The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 653: lucky person

Chapter 653: The Man of Destiny

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong stood in front of the stone archway and looked at it. Then they walked hand in hand under the stone archway. They both felt as if they had passed through a ripple.

 This stone archway has a barrier?

The two looked at each other and turned back at the same time. Sure enough, Ji Zimo was standing outside the stone archway and did not come in.

“Can’t you come in?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Ji Zimo nodded, looking a little helpless. Thirty thousand years later, he had forgotten that the clan's land was divided into two parts, the inner and outer parts, with the stone archway as the dividing line. There were prohibitions inside the stone archway, and the soul body could not enter. This It was to prevent some soul bodies from staying in the Ji family's land.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. People like her who were not named Ji came in, but Ji Zimo, a pure member of the Ji family, no, the spirit of the Ji family was kept out.

His almond-shaped eyes flashed suddenly, wondering if there was any way to let Ji Zimo in. After all, among the three of them, only Ji Zimo had been here before and was relatively familiar with it.

Before she could think of a way, Ji Jiuzhong had already spoken, "Wait for us here."

After saying that, she took Yan Xiangluo and walked inside.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him without saying anything. This was a matter for their Ji family, and it was up to him to decide.

After walking a certain distance, Ji Jiuzhong said, "Luoluo, don't trust anyone easily, not even the Ji family members."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned, looked up at him, and saw Ji Jiuzhong looking at her tenderly.

"Although I have the blood of the Ji family, what we know is what the ancestors of the Ji family and Ji Zimo told us. As for the authenticity, we can't be sure now. Even if it is confirmed that these are true, in my case In my heart, nothing is more important than Luoluo's safety, so don't trust anyone except me, Luoluo."

Yan Xiangluo's heart trembled fiercely. Although Ji Jiuzhong's tone was very gentle when he said these words, he was very firm, which made her feel very solemn.

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo responded with only one word.

 In fact, she has now discovered that subconsciously, she will automatically trust Ji Jiuzhong. Although she no longer relies on him, she will still trust him.

This trust seems to be engraved in her bones, just like when Master Shuyi asked her where she was going, she said without hesitation that she was coming to the Ji family.

At this time, she was a little curious about what Master Shuyi was thinking at that time. However, since he did not stop her from coming here, it meant that the Ji family should not be dangerous to her.

Ji Jiuzhong felt relieved when he saw her answer.

Although Luoluo is not easy to trust anyone, she doesn't know it herself. She is kind at heart. Although this is a good character, she will suffer in some things.

 It seems that she isolates herself from the world, but when you really need help, she will consider whether it is safe and then help you.

Just like when she saw him having his first attack of poison, if it were any woman, seeing her newly divorced fiancé like this, she would feel very relieved and wouldn't be able to help.

 Although she asked for benefits, it was just a way for her to protect herself. She used this method to establish a clear relationship with the other party and did not want to get involved.

 But people in this world are unpredictable, and some people cannot tell anything on the surface. They worry that Luo Luo will be harmed because of his good intentions.

“Why are there so many buildings in the Ji family’s land?” Ji Jiuzhong’s thoughts were still racing, while Yan Xiangluo’s attention was already focused on the Ji family’s buildings. Ji Jiuzhong looked over and saw a large building complex in front of him. Each building was very exquisite and luxurious. There was a large courtyard behind the building complex. On the courtyard wall, you could see the cornices of the buildings and the shining glazed tiles.

From the surface alone, it can be seen that the Ji family spent a lot of money in building it.

Ji Jiuzhong had accepted the family inheritance, so he naturally knew the origins of the Ji family, but he didn't reveal much in front of Ji Zimo.

"This is the place where the first generation ancestor of the Ji family practiced, and it was also the place where he met his beloved woman. The two spent the most relaxing and beautiful time in their lives here. Later, due to disputes between various forces, they had to participate in After that, wars broke out everywhere. In the battles, the ancestors of the Ji family improved rapidly, and with their strong Xuanwen talent, they unified the spiritual world and became the human emperor at that time. It is designated as a clan place by them, and the elders live here, and some talented descendants are also sent here to be taught by the elders. The tokens in our hands are not carved by them. They found it here, because this is where they met, and they also found the Phoenix Token, so they regarded the pair of tokens as tokens of love, and later as tokens of love for the Emperor and Queen, and they were passed down from generation to generation. But no one knows the true origin of the token, it was passed down orally from emperor to emperor throughout the ages.”

Yan Xiangluo said in surprise, "This token was not refined by the Ji family, but was found here. Is it also together with the painting and the dagger?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I thought the same way when I got the token. Even if they are not together, they must be related."

Yu Xiangluo's apricot eyes flashed with deep thought.

Ji Jiuzhong held her hand and continued to walk inside, saying as he walked, "Did Ji Zimo tell you that the Ji family was calculated to be exterminated by Yun Zhongtian's people because of the Xuan Wen Kung Fu Ji Seal? "

Yan Xiangluo's eyes widened, "That's what he said, didn't he?"

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes, "It can only be regarded as one of them, and the most important point is the main reason why they did not consider the safety of the mainland and attacked the Ji family."

Yan Xiangluo asked doubtfully, "Does the Ji family have any secrets?"

“Smart.” Ji Jiuzhong looked down at the bright girl who looked up at him, and praised her gently.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless, "I'm not a child."

How can I use him to treat me like a child?

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "I am willing to treat Luoluo like a child."

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "You are willing but I am not willing yet. I have finally grown up and don't want to be a child."

Ji Jiuchong’s joyful laughter echoed over the clan.

“The bloodline of the Ji family is very special, especially the strongest person in each generation. What is special is not his cultivation talent and Xuanwen talent, but his destiny.” Ji Jiuzhong continued.


Yan Xiangluo thought that she couldn't see Ji Jiuzhong's destiny. Could it be because of this?

"Every generation of the Ji family will have a super strong person. Needless to say, this strong person's talent and strength are very strong, and his luck is also very special, which can be said to be very strong. No matter what life or death environment, he can Find a glimmer of hope. According to people in Yun Zhongtian, this destiny was called destiny in ancient times, and even heavenly masters cannot see through the destiny of people with destiny."

 (End of this chapter)

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