The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 640: Nine Yuan Continent

Yan Xiangluo was only sixteen years old and had been practicing the power of soul control for several years. That was why he was so shocked that Yan Xiangluo had such strong power of soul control and could actually find out that he could exist in a soul body for more than 30,000 years. s reason.

 And the whole process has not been backfired by his soul power.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, withdrew the power of soul control and mental power, and said with complicated eyes, "Are you willing?"

 The man nodded.

Yan Xiangluo asked again, "For what?"

"Someone has to make sacrifices. I can't repay what my family has given me. This is what I can do for my family."

The man's eyes were wandering as he looked at the ruins in the distance. At this time, he was probably reminded of the glory days of his family.

 Both of them were silent.

Yan Xiangluo was shocked by this sense of family for the first time. What kind of family was the Ji family in the past?

 Can make a man willing to pay such a high price for his family.

 The reason why a man's soul body can exist for more than 30,000 years and still be so powerful is because his soul body has the blessings of more than 30 powerful and powerful gods.

  It seems to be glory, but the price is that he will never have a future. He will exist in the state of a soul body until the soul power completely disappears, and he also completely disappears.

Being willing to pay such a high price for the family, and having such a strong sense of family belonging, is it really the cohesion that a family like the royal family can possess?

 She was even more shocked that the man had more than thirty blessings from gods.

Yan Xiangluo also has the blessing of God, which was given to her by the Master of Junzi Sword and Master Shuyi. She still doesn't know what magical power the blessing of God has given to her, but she does know how powerful the blessing of God is from more than thirty powerful men in the man's soul.

More than thirty powerful men gave him God's blessing that his soul will never die and his soul power will never fade away.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know if such a powerful blessing from God would really realize the eternal soul and eternal soul power. However, the man's soul body has existed for more than 30,000 years, and the soul power is still so powerful. This shows that God's The power of blessing is indeed very strong.

 Perhaps it is because so many people have blessed him with the same thing, so the power is so strong.

 She also has the blessings of two powerful gods, but she doesn’t know whether the blessings they gave her will really come true.

“Tell me the story of your family!” Yan Xiangluo looked back at the man and looked in the direction of the palace.

 The man followed her gaze and said, "Story? That's right. For people nowadays, our family is indeed just a story."

 The man's soul is vividly alive, as if the white robe really exists, dancing in the wind.

"The Nine Yuan Continent was ruled by kings thirty thousand years ago..." The man's voice was a little vague, as if he was about to tell the story of the Ji family slowly.

“Is Jiuyuan Continent the name of this continent?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

She interrupted the other person as soon as she started speaking, which seemed a bit rude, but she was really curious. Everyone called this continent the High Continent. No one mentioned the Nine Yuan Continent, and there was no such thing even in the historical records of the mainland. record.

So no matter how rude Xiangluo asked, she asked her doubts. The man raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "Isn't the mainland called Jiuyuan Continent now?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "People here now call the mainland the Higher Continent. No one mentioned that this continent was once called Jiuyuan. Even the historical records of the mainland do not have such a record. This is the first time I have heard this name."

The man sighed with an expression on his face, "What they did is quite extreme. They want to completely wipe out everything in the past on the mainland."

Yan Xiangluo is very curious, who are they in his mouth? Can such a powerful Ji family be destroyed?

"It seems I have to tell this story again." The man's tone was filled with helplessness.

Yan Xiangluo's expression also became serious. If the history of the continent has been wiped out, how long can this seemingly peaceful continent be stable?

“Jiuyuan is the name of the continent, and it is just one of many advanced continents.” The man was going to start from the beginning of the existence of the continent.

Yan Xiangluo opened her mouth in surprise. It turns out that there are many higher continents.

She silently raised her chin and closed her mouth. The man's originally lonely mood was amused by her action.

 What a lovely little girl.

“The formation of any continent is related to Jiuzhongtian. Just like there are countless lower continents under the high continent, there are countless higher continents like Jiuyuan Continent under Jiuchongtian…”

Yuan Xiangluo was just like listening to a story. Listening to the man tell about the origin of the Jiuyuan Continent and the historical changes of the continent was also the origin and development history of the Higher Continent.

 How the Higher Continent appeared, no one knows, they only know that it has something to do with Jiuzhongtian. Continents were given names as soon as they appeared. As for the meaning of the name, no one knows. The explanations circulated in the world are just people's guesses.

When the Nine Yuan Continent appeared, there were all kinds of people in various parts of the continent. I don’t know where these people came from. Some practiced spiritual power and some practiced demonic energy. At the beginning, there were fewer people and fewer conflicts. It was also the most peaceful place in the continent. when.

 It has been like this for probably more than 10,000 years. As the number of humans increased, various problems began to arise. Countless forces were born in this way, and no one was convinced by the other, and there were countless battles, large and small.

 Today a force has risen, which also means that a force has been destroyed. And people who practice spiritual power and magic power gradually have differences and rejections. Those who practice spiritual power think that they are superior to those who practice demonic energy, and the conflicts become more and more intense.

Having lived like this for more than 10,000 years, they have discovered that there is no end to this struggle. If you want to stand on the top of the continent, you must have stronger strength.

 As a result, the weak began to take refuge in the strong, and countless small forces formed a big force. The disputes between the big forces turned from previous battles into wars.

 No matter which continent, war is cruel, especially for ordinary people who cannot cultivate. The people are in dire straits, and there is no place to live in the entire continent.

 This situation lasted for tens of thousands of years, and several major forces finally came to the fore in large and small wars. At this time, the major forces were dominated by families.

 The Ji family is one of them.

Everyone knows that in the end, which family wins, and that family is the ruler of this continent.

“In the end, your family became the rulers of the mainland?” Yan Xiangluo suddenly asked with her big watery eyes flashing.

 The man shook his head, "No."

Yan Xiangluo looked at the palace in the distance in surprise. What does this palace mean?

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