Did all the major powers at that time build such a palace?

 Is she narrow-minded? This is not where the emperor lived but where the big family lived at that time?

 “Our family only rules three-fifths of the continent.” The man explained.

Yan Xiangluo understood that the three-fifths of the continent ruled by the Ji family was the territory currently occupied by Lingxiu, and the other two-fifths should be the base of the demon world.

“Did you divide the territory with the demon cultivator?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

The man nodded, "Yes, our family asked all spiritual cultivators to surrender at that time, but those demonic cultivators were unwilling to surrender. Later, considering that the cultivation methods were different, even if they surrendered, they would still be a hidden danger, so the two sides sat down We came down to negotiate and decided to divide the continent into two, each occupying one side. Because the number of demon cultivators was much smaller than that of spiritual cultivators, the territory was divided, and the layout of the Nine Yuan Continent was thus decided. "

It became clear to Yan Xiang, it turned out that spiritual cultivation and demonic cultivation were originally inseparable from each other. They were separated by the eyes of the powerful and charming, and they were not opposed to each other from the beginning.

"The demon cultivator and the spiritual cultivator have since been divided into two parts, and the continent has also been divided into the demon world and the spiritual world. The powerful men from the two parties have joined forces to build a gap at the border to isolate the two worlds. The original intention is that they can live in peace and harmony. From then on, There is a demon king in the demon world, and a human emperor in the spiritual world.”

It is clear to Yuan Xiang that the Ji family is the family of the human emperor in the spiritual world, or the human emperor comes from the Ji family.

"But things are not that simple. There is no bottom line for human greed. After the demon spirits were divided into two factions, they did not calm down. On the contrary, because they looked down on each other's cultivation power, the conflict became more and more serious, and no one was convinced by the other. Especially in After the number of people in the demon world increased, they were not satisfied that the territory was smaller than the spirit world. They thought it was unfair when the territory was divided, and they wanted to divide the continent evenly. The people in the spirit world did not agree, so the demon world launched a war. It was the first time that the demon world had a war. war."

"The first war between demon spirits ended in a disastrous defeat for the demon world, but the spirit world consumed a lot of money, and they all recuperated separately. Since then, the relationship between demon spirits has been like fire and water. Such a war will happen once every ten thousand years, and every year Each time the spirit world ended in victory, but the demon world also became stronger and stronger in each battle, and the price paid by each other was high. "

Yan Xiangluo understands that there is no absolute winner in a war, and everyone will pay a heavy price.

The light in his apricot eyes flickered, and it turned out that the higher continent was not peaceful either, and was even crueler than the lower continent.

The lower continent is just a war between two countries, while the high continent is a war between demons, which involves the entire continent. To describe the state of the other world she lives in, it is a world war.

"Later, the war lasted longer, until thirty thousand years ago, something happened on the mainland that made all the monks despair." The man said with a long sigh.

Yan Xiangluo is curious about what could be bigger than the battle between demons and spirits? It can be described as despair.

The man said, "The Tianmen on the way to the Ninth Heaven for monks has disappeared. It is the only passage for monks to go to the Ninth Heaven. Whether it is magic cultivation or spiritual cultivation, they have to go to the Ninth Heaven from here. Without the Tianmen, even if the cultivation level is After reaching the peak of transcending tribulation, one cannot leave the Nine Yuan Continent and go to the Nine Heavens. However, the lifespan of high-level mainlanders is limited. After their lifespan is exhausted, they can only helplessly return to nothingness. "

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect that the despairing thing was the disappearance of Tianmen. Thinking about it, that monk's ultimate goal was not to go to the ninth heaven. Now I tell you that it's useless no matter how hard you try. Tianmen is gone. The only way to go is to the ninth heaven. The road to heaven is blocked.

“Why did Tianmen disappear?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Master Shuyi said that they all guessed that someone from Jiuchongtian had sealed it, and Yu Xiangluo had a feeling in her heart that the man in front of her must know the truth. The man glanced at her and said, "It's because some greedy people offended the interests of Jiuzhongtian, and the gate of heaven was sealed by the people of Jiuzhongtian."

Yan Xiangluo looked at the man in shock. Master Shuyi and the others guessed that the Tianmen was sealed by people from the Jiuchongtian. However, they did not expect that it was because some greedy people angered the Jiuchongtian. Who were they? What did you do to make the people of Jiuchongtian so angry?

 “Who are they you are talking about?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

 The man looked up at the sky. It was almost evening at this time, and the sky was a little dark, which reflected the man's mood at this time.

 “Some people between the Nine Heavens and the Higher Continent.”

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. The man's words immediately reminded her of the person she met when she was separated from the soul. She felt that that person was not from Jiuchongtian. Now she knew that there was such a place, and the place where that person was was not Is it the place between the Nine Heavens and the Higher Continent that the man mentioned?

 Could it be that you were from there in your last life?

But how come the spiritual consciousness photos of the senior brothers are everywhere, both in the lower continents and in the higher continents.

 “What is that place? Where is it?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

If she knew where it was, could she know it in advance and make some preparations? She didn't think that the man would let her go, but she was plotted by her and had to stop for a while.

 She must take advantage of this time to become stronger.

The man looked at her and said, "If you weren't here now, you wouldn't know these things. Heaven has its own rules. It's not impossible for us to break them, but the difficulty is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. Our family You paid the price of genocide to achieve this. This place has become a place that is not bound by the law of heaven. Therefore, you can know some information that only people with powerful cultivation can know. But you cannot tell anyone after you leave here, As long as you exit, you will definitely be punished by heaven, remember."

Yan Xiangluo is not surprised that she cannot know this information now. After all, she has been told things she cannot know many times since she came back from the soul. Is she surprised that the rules of heaven can also be broken?

Although the price is too high, it also means that nothing is absolute. Even if you are desperate, you can still seek a glimmer of hope from Heaven.

“I understand, well, am I lucky or not?” Yan Xiangluo looked at the man and asked.

The man naturally understood the meaning of her words, but he did not fall into her trap, and continued, "There is an existence between the Nine Heavens and the Higher Continent. This place can only be known by those who have reached the level of transcending tribulation. , you will be informed. But it is difficult to go there. It is not only possible to go there if you are talented enough, but you also need to be recommended and accepted by the people there."

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