The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 652: Ji Family Land (2)

Chapter 652 Ji Family Land (2)

In front of it is a circular jade platform with steps all around, no more and no less, nine steps in total.

On the steps is a spacious circular platform. The platform and a circle of steps are like a whole, as if they were carved out of a huge jade stone.

What shocked the two of them was that a person was floating in the center of the platform. It looked like Ji Zimo who was following them.

It should be his body. Both of them were surprised that Ji Zimo's body was still there after 30,000 years.

The snow-white robe is exactly the same as Ji Zimo's soul body, except that his body has his eyes closed, and the robe is still dancing in the wind, as if he is meditating.

They both looked back at Ji Zimo, and Ji Zimo was also stunned. He didn't expect that thirty thousand years had passed, but his body was still intact, and he still maintained the same appearance as when his soul was stripped away.

Yan Xiangluo swallowed her saliva and suppressed the shock in her heart. She had already seen several powerful spiritual beings taking photos, the latest being Master Shuyi. However, this was the first time I saw this body that had lost its soul thirty thousand years ago.

 She raised her head and glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, "It's been more than 30,000 years, won't it all dissipate with just a touch?"

 There was no such thing in the fantasy novels she read in her previous life. If that was really the case, 30,000 years had passed. How cruel it would be for Ji Zimo to see his own body dissipate again.

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head and said, "His body is protected by the consciousness of thirty-eight powerful men and the Human Emperor. It is no different from when his soul was stripped away thirty thousand years ago. If there is a way to bring his soul back, Reintegrate into the body and he can be resurrected again.”

Yu Xiangluo was shocked, this was okay.

“Is there anything Ji Yinli can do?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "No."

Ji Yinzhong didn’t have a solution, so why did the Human Emperor keep Ji Zimo’s body?

Suddenly, something flashed through Yan Xiangluo's mind. She predicted that she might be able to do it, but she didn't know exactly how to do it yet. She had to continue to learn the soul control technique.

Since you don’t know what to do, don’t make a promise. She didn’t say it out loud. Besides, she didn't know what kind of existence Ji Zimo was. Who knew whether all this was true?

Just like everything she encountered in a dream when her soul left her body, it was up to her to distinguish which was true and which was false. One mistake would be fatal.

 She and Ji Jiuchong cannot afford to lose.

 She looked at Ji Zimo, "Do you know how to make the soul return to the body again?"

Ji Zimo shook his head, "I have heard before that people with the ability to transcend tribulations can have their souls leave the body, but they can return to the body within a short period of time. I have never heard that the souls can go back after leaving the body for 30,000 years. ”

 The main thing is, whose body can survive for more than 30,000 years without a soul?

 He was surprised to see his body again when he returned to his clan.

I don’t know whether it was because his body was like this after his soul left the body after the formation was activated, or whether the Human Emperor had other intentions to stay behind.

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows. At this time, Ji Zimo was in the spirit body, and she was the Heavenly Master. Ji Zimo said that she knew it well without lying, but Ji Zimo really didn't know.

“Do you want to go back to the body?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

Ji Zimo was stunned, "Can I still go back?"

He has existed in the state of soul body for more than 30,000 years and is used to it. One day someone asked him if he still wanted to have a body or his original body. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Without waiting for his answer, Yan Xiangluo said again, "You can think about it slowly, there is nothing you can do now anyway."

Yan Xiangluo suddenly asked this question. The instinctive reaction is the most real. Ji Zimo didn't directly answer whether he wanted to or not, which meant that he still wanted to. Who would want to die if he could live?

  Otherwise, why would the monks practice so hard to increase their longevity?

Now that you can’t do it yourself, don’t give others hope and let them down. Wait until you can do it.

Ji Zimo’s mouth twitched. Is this girl teasing him?

"Let's keep it like this for now." Ji Jiuzhong pulled Yan Xiangluo around the jade platform without even touching the steps, and walked towards the back.

Whether Ji Zimo can have his own body again depends on Luoluo, but he won't say it, let alone tell Ji Zimo. This will only happen if Luoluo is willing to help him. I hope Ji Zimo is smarter and doesn't mess with him. Luoluo is bored.

Ji Zimo also followed. As he walked, he looked up and saw that his body was exactly the same as before, without any change. This feeling of looking at himself made him feel some inexplicable emotions welling up in his heart.

 It’s weird anyway.

 Withdrawing his gaze, Ji Zimo smiled bitterly. Who would be so lucky as him to see his body again after 30,000 years.

This kind of luck is unprecedented and unprecedented.

Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo's hand and walked around the jade platform into the valley. On the other side of the jade platform, there is still a winding path with tall trees and weeds on both sides of the road. However, the road here is not occupied by weeds. Not only is it not occupied, but it is also very clean.

After walking for a while, their eyes suddenly became clear again, and a tall stone archway appeared in front of them.

 The stone archway is engraved with these three words "Don't forget the valley".

Yan Xiangluo looked at these three words and said curiously, "Your Ji family is really interesting. This is a special family."

 “What’s so special?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo pointed her slender fingers at the words on the stone archway and said, "The family archway says Forget-Not-Forget-Valley. If I hadn't known that this is the clan land of your Ji family, I would have doubted that this place is some kind of worldly place with unbroken hearts." People who live in incomplete seclusion live here.”

 “Why do you say that?” Ji Jiuzhong said funny.

“Look, don’t forget, that is, don’t forget. If you want to always remember, it doesn’t mean that your heart is not broken, and if your heart is not broken, it doesn’t mean that your seclusion is incomplete.” Yu Xiangluo explained.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "It makes sense."

"Yeah, you think so too, right? I'm curious about who your ancestors of the Ji family don't want to forget? Or what they don't want to forget?" Yan Xiangluo raised and lowered her brows.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his other hand and flicked her forehead, "I'm afraid Luoluo's curiosity cannot be satisfied."

Yan Xiangluo slapped his hand away and rolled her eyes at him, "That's not necessarily the case."

Hasn’t this all come to the land of the Ji family? Maybe some family development history has been recorded, and the origin of the three characters on the stone archway may be mentioned.

Ji Zimo, who was following them, wanted to tell them the meaning of these three words, but seeing how harmoniously they talked, he wisely kept his mouth shut.

 Forget it, let them find out on their own.

 (End of this chapter)

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