The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 637: Ji Family Ji Garden (2)

Many, many people, all gorgeously dressed and wealthy, and with high levels of cultivation, were walking on both sides of the carving road with their heads bowed respectfully. On the carving road, a man and a woman were walking hand in hand at the front. Their clothes looked more like low-level people. The dress of the mainland royal empress is only higher and higher.

 Because they were all looking at her, she couldn't see anyone's face.

Hundreds of birds were flying in the sky on both sides, and there were colorful auspicious clouds in the sky. There was a thin layer of clouds and mist under everyone's feet, just like a fairy palace, which was completely opposite to the scene at this time.

 The scene in front of her disappeared in just a moment. Yan Xiangluo knew that she had seen the scene here.

She was extremely shocked. Could it be that there really was a royal family in the Higher Continent, or a royal family, and this royal family was the Ji family.

 If this is the case, the meaning of the man asking her to walk on this carved road will be different.

“Does Jiuchong also need to take this road?” Yan Xiangluo turned to look at the man and asked.

What she was thinking was, Ji Jiuchong is the only one left in your family. What’s the point of this rule? Do you have any choice?

Of course, Ji Jiuchong is the only one left. She refers to the Ji family members who can come to the Higher Continent. There are other Ji family members in Tianqian Continent. Not to mention those who cannot come to the Higher Continent, their number is not very large.

"He has already walked through it. Only after being recognized by this path can he accept the inheritance of the Ji family." The man said matter-of-factly.

“You brought him here too?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

 The man shook his head, "He can't see me, he came by himself."

Yan Xiangluo raised his eyebrows, and it became clear that he was able to see the man because he was a heavenly master and had the power to control souls. Although Ji Jiuzhong couldn't see the man, he had the blood of the Ji family. He would be guided by the blood when he came in. Where to go first and where to go later should be guided by the blood.

"Not everyone can take this road. Even if we have the blood of our family, there is only one person in each generation who can take this road, and it is a man. The other person who can take this road is his wife." The man said in a somewhat audible tone. The way of nostalgia.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the man, knowing that the only man who could leave must be a king or an emperor.

"I'm a little curious." She didn't say this in a perfunctory way, she was really curious about what power this road had to find the king.

The man knew that what Yan Xiangluo said meant that she wanted to take this path, so his tone was much softer, "If you can take this path, you will have unexpected gains. Women who can take this path will gain the most." It’s different, good luck to you.”

Yan Xiangluo didn't care what the man said was the harvest. At this time, she was eager to understand what kind of existence the Ji family was.

She stepped forward without saying a word. The man stared closely at her stepping foot. Yan Xiangluo stepped firmly on the carved patterned road.

He lowered his head and looked at it, then stepped on it hard, and said doubtfully, "Hey, why doesn't it hurt my feet?"

The man's eyes were filled with surprise when he saw that he could walk this way. After hearing her words, his face suddenly became filled with black lines. What she focused on was whether this road was comfortable for her feet, not that she could walk on this road. The harvest to come.

  She is indeed a different kind of woman.

Yan Xiangluo just sighed. Seeing that she could walk this way, she no longer hesitated and walked forward briskly.

 The man followed her on the next step. Yan Xiangluo noticed that when she was able to walk this road, the man was one step behind her. He no longer walked in front of her, and he never even walked parallel to her. He was exactly one step behind her.

 After walking for a while, we came to a platform. The carved patterns were still there, and there were steps extending upward in front. Yan Xiangluo looked back at the steps she walked. If she remembered correctly, it should be ninety-nine steps. Then she looked at the length of the steps in front of her. The distance should be the same as the length of the steps below her, so the number of steps should also be the same. Could it be Is there a platform every ninety-ninth level?

Yan Xiangluo continued to walk up. Sure enough, after walking ninety-nine steps, another platform appeared.

She turned to the man and said, "There can't be ten such platforms, right?"

 The man asked doubtfully, "Why do you think there are ten?"

Ruan Xiangluo said, "Families like yours generally respect nine. Each platform has ninety-nine levels, and ten means nine hundred and ninety. After this platform, there should be a more formal platform. , there are nine steps, so there are nine hundred and ninety-nine steps in total, which is more in line with your rules."

 The man nodded appreciatively, "It seems that you have already guessed what our family is like without me having to tell you."

"It's a pity that we have been defeated so much now." Yan Xiangluo shrugged and said regretfully.

Seeing that she sincerely felt sorry for their family instead of mocking her, the man said, "Ups and downs are an unavoidable fate for every family. Our family has been lonely for too long. We hope we can take off again this time."

Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched, "Just Ji Jiuzhong?"

How confident are they in the strength of their own family? No matter how smart, talented, or powerful Ji Jiuzhong is, he cannot unify the entire continent and establish a dynasty with one person, right?

It would be okay if people on the entire continent still remember their family, but the key point is that people on the entire continent never think that they once had a king to rule.

 “He is not alone.” The man said with an unclear tone.

However, Yan Xiangluo understood that the Ji Jiuchong the man mentioned was not a person, and definitely did not mean that there was another person. Yan Xiangluo was sensible and did not ask any more questions and continued to walk up.

 One ninety-nine level and then another ninety-nine level, until eight were passed, and only the last one was left. Yan Xiangluo did not get any of the benefits the man said.

She rolled her eyes at the man and said, "Fortunately, I didn't take your words seriously."

 The man was startled, "Everything I said was true, and not a single word of it deceived you. Which sentence of mine are you referring to that you didn't take seriously?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "That's what you said about me taking this path and having unexpected gains."

 The man was startled, "We haven't finished walking yet, how do you know there are no unexpected gains?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at the front and said, "Isn't this going to be over soon?"

“Only when you finish walking can you gain something.” The man then understood that Yan Xiangluo had misunderstood and explained.

Yan Xiangluo’s eyes suddenly lit up and her steps quickened.

The man looked at her increasingly relaxed steps, his eyes were shocked, and the corners of his mouth curved in pleasure. It seemed that the Ji family was really going to rise again.

What he didn’t say was that even the women who were able to embark on this path during the heyday of the Ji family, no one could make it to the end, still in such a relaxed state.

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