't go, she is very self-aware.

Even though she could hide in Pangu Space, they didn't do anything to her, and she wouldn't expose her possession of Pangu Space to a soul body, even if the other person was a member of the Ji family, no, it was the soul of the Ji family.

Yan Xiangluo followed her resignedly. She also wanted to know where this man wanted to take her.

If you want to understand the Ji family in the past, can you just say no? Why go to another place?

Is there any other place in this large ruins worth visiting?

The doubts in Yan Xiangluo's heart were quickly cleared up.

The man took him around the palace to the south, which was not far nor close to the palace. According to the layout of the city, this place should be in the inner city.

They were standing in front of a gate called Jiyuan.

The man looked up at the gate of Ji Garden and didn't move for a while. Yan Xiangluo didn't dare to move either, so she could only stand behind him and wait.

A while passed, and the man still kept his head raised, but at least he spoke.

“This is the ancestral temple of the Ji family, where the ancestors of the Ji family are enshrined.”

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. Not everyone can use the word ancestral temple, only the royal family can use it. Could it be that there were royal families in the higher continent before?

 The Ji family used to be a royal family?

Is her guess just now true?

 “Come in.” The man did not expect Yan Xiangluo to agree with anything. He raised his hand and the door of Ji Garden was opened.

 The man floated in first.

Yan Xiangluo had no choice but to follow him in.

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