The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 654: Qingyun Pavilion (1)

Chapter 654 Qingyun Pavilion (1)

This is the first time that Yan Xiangluo has heard of such a fortune.

Although she is now a Heavenly Master, she knows very little when she first started, but she also understands why she cannot see through Ji Jiuzhong's destiny.

 “I can’t see that this is the reason for your luck?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

"Yes, I am the first person to have destiny after the Ji family was exterminated." Ji Jiuzhong sighed. He didn't know whether this was a good thing or not.

"You know, I was infected with fetal poison in my mother's womb. If I were an ordinary person, I would have died as soon as I was born, but I survived. Although it is painful every time the poison occurs, there is always a glimmer of hope at the critical moment of life and death. "Ji Jiuzhong said.

Yan Xiangluo asked curiously, "So, every human emperor is a person with destiny?"

Ji Jiudian nodded, "That's what the Human Emperor said, but when I asked him why there are people with such luck in every generation of the Ji family, the Human Emperor said that he didn't know either. Only those who can open the Qingyun Pavilion of the clan, Only then can we know the reason, but no Human Emperor has ever been able to open Qingyun Pavilion."

Yan Xiang understood. "So you want to come to the tribe first just to see if you can open Qingyun Pavilion?"

Ji Jiuchong said, "This is just one of them. The Ji family also has a magic weapon in the clan. I must come and get it."

“Oh, there’s still a baby?” Yan Xiangluo’s apricot eyes suddenly lit up.

Ji Jiuchong was helpless with such a money-obsessed look. He said dotingly, "Not only are there magic weapons, but there are also treasures accumulated by the Ji family over the generations. All the treasures will be given to Luoluo as betrothal gifts. How about that?"

Yan Xiangluo curled her lips and asked, "Am I such a greedy person?"

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and shook his head, "No."

Even he wouldn’t dare to say yes!

"Huh." Yan Xiangluo knew from his smile that he was telling the truth, so she rolled her eyes at him and said, "Where is Qingyun Pavilion?"

Ji Jiuzhong pointed to the courtyard in front, "That's where the emperor and the elders of the Ji family hold meetings. Qingyun Pavilion is behind the meeting hall."

Yan Xiangluo immediately pulled him to speed up, "Let's go take a look."

Ji Jiuzhong let her pull him towards the yard.

Walking to the door of the courtyard, the two of them looked up at the words on the door plaque. Yan Xiangluo read out, "Tayunyuan? Yunshang Palace, Yunshangtian, Qingyun Pavilion, this is Tayunyuan again, why are they all the same as Yunshan?" It doesn’t matter, do they all think that above the clouds is the ninth heaven they long for?”

"Maybe." A faint light flashed through Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes. What secrets does the Ji family have?

“It’s not like we can’t fly above the clouds when flying in the air. There’s nothing above the clouds.” Yan Xiangluo said in confusion.

She felt that these names all contained the word "cloud" and should have other meanings.

Ji Jiuchong’s eyes lit up. There was nothing on the clouds. Isn’t it just empty? What’s the purpose of naming it with the word “empty”?

"How do you open this door?" Yan Xiangluo pushed the door, but it didn't move at all.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and a drop of blood flew out from his fingertips and landed on the door knocker. The door immediately opened slowly with a creaking sound.

Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong's hands and then at the door, "Does this also require recognition of the owner?"

Ji Jiuzhong's hand that had not yet been withdrawn turned and flicked her forehead, "This is not to recognize the master, but to confirm the bloodline."

The man was addicted to playing. Yan Xiangluo touched her forehead and protested, "Don't play on my forehead."

"Who makes Luoluo so cute?" Ji Jiuzhong didn't agree.

After saying that, he pulled her in without waiting for her to resist again.

As soon as she entered, Yan Xiangluo's eyes and thoughts were attracted by the patterns on the screen wall of the courtyard, and she immediately forgot to warn Ji Jiu to flick her forehead again. "Hey, are these the four legendary beasts?"

"It should be." Ji Jiuzhong said.

Four mythical beasts are carved on the screen wall. From their shapes, it can be seen that they are the four legendary mythical beasts: Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu, each occupying one side.

Green dragon is in the east, white tiger is in the west, Xuanwu is in the north, and red bird is in the south. The four mythical beasts all have their heads facing inward, but strangely, the center position is empty.

Ji Jiuchong frowned. Whose screen wall would be carved with the four mythical beasts? Who would dare?

The four mythical beasts cannot be blasphemed. If they are carved like this on the screen wall at the entrance, aren't you afraid of offending the mythical beasts and getting retaliated against?

 The two of them looked at it and walked around the screen wall to see what else might surprise them.

Going around the screen wall is a square courtyard, which is quite large and has rooms on all sides. Directly in front is the meeting hall.

All the houses are very luxurious with carved beams and painted beams. Just these carvings will cost a lot of manpower and financial resources.

But there is one strange thing about this courtyard. If you want to go to the backyard, you have to go through the meeting hall. There is no other corner door.

Ji Jiuzhong pushed open the door of the meeting hall, and a simple atmosphere hit his face.

 The inside is spotlessly clean. From the placement and number of seats, it can be seen that there are more than 30 people discussing things here at most.

How many elders were there in the Ji family at that time?

 The two did not stop in the meeting hall, but held hands as they passed by. Yan Xiangluo understood that the Ji family's magic weapon was not in the meeting hall.

 Going through the assembly hall, there is a huge courtyard behind it. There are no houses in this courtyard except the assembly hall, but the assembly hall only has a door facing the courtyard and not a single window.

In other words, people outside cannot see what is in the courtyard unless they come out of the door.

There are many kinds of flowers planted in the courtyard. It is already late autumn, but the temperature here is still very warm and there are still many flowers in bloom.

No one has taken care of it for 30,000 years, but this place is actually so tidy that it looks like it is tidied up every day. But there are not a single tree here, and there is a three-story loft in the center surrounded by flowers. If the building outside is considered luxurious, this loft cannot be described as luxurious.

The three-story attic is made entirely of white crystal stones. The outside is carved with crystal stones of various colors and inlaid with different patterns. Although there are so many colors, the whole attic does not look rustic at all. On the contrary , there is a feeling that it is not a human building.

The plaque with the three words "Qingyun Pavilion" is hung on the third floor. The font is in gold, and the familiar feeling of oppression comes again.

“Can I go in to Qingyun Pavilion?” Yan Xiangluo asked in a low voice.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Try it. If you can, go in. If you can't, just wait for me outside."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Okay."

 That's all she can do, she's already here. If she can't get in, she can only wait for Ji Jiuchong outside.

 The two of them walked hand in hand to Qingyun Pavilion.

"Have you noticed that the flowers here have no fragrance?" Yan Xiangluo looked at the flowers on both sides strangely.

 She sensed that the flowers here were full of vitality, but why was there no floral fragrance?

Ji Jiuzhong also discovered that so many flowers have no fragrance at all.

Yan Xiangluo reached out and touched the flower closest to her, and she stopped immediately.

 (End of this chapter)

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