The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 638: Ji Family Ji Garden (3)

The woman who had been fortunate to have walked through this road before, only reached the highest position to the seventh ninety -nineth stage stone platform. Her gain has shocked the entire continent.

At that time, although the woman reached the seventh ninety-nine stone platform, her walking was very difficult. It could be said that her mental power was exhausted to the limit, and her spiritual power was almost exhausted.

Yan Xiangluo has already walked the last ninety-nine steps. Not only is there no difficulty at all, but on the contrary, it is getting easier and easier as he goes. He knows what this indicates.

Thinking that Ji Jiuchong had walked this road very calmly and easily before, the man once again confirmed that Yuan Xiangluo was the next mistress confirmed by their ancestors of the Ji family.

The man watched Yan Xiangluo step on the ninth platform. If it weren't for his soul body, his heart would definitely beat with excitement. It's a pity that he is in a soul body now. Although he has emotions, he has no body to reflect his excited mood.

However, I was still shocked at how strong her mental power was. I haven't seen any discomfort from her until now, as if she was just visiting the mountains and rivers.

He knew that Yan Xiangluo's mental power was very strong, and she had absorbed the mental power from the mental power ball left by Master Shuyi. She didn't even know what the limit of her mental power was.

Yan Xiangluo stood on the platform and looked forward, back, left, and right. Where was the promised harvest? Why doesn't she feel anything at all?

She turned to look at the man, spread her hands and asked, "Is it because I haven't been recognized? Why don't I feel anything at all? What's the gain you mentioned?"

Hearing this, the man said in surprise, "Don't worry, this is a good thing. If you haven't gained anything yet, it means you can continue."

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo looked in front of her. A huge palace stood in front of it. There was a platform surrounded by white stone railings around the palace, facing her direction, and there were nine steps in front.

 Is it possible to gain something by walking up those nine steps? Why doesn't she believe this man's words now?

After Yan Xiangluo learned how to be plotted by the clone of Cheng Kun, her attendant in her previous life, in her last dream, she never really believed in the man in front of her who had the same powerful soul body.

Being plotted once was enough. She didn't want to be plotted again. You must know that being plotted by such a powerful person, no, the soul body, death is a luxury, and it is very likely that her soul will fly away.

“Are you sure I can gain something by walking up the last nine steps?” Yan Xiangluo asked doubtfully.

The man shook his head, "That's not necessarily true. If your talent is strong enough and you can enter inside, then you have to go in to get your harvest."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the closed door of the huge palace, "What's in there?"

 I was thinking that there wouldn’t be tablets enshrining the Ji family’s ancestors there!

The man said, "There are tablets of our family's ancestors enshrined inside, but there is only one person from each generation who can go in to worship. Only this person and his wife can go in, and I have never gone in."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She had guessed it right. From the way she looked at people, the man was not lying. But the more this happened, the more she felt she should be careful.

 “I think you are just fooling me.”

This is true. He has not even gone in yet, so he keeps fooling her to move forward. Now he wants to trick her into going in. How does she know if there is any danger inside?

 Don't tempt her with the promise of gain, she won't be fooled by that.

Yan Xiangluo turned around and sat down on the steps, looking at the long road walking below. Looking down like this, she realized how big the height difference was.

Even sitting on the steps here, she could see the outside of Jiyuan, the surrounding ruins and the imperial palace in the distance.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes fell on the palace. She wondered how Ji Jiuzhong was doing accepting the inheritance? When will it end?

 The man saw that she did not leave, but sat down and asked doubtfully, "Are you tired?"

But I thought in my heart that it shouldn't be. Seeing how relaxed she was when she walked up, it didn't look like she was tired.

Yan Xiangluo didn't even look at him, "Why is this road so tiring for a monk?" The man choked. Did she think that a monk could walk on this road?

He could say that every woman who had taken this road before had been exhausted and exhausted her spiritual energy. Even so, no one had been able to reach the ninth floor platform like her.

“Then why don’t you leave?” the man asked, looking at the nine steps behind him.

As long as she walks up the nine steps, she can enter the main hall, and she will know what opportunity she will finally get.

“I don’t want to be fooled by you anymore.” Yan Xiangluo said unhappily.

 The man was speechless. Did he lie to her? Everything he said was true. He has existed in a soul body for more than 30,000 years. He has not communicated with anyone for so long, and he has no intention of joking with others. Why does this girl think he is fooling her?

“Everything I said is true, I didn’t lie to you.” The man’s tone was helpless.

Yan Xiangluo insisted, "I don't believe it."

 The man sighed and compromised, "What will it take for you to believe me?"

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him and said, "Let Ji Jiuchong tell me."

 The man was stunned and said, "Then you have to wait. He doesn't know how long it will take to come out."

The Ji family's inheritance is also divided into levels of talent. The better the talent, the longer it takes to accept, and naturally, the greater the harvest.

He naturally hopes that Ji Jiuzhong, the only member of the Ji family who is still alive, can accept it as long as possible.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes flashed slyly. She just wanted to know how long it would take for Ji Jiuzhong to accept the inheritance.

However, the man's words are the same as what he said. He still doesn't know when he will receive the inheritance.

“Then let’s wait until he comes out!” Yan Xiangluo really didn’t want to go in by herself.

She thought the man would object, but she didn't expect that the man just thought about it and actually agreed. Then she really wanted to wait until Ji Jiuchong came.

"That's fine, he didn't go in anyway. If you go in together, you might gain more."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the man in surprise, thinking to herself that it seemed that Ji Jiuzhong had not gone in before, so her decision not to go in was still right.

She turned her head and looked up at the man and waved to him, "Come here, sit down and talk. Don't you want to tell me about your family's past?"

The man looked at her fair and slender hands, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes. Standing and sitting were just the same posture for his soul body. There was no difference for his soul body.

 Their soul bodies cannot touch anything at all.

However, this girl is indeed different from ordinary women, and it seems that he cannot treat her like ordinary women.

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