The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 636: Ji Family Ji Garden (1)

Yan Xiangluo walked into Ji Yuan and the door behind her was closed. She looked back at the closed door and knew that she had no choice but to follow the man and continue inside.

Jiyuan is also deserted, without a trace of green, but all the buildings are still intact. As soon as you enter, you will see a huge screen wall with dragons and phoenixes carved on it. You will feel a sense of oppression at a glance. People who are not mentally strong enough will immediately be oppressed and lower their heads.

Going around the screen wall, a spacious courtyard appears in front of you. Except for the gate, the other three sides are filled with houses. Although it looks a bit desolate now, the style of the buildings can tell how luxurious this place used to be.

The man led her through the room directly in front, and a tall screen appeared in front of her. In front of the screen was a wooden platform with nine steps. A large chair was placed on the platform. The carved patterns were very complicated. The tables and chairs on both sides were also engraved with patterns, and the patterns on each chair were different. This was the first time she had seen such a decoration. The chairs in the same room were actually engraved differently.

 The most important thing is that there is not a trace of dust in the house, nor on the furniture, as if the owner is still using it and cleaning it every day.

Yan Xiangluo just glanced at it a few times on the way without taking a closer look.

Behind the screen is a door. When you open the door, a wide road paved with white jade that extends slowly upward appears in front of you. The **** of the road is not too big, but it is very long. If you walk all the way, there will be a big height difference between the end of the road and the current location.

 She could only see the road now but not what was at the end.

 The two of them came out of the house and walked to the platform under the eaves of the outer verandah.

 The man walked to the side, looked at her from the side and said, "You take the middle road."

Yan Xiangluo took a look and saw that there was a carved pattern in the middle of the white jade road. It was more than enough for two people to walk side by side. This carved pattern divided the entire road into three parts. There were no carved patterns on either side. There are no steps in the middle, but they are carved with complicated patterns.

She shook her head in disgust and said, "I won't walk, it's too painful for my feet."

The man felt that a large flock of crows were flying above his head. In the past, any woman who had the opportunity to walk on this road would feel it was a great honor, and her family would reach the sky in one step. The Ji family never imagined that one day this road would be rejected by a teenage girl.

"Don't be offended yet. I'm not sure whether you can leave." The man said in a somewhat unswerving tone.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the man who was obviously unhappy because he disliked the road and his feet. Then he looked at the road with carved patterns and said in sudden realization, "Isn't this a test or something?"

The man's mouth twitched sharply, "That's right."

Yan Xiangluo immediately shook her head like a rattle, "Then let's avoid it."

“You are a smart little girl, don’t you know what this road is testing?” the man said in a serious tone.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "It's precisely because I guessed it that I don't want to leave."

How could she not know what she wanted to test on this road? Although the man didn't say clearly what kind of family the Ji family was before, but when all of this is in front of him, is there any need to say it?

 Once, it was precisely because he knew that she didn’t want to leave.

 “Why?” the man asked doubtfully. "When I met Ji Jiuzhong, he was from the royal family. Our engagement was purely accidental. Later, I automatically broke off the engagement. But later we got to know each other, liked each other, experienced a lot together, and came to the Higher Continent together, so I agreed again. I accept his proposal and resume the relationship as an unmarried couple. I have high requirements for love, but this request will never take into account his status and wealth. Therefore, I will not accept this test of your family. Whether we can be together depends on us. There will be no other factors in the relationship between them." Yan Xiangluo said this very seriously.

 The man was obviously shocked after hearing what he said. In his understanding, women are men's accessories, and women are proud of their husbands. This is an eternal truth.

Now, tens of thousands of years after he became a soul, the first little girl he met on the Ji family's territory actually told him that status and power were not among her requirements for her future husband, but only about feelings.

 Is she stupid? Are there any feelings in this world that can abandon everything? Feelings are the most unstable emotions.

“Do all the women outside think the same way as you?” the man asked doubtfully. Could it be that 30,000 years have passed and the status of women outside has changed?

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "I don't have many friends. I don't understand. I am different from the women in the lower continent. I have only been in the higher continent for a few months and I still don't know what the women in the higher continent are like."

The man understood, so he just said, there won't be any big changes. He looked her over and said, "I guess you are also an outlier among high-class mainland women."

Yan Xiangluo agreed, "Absolutely."

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to let their soul live in a different world and receive different ideological education. If she is not an alternative, she will not be able to afford the opportunity for the extraordinary experience that her mother gave her.

"You'd better walk. I don't care about your thoughts. I only care about whether you can take this path." The man insisted.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the carved road and wondered, if she refused again, would this man force her to go?

How sure are you that you will refuse?

Seeing her lowering her head and saying nothing, the man added, "If you don't leave, I won't force you, but you have to know that sooner or later you will leave, as long as you want to be with him."

Yan Xiangluo knew that what the man said was true. The relationship between her and Ji Jiuzhong was not as simple as she said. It could really be judged based on emotion, but it was based on emotion. Other factors also had to be considered. of.

 Putting aside the former status of the Ji family, Ji Jiuzhong herself is destined to be extraordinary, and her own experience is destined to not lead an ordinary life. If the two of them want to stay together for a long time, they must take into account other factors around each other, and Ji Jiuzhong has already reflected these other factors.

 At the moment, doesn’t she need to accompany him to face the experience?

She doesn't care whether she can take this path, but at this time Ji Jiuzhong is accepting the inheritance of the Ji family, and she will not cause any trouble to Ji Jiuzhong because of such a trivial matter.

If the man forced her to take this path, she might resist, but after he said this, she was not opposed to taking this path. On the contrary, I was still a little curious.

Yan Xiangluo looked up along the road. The soul-controlling power in her body started to operate automatically. A solemn scene suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. The location was right here.

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