The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 639: Ji Family Ji Garden (4)

The man obeyed Yan Xiangluo's words and sat down on this side of the steps. In fact, he was floating on the steps and looked like he was sitting on it.

The two of them were separated by the road carved with complicated patterns.

“It’s a good idea to talk to you at this time. You should understand it first so that you won’t be confused when he comes out.”

Yan Xiangluo knew that he would have a lot to say, "Don't worry about it now, Jiuzhong needs a lot of time. I have plenty of time to get to know your family. Now I am more curious about how you have existed in a soul body for more than 30,000 years? "

  After a person dies, his soul and body will immediately go to the underworld, and his destination will be determined according to his merits and sins.

 But this man has been here for more than 30,000 years. How can he still have such strong soul power?

She is a heavenly master and has the power to control souls, but she didn’t see the reason from the man’s soul body. With her current level of cultivation, she still doesn’t know how to make the soul body exist in the world for such a long time.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo realized that Tianshi and his party still had a long way to go.

The man paused after hearing this and pointed to the main hall behind him, "I can't answer this question for you now. You will know when you enter."

Yan Xiangluo curled her lips and said, "I rely on everyone to support me, but I am the most reliable. I prefer to find the reasons myself."

 The man suddenly felt like he was being plotted, "How do you want to find out the reason?"

Yan Xiangluo pointed at him and said, "Let me use the power of soul control to check your soul body, and I will know the reason."

The man was stunned. Indeed, powerful Celestial Masters in their time could indeed use the power of soul control to detect powerful souls like him.

But she is only a teenager. Even if the Celestial Master is very talented, it is impossible for her to have strong Celestial Master cultivation and strength. If she is asked to check her soul body, I am afraid she will not be able to find anything, and maybe it will happen again. Injured by his own soul power.

 Besides, the soul body is not willing to be inspected at will. The power of controlling the soul is not friendly to the soul body.

"No, it's too dangerous and will hurt you." The man refused immediately.

He was not worried that Yan Xiangluo's soul-controlling power would hurt him. After all, he felt that Yan Xiangluo's soul-controlling power would not be very strong and would not be able to harm a soul as powerful as his.

  If a heavenly master can subdue the soul body, what kind of hierarchy does a heavenly master need?

Yan Xiangluo said confidently, "It will never hurt me. Just tell me whether you agree or not?"

Her mental power is so strong that she has nowhere to use it, and her soul-controlling power has not been used at all opportunities so far. She can still ensure that she is not injured.

The man was helpless, "I really didn't lie to you. The fact that I can exist in the state of soul body for more than 30,000 years means that my soul power is very strong. Your current level of Heavenly Master is not high enough, and the strength of Heavenly Master is not high enough." It’s not strong enough. If you force yourself to look at it, my soul will be counterattacked.”

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "Thank you for the reminder, but I know better and will not check your soul body at the cost of hurting myself. I am curious as to why you have been able to exist in the state of your soul body for so long. If I can check It’s good if you find it, but I won’t force you if you can’t find it.”

The man stared at her for a long time, and seeing her persistence, he said, "Okay, then you come and try it!"

 He could only try his best to control his soul power so as not to hurt her.

With the man's consent, Yan Xiangluo immediately released her soul-controlling power, slowly wrapping the man's soul body while exerting her own mental power on it.

The man didn't resist. When Yan Xiangluo's soul-controlling power enveloped him, he was suddenly startled. What did it feel like? What a familiar feeling!

Usually, the soul-controlling power of the Celestial Master will make the soul body feel uncomfortable and have a natural feeling of rejection. This is also the main reason why the Celestial Master will be counterattacked by the soul power of the soul body. If he feels uncomfortable, he will naturally Resistance is an instinct that sometimes cannot be controlled at all. A strong Heavenly Master can control things better and make the soul body less uncomfortable.

Originally, he was ready to control his resistance, but after Yan Xiangluo's soul-controlling power enveloped his soul body, he felt unexpectedly comfortable, with a familiar warm feeling that he had not seen for a long time.

This warm feeling has never been felt since he lost his body and became a soul body.

 It was so comfortable that he thought he was alive and had a body.

There is still some resistance there, but I want to get close to her soul-controlling power.

 The man turned his head and looked at Yan Xiangluo. Although there was a distance, he could still see her expression clearly.

Seeing that her eyes were clear, her brows furrowed and then relaxed as she thought, obviously she was seriously investigating why his soul body could exist for so long.

The man sighed again, no wonder he could win the boy's heart. This girl was so outstanding. If she couldn't win his heart now, then he would be alone for the rest of his life.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know the man's thoughts, and she was thinking about it at this time.

She knew that the image of the spiritual consciousness could exist for a long, long time, but this was the first time she had seen that the soul body could exist for such a long time.

Now that she has the opportunity to see the reason for herself, she is naturally happy and serious.

 After the power of soul control enveloped the man's soul body, he carefully examined it. His mental power was always ready to resist the backlash from the soul body.

But she didn't sense the counterattack power of the soul body at all. Yan Xiangluo was puzzled as to why this man's soul body was so special.

She found out that the man's soul was extremely clean. After thirty thousand years of baptism, it was not muddy at all, but even purer. It is different from the ordinary soul body which becomes muddier the longer it stays in the world. Yan Xiangluo was careful not to miss a trace of the man's soul power, and finally she found the reason.

 She looked at the man in astonishment. The man was stunned when he saw her gaze, "Have you found the reason?"

The man's eyes were full of disbelief. She was only sixteen years old, and it had only been sixteen years since she started practicing the cultivation of a Heavenly Master from her mother's womb, not to mention that it was impossible.

Any kind of cultivation method in this world can be started at a very young age, except for Celestial Masters.

Because of the special nature of the Heavenly Master, even if you have soul power after awakening your spiritual roots, you usually have to start practicing after the age of ten. You are too young to bear the consequences of using soul power.

 And if a girl wants to become a heavenly master, she must cultivate at an older age.

 Because girls themselves are Yin, the power of soul control is all in contact with human souls. If it is a living person, it is fine, but if it is a soul body, the girl may not be able to bear it.

That requires people with great merit to bear it.

 This is why people who become heavenly masters must have good character and continue to do good deeds and accumulate merit. Those powerful heavenly masters have done good deeds that accumulated great merit.

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