The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 645: The truth of destruction (3)

Chapter 645: The truth of destruction (3)

There is an indescribable feeling in my heart. What kind of torture is it for a man to watch the destruction of his family, the death of his people, and then exist alone in the state of his soul body on these ruins for more than 30,000 years.

"As the Human Emperor's voice disappeared, the strong soul formation also ended, and my soul body was expelled. When I floated away, I saw that my body was still suspended in the formation, and then the clan land was right in front of me. Disappeared. I appeared in the imperial city at the same time that the clan disappeared. At this time, the imperial city had become a ruin. People in the outer city had fled, and few people in the inner city had escaped. Killed, there were corpses and **** smells everywhere. The enemies were in the inner city and the palace at this time. I quickly drifted towards the palace, and there was a river of blood. There were more enemies living in the inner city. . There is almost nothing left in each palace, let alone anyone with blood from the Ji family."

Yan Xiangluo looked at the ruins in the distance and imagined the tragic scene through Ji Zimo's description.

"I am floating above the palace, and the same is true inside the palace. Except for the enemy, there is no one alive. The Human Emperor has made arrangements. As soon as my soul body comes to the palace, it touches the protective formation of the inner city of the imperial city. It’s a killing formation, and no living thing left in the inner city can escape.”

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that this was the reason why there was no trace of green on the ruins.

It turns out that it was killed by the killing array and then isolated by the barrier. Therefore, for 30,000 years, not a trace of green has grown here.

 In fact, what the killing array kills is vitality, not only human vitality, but also animals and plants. Anything with vitality will be completely obliterated.

"In an instant, all the enemies in the inner city were strangled, and even the growing flowers and trees withered and died in an instant. The imperial city became quiet, without a sound, and it completely turned into a dead city. All the corpses and All traces of blood were wiped away by the formation. If it weren't for the ruins I saw, it would be as if the tragic scene I just saw had never happened. And my soul body was also rejected by the palace, and the palace gate was closed. Unless the descendants of the Ji family come back again, no one will go in. "

Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Zimo with pity, how did he get here in thirty thousand years?

"From that time on, I began to live a sad and lonely life. I stood on the edge of the inner city, watching the enemies coming one after another, trying to come in to find Ji Yin. Unfortunately, those who tried failed, and instead... They were injured to varying degrees. I also learned from their mouths that the damaged parts of the barrier had been repaired. Although the man from Jiuchongtian did not wipe out Jiuyuan Continent, he sealed the Tianmen and prohibited people from Jiuyuan Continent from returning. Go to Jiuchongtian. People there can't come out, and those who come out can't go back, but their greed makes them think that this is a good opportunity. As long as they get the Ji Seal, they don't have to send it back. "

"I looked at them mockingly, and felt sad in my heart. They plotted against the Ji family, and their wish was not fulfilled even if the Ji family perished. Not only that, but they also lost the only way to the Nine Heavens. Let the people of the entire continent bear their arbitrariness for them. The consequences of reckless behavior. At that time, I couldn't see the future of the Ji family. Even if the descendants of the Ji family come back in the future and lose the opportunity to go to the Nine Heavens, how can the Ji family become stronger? "

Yan Xiangluo knew that Ji Zimo's worry was not unnecessary, it was a fact. However, considering that the photos of his spiritual consciousness left behind by his senior brothers in his previous life were all so powerful, presumably the Human Emperor's words at that time were not meant to comfort Ji Zimo, there must be a reason.

"A clone of a ninth-level heavenly being can make the entire continent surrender. No matter how powerful the descendants of the Ji family are, what can they do? Later, there were still countless people trying to come in and look for Ji Yin, but they all failed. As time goes by, people slow down. It got a little slow, and finally no one came. Occasionally, people came just to see what the Ji family ruins were like, but no one dared to go inside again. "

Ji Zimo turned to look at Yan Xiangluo, "Before you came, I was in despair. It has been 30,000 years, and the lifespan of lower-class mainlanders is only a hundred years. The descendants of my Ji family have experienced many generations of blood inheritance, and every new How much of the Ji family's strong bloodline can be maintained when their bloodline is constantly separated by the bloodline of lower-class mainlanders?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded as she thought of the Ji family in the Heavenly Punishment Continent, "Indeed, they are not very good. Among the Ji family's bloodline in the Heavenly Punishment Continent, only the ninth level is strong enough. There are a few with better talents here and there, but that's only in comparison. Most people have average talents.”

Ji Zimo smiled, "You're not welcome, and I can't see it, can't you say something nice to comfort me?" Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "It's been thirty thousand years since I came back to Jiuchong. I'll comfort you." You and the others are extremely talented, do you believe it?”

Ji Zimo nodded seriously, "I don't believe it."

"Then why should I bother?" Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him again, "I didn't see that you needed comfort."

Ji Zimo stopped smiling, "What kind of comfort does a desperate person need?"

 “Are you still desperate now?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong is here, isn't he? He's still receiving the inheritance in the palace, why is he still desperate?

"You have never seen the prosperity and glory of the Ji family, so you can't understand my current mood." Ji Zimo sighed.

"Indeed, but the bloodline of your Ji family is indeed very strong. The Ji family is the royal family of the first empire in the Heavenly Punishment Continent. Even if they go to the lower continent, the nobility in their bones has not been lost." Yu Xiangluo comforted Ji in the end. Zi Mo said.

Ji Zimo said funnyly, "Don't you think I don't need comfort?"

 “It’s not a comfort, it’s a fact.” Yan Xiangluo said seriously.

Ji Zimo didn't say anything else on this matter. Ever since Ji Jiuzhong, he had seen Ji Jiuzhong's nobility. That kind of nobility radiated from his bones. He knew that Ji Jiuzhong's status in the lower continent should not be the same. Low, but I didn’t expect it to be royalty.

Although Yan Xiangluo's words were intended to comfort him, she was right about one thing. The nobility in the Ji family's bones had not been diluted by the bloodline thousands of years ago.

 The moment he saw Ji Jiuzhong, he seemed to see the former Human Emperor. For a moment, hope really rose in his heart.

“Don’t go off track and continue talking about where those people live. Since they have been sealed off by Jiuchongtian people, why are you still worried that they won’t let Jiuchong go?” Yan Xiangluo corrected the topic.

Ji Zimo glanced at her, she was really a smart little girl.

 (End of this chapter)

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