The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 642: The reason is simple

Yu Xiangluo is clear, which means that it is controlled by various forces, and no one from the higher continent can enter without their permission.

"At that time, if someone from any family in the High Continent was there, it would be an extremely honorable thing. It means that in the future, if someone in the family breaks through the tribulation cultivation level, they can go there. After all, that is the most promising place to go to the Nine Heavens. Therefore, , we call it Yunzhongtian.”

Yu Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, Yunzhongtian? Does it have anything to do with Yunshang Palace?

"What is the relationship between Yun Zhongtian and Yunshang Palace?" Yan Xiangluo is a person who will ask questions when she has doubts in her heart. Besides, she only knows this one place that is not controlled by heaven, so she naturally has to cherish it. Opportunity to learn about Jiuyuan Continent.

The man was stunned, "What kind of power is Yunshang Palace?"

He actually didn’t know about Yunshang Palace. Yan Xiangluo immediately understood that Yunshang Palace was a force that appeared after the disappearance of the Human Emperor.

"Yunshang Palace is built on the road to Jiuchongtian. The spiritual energy there is the most dense place in the mainland. Only people with god-level cultivation can enter, and those under fifty years old are required to break through to god-level cultivation. It is the place where the spiritual energy is now The most powerful forces in the world are proud to be in Yunshang Palace, but they don't care about the trivial matters in the continent and only interfere in some key matters." Yuan Xiangluo explained briefly.

The man narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that Yunshang Palace is a force that emerged within the past 30,000 years. Judging from the name, it should be related to Yun Zhongtian."

Yan Xiangluo also had this suspicion, otherwise why would the names be so similar? Although the historical records did not record the time when Yunshang Palace appeared, but now after the man's narration, she no longer believed in the mainland historical records.

“Do you also want to go to Yunshang Palace?” the man suddenly asked.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "Jiuchong has already rejected Yunshang Palace's invitation, and I don't want to go either."

She didn't say that the demigod Wei Lan, who probably had the same bloodline as her, wanted her to go to Yunshang Palace, but she refused and just said she didn't want to go. "

Looking at the man, he only knows what happened 30,000 years ago, and he doesn’t know what happened after that, so he won’t say anything to trouble him.

The man nodded and said, "It's right not to go. Although I don't know Yunshang Palace, as long as it's related to those people, it's not a good place to go. Those people are cruel and ruthless, and you are too weak now, especially Jiuzhong, whose surname is Ji. Those people would rather kill him by mistake than let him go."

“Is there anything else in the Ji family that they are afraid of?”

Yan Xiangluo was very confused. After all, the Ji family had been exterminated. Even if Ji Jiuzhong was there now, he couldn't go against the entire Yun Shangtian, right? Why wouldn't they let Ji Jiuzhong go?

“Let’s talk about the Ji family.” The man sighed.

Yan Xiangluo knew that the main thing was finally coming to light.

“You said that the Ji family that people in Jiuyuan Continent know now is just the Xuan Wen family. The Ji family has the powerful Xuan Wen technique Ji Yin, right?”

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "That's true, but people don't dare to talk about the Ji family, as if they are afraid of something." Yan Xiangluo guessed that she was afraid of people who would harm the Ji family.

The man sneered, "Just be afraid."

Then he added, "You don't think they are afraid of the people who caused the Ji family to be like this, do you?"

Yan Xiangluo really thought so, but since he asked, it was definitely not the reason.

“Isn’t it?” Yan Xiangluo asked doubtfully.

The man shook his head, "No, not everyone knows about the existence of those people. Only those who have reached the level of transcending tribulation can know. Their fear of the Ji family is an instinct. If you ask them what they are specifically afraid of the Ji family, they themselves will know it. I don’t know, but every time I mention the Ji family, I feel a sense of fear from the bottom of my heart. In fact, it should be a sense of awe.”

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes suddenly widened. The Ji family has been destroyed for 30,000 years. Why does she still feel awe just by mentioning it?

 Why didn’t she?

“Actually, the reason is very simple, it’s just that they don’t know it now.” The man’s expression changed again and again, and it was obvious that his mood fluctuated greatly.

the reason is simple? Yan Xiangluo was really curious about the Ji family.

"Let me tell you from the beginning, the ancestors of the Ji family were once the strongest in the Nine Yuan Continent. They stood out in the continental hegemony war and established the largest force in the Nine Yuan. Later, they unified the spiritual world and became the human emperor of the spiritual world. Here It was the imperial city of Jiuyuan Continent at that time." The man stood up at this point.

Yan Xiangluo also stood up.

The man pointed to the distance, "Today only the Imperial Palace, Ji Garden and the altar on the other side are intact. The ruins you see are the inner city at that time, and were inhabited by the Emperor's confidants and ministers. There are actually many buildings outside the inner city. There is an outer city, where the people of the Imperial City live. All the major forces in the mainland have their strongholds here. The outer city is so big that you can’t imagine it. Over the past 30,000 years, I have personally seen the outer city grow from ruins. It disappears, and now there is not even a trace.”

Yan Xiangluo was extremely surprised. It turned out that the ruins she saw were only the inner city, and there was also a huge outer city. How glorious was the imperial city at that time?

Now she understood why the palace was built so high, so big, and so grand.

“The Human Emperor comes from the Ji family. The talents and cultivation of the ancestors of the Ji family are only one aspect. There is also another important reason. The Ji family is the spiritual ruler chosen by heaven.”

Yu Xiangluo's heart trembled, is the way of heaven so powerful? He looked up at the sky involuntarily, what kind of existence is Heaven? The Human Emperor was actually chosen by Heaven, so was the Demon King also chosen by Heaven?

Since Heaven has such magical powers, why not let the entire continent be under the rule of one person? Wouldn't this be able to avoid wars between demons and spirits?

“Tiandao chose the ancestor of the Ji family not only because of his strength, but mainly because the ancestor’s soul was clean and he had the heart to be a gentleman in the world.”

The man's words made Yan Xiangluo suddenly think that she got the Gentleman's Sword because she had a gentleman's heart.

In an instant, it became clear to Ruan Xiang that this fantasy world seems to respect the strong, but when Heaven chooses people, character and conduct are the first priority. This means that a truly strong person must still have a gentleman's heart. Doesn’t it mean that when the Tianmen is still there, if you want to ascend to the ninth heaven, you also need to have such a heart?

"When the Human Emperor fought the demons for the first time with spiritual cultivation, the Ji family sacrificed many powerful men to win. All the monks in the spiritual world and ordinary people who cannot cultivate are very grateful to the Human Emperor family for their dedication. , they have made the decision that future generations of the family will never betray the Ji family and do anything bad to the family. The power of faith of so many people makes their vows very strong."

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