The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 647: Disliked twice

Chapter 647: Disliked twice

Yan Xiangluo listened with great interest. The Jiuyuan Continent has existed for so many years, and the Ji family has ruled the spiritual world for so many years. In addition, she has never understood the demon world. This time, Yan Xiangluo truly understands the Jiuyuan Continent outside of the Historical Records.

Also gained a comprehensive understanding of the Ji family.

The two of them were like this, Ji Zimo said to Yan Xiangluo, and occasionally Yan Xiangluo would interject and ask questions about her doubts. Three days had passed, and Ji Jiuzhong still hadn't come out.

Ji Zimo has already said that. Except for the inheritance in the palace and the situation in the main hall in Ji Garden where Ji family ancestors are enshrined after his death, Yan Xiangluo also understands almost everything.

There is not much spiritual energy here, so it is not suitable for cultivation. Yan Xiangluo thought that Ji Zimo was a member of the Ji family royal family, so his talent for Xuan Wen must be high, so she discussed Xuan Wen with him.

Although Ji Zimo has not used Xuan Wen for more than 30,000 years, it does not mean that he does not know how to use it. Now someone finally talks to him and stays with him. Ji Zimo is the daughter-in-law of the Ji family who has learned the most Xuan Wen in Ji Yin. He knows everything he knows and talks about it. As long as he knows what he knows, he will patiently explain it to her.

 Another six days have passed, and Yan Xiangluo's Xuanwen strength has improved a lot.

 She discovered that the Ji family was indeed very talented in Xuanwen, and finally understood why mainland Xuanwen masters yearned for Ji Yin so much.

“Is the Ji family’s inheritance like this before?” Yan Xiangluo asked, looking in the direction of the palace.

Ji Zimo shook his head and said, "No, several descendants from the past had to go to their clan if they wanted to accept the inheritance."

“The Ji family is not here?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

I heard Ji Zimo mention the Ji family land before, but didn’t mention the location. Although it is very big, except for the imperial palace and Ji Garden, it is all in ruins. You can see everything at a glance.

"The land of the Ji family is not here. I don't know what the continent has changed into now. I heard you said it is divided into an inner and outer continent. According to the distance, it should be in the inner continent. When Jiuchong comes out, he will know where it is."

“The Ji family should be there too, right?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

 “Here.” Ji Zimo said with a firm tone.

It is all here, how can the native Ji family be gone, but I do n’t know when it can be this world again.

“Hey, I found that your Ji family is a very hard-working family.” Yan Xiangluo said with emotion while holding her cheeks.

 She heard Ji Zimo talk a lot about the Ji family in the past few days, and she summarized a few points.

 First point, the Ji family does not have many heirs, and the number of heirs in each generation is not large. This should be because the higher the cultivation level, the less likely it is to have heirs.

 Second point, although the Ji family stands at the highest position in the spiritual world, they have never tolerated their descendants. They focus on moral cultivation and strength.

 The third point is that the Ji family members are all monogamous, and no man takes concubines. Even the emperor only has one woman, the queen.

 Fourth point, the family has a strong sense of honor. They will not flinch in the face of family interests and safety, and no one will hesitate to pay any price.

Fifth point, the Ji family will not bully the weak just because of their high status and strength. On the contrary, they are very good to their subordinates and subjects. It can also be said that during the period when the Ji family emperors ruled the spirit world, the people in the spirit world lived very happily.

 Sixth point, the Ji family loves innovation. He will not feel inferior because he is a member of the Ji family and does not have a high talent for Xuanwen. Instead, he will develop his own talent field based on his own talent.

In fact, the most important point is that there is only one candidate for the Human Emperor in each generation. This person is the only person who can accept the complete inheritance of the Ji family and has learned all the Xuanwen techniques. Therefore, they want to be human beings. The emperor can only rely on his own efforts, and fighting is meaningless in their family, because the successor emperor must pass the test. Yan Xiangluo felt that she liked the Ji family a little bit. Unfortunately, the Ji family no longer existed. It had been 30,000 years since the Ji family was sent out, and only Ji Jiuzhong came back.

 In order to achieve such a grand occasion, even if Ji Jiuzhong can become the Human Emperor again, it will be who knows how many years later.

Ji Zimo nodded and said, "Your description is indeed accurate. This is the first time someone has described the Ji family like this."

In the past, when people mentioned the Ji family, they thought the Ji family was a noble and a powerful family. There were many words of praise, but this was the first time someone described the Ji family in this way, and it was so accurate.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "Can you leave here?"

Ji Zimo's eyes darkened when he heard this and looked in the direction of the palace, "Then it depends on the outcome of Jiuzhong's acceptance of the inheritance."

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo also looked at the palace, "What will be the outcome before you can leave?"

Ji Zimo smiled and said, "Are you pitying me?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "Is that true? You voluntarily made sacrifices for the family. Although you are very lonely, I don't think you will regret it. As long as you don't regret anything, there is nothing pitiful. I just feel You should also go out and get to know the current Nine Yuan Continent. After all, there is nothing to protect here, and no one can enter the barrier outside. "

Ji Zimo shook his head, "You know me well. Indeed, although I have been alone for more than 30,000 years, I do not regret it, especially after seeing that a descendant of the Ji family has finally returned, although it seems that there is nothing to protect here. Yes, it’s okay if the barrier is there, but I am the key to the existence of the barrier. I am there, and if I leave, the barrier will disappear. "

Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly opened wide. Ji Zimo couldn't leave here. Ji Zimo had paid more than she knew.

"You don't need to look at me like this. As long as you quickly build the Ji family empire, I will be free." Ji Zimo looked into Yan Xiangluo's clear eyes and said with a smile.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "It's easier said than done."

Ji Zimo said nothing more. Indeed, it is easier said than done. The current continent is not the Nine Yuan Continent 30,000 years ago.

After a while, Yan Xiangluo said again, "To be honest, I really don't want to be a queen, and I don't want Jiuchong to be a human emperor. Look at the fate of your Ji family. After all your hard work, the entire family has been caught up. What’s the point of ending up like this?”

Ji Zimo looked at her in surprise. You must know that in the past, women in the entire Jiuyuan Continent dreamed of marrying a Ji family member. Although they knew that becoming a queen was too difficult, some women with good talents and good looks took a lot of effort. Wants to marry into the Ji family.

 After all, none of the men in the Ji family had concubines, and they only had one wife.

Even so, that woman doesn’t want to be the wife of the Human Emperor, so she can live happily even in her dream.

  She is so good that she actually despises the hard work of being a queen.

It reminded him that when she came up, she disliked the carved pattern and was unwilling to walk. The Ji family was actually disliked by her twice. Both times, it was the envy of all the women in the world and they tried their best to get it.

At this time, there was a noise from the direction of the palace, and Yan Xiangluo suddenly stood up and looked over.

 (End of this chapter)

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