The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 646: Live longer

 Chapter 646: Longer Life

"Yun Zhongtian is in a space outside the Tianmen at the end of the road to Jiuchongtian. It is a small independent world. It is a new space created on the shield of Jiuchongtian for a special reason. Although it is small, it is The spiritual energy is extremely rich, and it belongs to the space connected between Jiuyuan Continent and Jiuyuan Heaven. However, you cannot go to Jiuyuan Continent. If you want to go to Jiuyuan Heaven, you have to ascend through the Tianmen, so Yunzhongtian is also considered Jiuyuan Continent. However, the life span of people in Yun Zhongtian is twice as long as that of the people in Jiuyuan Continent. They don’t know the reason, but they all guess that it is probably because of Yun Zhongtian. This is the reason why the Nine Heavens Shield was created. There is only one entrance to the small world, and only those who have transcended the calamity can enter. The location is surrounded by clouds and mist, so it is named Yunzhongtian."

Yu Xiangluo was surprised. The life span of people in Yunzhongtian was actually twice as much as that of the people in Jiuyuan Mainland. Yunzhongtian was not the real Jiuzhongtian, and people's lifespan was so long. How much was the lifespan of Jiuzhongtian?

"Although the entrance to Yun Zhongtian was sealed 30,000 years ago, the people inside could not come out, but they could clone themselves out. In recent years, clones with higher cultivation levels have come to try to get in from time to time. The cultivation level is above the level of transcending tribulations. You can form a clone, but the cultivation level is lower than that of the main body. It is not difficult for the people who cultivate there, even if they are of the same level, their cultivation level is higher than that of the Tribulation. The people in Yuan Continent are much stronger, which is the main reason why they look down on the people in Jiuyuan Continent, and it is also the reason why they have the confidence to destroy the Ji family's thoughts. He’s considered a strong one.”

Yu Xiangluo realized that Emotional Yun Zhongtian was now a prison-like existence. The people inside were still unwilling to give up, and they formed clones and came out to jump around.

"Are you sure those people are from Yunzhongtian? How long are they? They have been sealed for 30,000 years. Is there anyone alive inside?" Yuan Xiangluo asked doubtfully.

The highest lifespan of a person in the Nine Yuan Continent is 4,500 years of transcending tribulations. The lifespan of a Yunzhongtian is doubled to 9,000 years, which is less than 10,000 years old. Now that 30,000 years have passed, How can anyone still be alive if you can't get in or out?

Ji Zimo shook his head, "I'm sure, I can see their longevity. People in Jiuyuan Continent don't have such high longevity. They all have longevity of more than 30,000 years. Something must have happened to us inside." Unaware of the changes that make them so."

Yu Xiangluo's heart sank. Could it be that she was really from Yun Zhongtian in her previous life? After all, the man in the dream is a clone. Is it because his true body cannot come out?

"The Heavenly Gate has been sealed, so why are they jumping so hard? No matter how happy they are, they can't get to the ninth heaven." Yuan Xiangluo said speechlessly.

Ji Zimo smiled, "Because they think there is a solution in the Ji family's Xuanwen Kung Fu."

“Is there any?” Yan Xiangluo tilted her head and looked at Ji Zimo and asked.

Ji Zimo shook his head, "The Ji Yin I learned is the same as yours."

The implication is that I learned the Xuan Wen technique the same as you. Asking me is equivalent to asking yourself.

Yan Xiangluo thought of the last ten mysterious patterns that Ji Jiuzhong had learned so hard that only the blood of the Ji family could learn. She didn't know if any of them were so powerful. She thought it was impossible. If the Ji family's mysterious patterns were really that powerful, they would not have been exterminated thirty thousand years ago.

 He therefore, she shook her head decisively, "Although I have not learned all Ji Yin, I don't think so."

Ji Zimo nodded and said, "I think so too."

“The inner city and the outer city are in ruins, why can the imperial palace and Jiyuan remain intact?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Zimo looked in the direction of the palace, "That's because the ancestors of the Ji family would exert their spiritual power on the palace, Ji Garden, and clan land before they fell into nothingness. If they wanted to damage the palace, Ji Garden, and clan land, first of all The outer barrier must be broken, and the spiritual power that protects the palace, Ji Garden, and clan land is even stronger than the barrier." Ji Zimo's tone is very confident, Yan Xiang. Luo Xing's eyes lit up, can he still use his mental power like this?

“How do you exert mental power on a fixed object to protect it?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

Ji Zimo glanced at her and said, "Human mental power is limited. Adding protection to objects requires a lot of mental power. Therefore, only powerful people who want to return to nothingness can do it, or The mental power is so strong that it can’t be used up. I have never seen anyone with such strong mental power.”

The implication is that the powerful men of the Ji family only gave up their spiritual power before they died. No one alive dared to consume their spiritual power like this.

Yan Xiangluo's beautiful big eyes blinked rapidly. She didn't know whether her own mental power was so strong that she couldn't use it up, but she had a treasure that contained a lot of mental power.

If she uses these mental powers to protect the residences in Xiangyang City, will it have the same effect as the Ji family? Will it become the safest residence in Jiuyuan Continent?

Yan Xiangluo just thought about it in her heart and did not tell Ji Zimo.

Ji Zimo saw her big and lively eyes flashing, and knew that she must have something in mind.

He reminded her, "You must be obedient and don't try it. There are all kinds of medicines in this world, even if there is no regret medicine, I don't have it either. I guess that kid Jiuchong doesn't have it either."

Yan Xiangluo was immediately amused by his words, "You are actually such a humorous person?"

Ji Zimo shrugged, "Is it humorous? I've been quiet for too long, and I've forgotten what I used to be like."

Ruan Xiangluo's words reminded him of the days when he was young, frivolous and reckless. At that time, he was also a high-spirited young man. If Ruan Xiangluo hadn't come and been able to see and talk to him, he would have remained like a pool of stagnant water. Same, watching silently how far she and Ji Jiuzhong could go.

"Tell me more about the past of the Ji family, so that I can understand what the Nine Yuan Continent was like in the past?" Yan Xiangluo put her elbows on her knees, rested her chin on her hands, and looked at her big eyes intelligently. With Ji Zimo.

Anyway, she didn’t know when Ji Jiuzhong would come out. There was very little spiritual energy here, and it wasn’t a good place for cultivation. But it was a good place to listen to stories, so she took this opportunity to learn more about Jiuyuan Continent. After leaving here, with her cultivation level, she might not be qualified to know these things.

 Although after going out, she couldn’t tell others what she knew, but at least she knew it.

Ji Zimo told Yan Xiangluo everything he knew, experienced, and saw with his own eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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