The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 644: The truth of destruction (2)

 Chapter 644 The truth of destruction (2)

Yu Xiangluo was stunned, the opponent's attack was indeed ruthless.

 This is a typical case of killing someone with a borrowed knife!

"At that time, the Ji family's heavenly master had already predicted the catastrophe of the Ji family's fate. After the incident happened, the Human Emperor did not hesitate and promised to repair the barrier within three days. However, he also made it clear that he did not ask anyone to do the thing. It was done by the people there. In order to prevent something like this from happening again, I asked the other party to seal the place separately and not allow people there to enter or exit. It is completely isolated from the Nine Heavens Barrier and the Nine Yuan Continent. "

Yan Xiangluo admired the Human Emperor's courage in his heart. Under such circumstances, he dared to negotiate terms with the people of Jiuchongtian.

“The people of Jiuchongtian have agreed. Anyone who dares to attack the barrier of Jiuzhongtian will not be killed and will not have an easy life. Then their way to Jiuzhongtian will be cut off.”

Yan Xiangluo nodded secretly. It was cruel enough. This made them feel more uncomfortable than killing them.

"The Human Emperor gathered all the Ji family members and brought with him all the people who were above the level of Dao, as well as the powerful people who were above the level of Wendu under the Human Emperor at that time, a total of 12,000 people. Everyone. We all know that this mission is inevitable, but no one hesitates to follow the Emperor to die generously because they know that they are going to protect the continent where they live and leave a living space for their families behind them. "

Yan Xiangluo was shocked. It turned out that the spirit world under the rule of the Human Emperor had such a sense of justice, which was in sharp contrast to the selfish people in the spirit world now. She could imagine the prosperous, peaceful and happy life of people in the spirit world at that time.

She once again wondered, could the Jiuyuan Continent of today return to what it was then?

“Although the Human Emperor had arranged everything when he left, the people there had already been prepared. After the Human Emperor took his people away, they exterminated and strangled the Ji family, leaving no one left.”

 At this point, the man's voice was choked up, and he obviously remembered the massacre of the Ji family more than 30,000 years ago.

The man was too sad to say anything. Yan Xiangluo was speechless and silently accompanied the man in his sorrow. It took a while for the man to calm down.

"The Human Emperor knows that there is absolutely no chance of survival when he takes people there this time. Although the barrier is only slightly damaged, repairing it requires a lot of spiritual power, as well as the spiritual power of a strong person. Not a single person brought by the Human Emperor He couldn't come back. Therefore, before he left, he had prepared for the worst. After the Emperor took his people away, the palace was besieged, and all the palaces were also besieged. Everyone was wearing black clothes and covering their heads. Only a pair of eyes can be seen on the face, there are no marks on the clothes, and the weapons in his hands are uniform long swords without any marks. Even so, the Ji family knew who the other party was when the siege began. The people who stayed behind in the clan received the news, and I was one of the people who stayed behind in the clan.”

Yan Xiangluo's eyes flashed. The person who could stay in the clan, even if he was not considered a powerful person at that time, had the strongest cultivation talent in the family.

"The Human Emperor told me before he left that if the Ji family was besieged, let me leave it alone and immediately send those who remained in the clan to various lower continents, while I would stay and guard the imperial city in another form."

Yan Xiangluo knew what the other form he was talking about was his current form. "At that time, the Human Emperor talked to me alone and asked my opinion, whether I was willing to make such a sacrifice for the family. I knew that since the Human Emperor came to me, it meant that I was the most suitable person. We people have been here since we were born. We have enjoyed the protection of the Human Emperor and the protection of our family, and have enjoyed the top power since we were born. Now that our family is in trouble, and it is a catastrophe, I have no reason to shirk it. Therefore, when the Human Emperor asked me At that time, I agreed without hesitation.”

 The man’s eyes are sad.

Yu Xiangluo's heart was shocked again. The Emperor led his entire family to die generously. Only a person with a strong heart can do that. He also made arrangements for his family before his death, which shows that he was a wise man.

"I still remember clearly what the Human Emperor said to me. From now on, you will watch for all of us as the Ji family stands up again, and how the descendants of the Ji family return here from the lower continent to create our Ji family again. The splendor of home.”

Although Yan Xiangluo felt sad about what happened to the Ji family, she still disagreed with the Human Emperor's words. How could one place have to stumble twice?

Having already sacrificed almost the entire family for the sake of the people of Jiuyuan Continent, do you still want the tragedy of that day 30,000 years ago to be repeated in another year after the glory created by Ji Jiuzhong?

 She just thought about this idea in her heart and did not say it out loud.

The man continued, "In accordance with the orders of the Human Emperor, I sent all the outstanding descendants who stayed in the land of the Ji family with teleportation symbols to send them to various lower continents. In order to ensure that the blood of the Ji family can be left behind, everyone goes separately A continent, and then I stood alone in the empty clan land and activated the strong soul array in the clan area. This strong soul array was laid by the thirty-eight elders of the clan and the human emperor each using a ray of spiritual consciousness. Yes, as long as I enter the formation, they will know that the Ji family is finished. Even if they are not here, they can help me strengthen my soul. "

Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly lit up. She had heard of the Soul Strengthening Array, but had never seen it before. She never expected that the man in front of her had experienced the Soul Strengthening Array.

It was not a pleasant feeling, especially since he was still a living person at the time and had to endure the pain of being ripped away from his body in territorial waters.

"I activated the soul-strengthening array, and the soul body was forcibly separated from the body, and then suspended in the array to be strengthened and solidified. During this period, every dead elder would bestow their god's blessings. Me, each additional blessing from God on my soul body means that an elder has died. When the thirty-ninth blessing from God falls on my soul body, I know that the Human Emperor is no longer here."

The man really couldn't talk anymore. It shows what kind of pain he experienced at that time, the heart-breaking pain. What pain can be more painful than personally feeling the death of each tribesman like this?

Before she was thirteen years old, Yan Xiangluo lived in two worlds, and the families in both worlds were not friendly families. She had seen members of two families fighting against each other for money and power, regardless of blood ties, and fathers, sons, and brothers fighting each other. This was the first time she had seen such a cohesive family.

"After the Human Emperor's divine blessing fell on my soul body, there was also a message left by the Human Emperor to me, Zi Mo, I have suffered so much for you. Believe me, the future of the Ji family will only be stronger. ”

Only then did Yan Xiangluo know that the man in front of her was named Ji Zimo.

 (End of this chapter)

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