The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 657: fragrant white tiger

Chapter 657 Fragrant White Tiger

 He had seen information about the four great beasts in the Historical Records of the Higher Continent. At that time, because the information was not something he paid attention to, he just glanced at it. However, he had a photographic memory, so he naturally remembered the content.

The four great beasts are actually one of the twelve ancient beasts. Later, the four great beasts became the guardian beasts of heaven and earth. As long as the four great beasts are present, the continent will be stable.

However, the four great beasts will not recognize their master. They all quietly guard one side of the continent. There is only one situation in which the four great beasts will recognize their master.

That means that the continent is unstable and is in danger of destruction. At this time, a powerful mainland warrior is needed to save the continent. The four great beasts will recognize this person as their master and assist him in completing the task of saving the continent.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the white tiger, which was not much bigger than a cloud. Is this a white tiger, a mythical beast? Not a deterrent at all.

 Besides, since the four great beasts recognized themselves as masters in the previous life, what crisis has arisen in the mainland?

Which continent is this continent from?

  No matter where it is, it will definitely not be the current Nine Yuan Continent.

Why is Ji Jiuzhong so sure? Because there are only four of the four great divine beasts. There are many higher continents like Jiuyuan Continent. It is impossible for every continent to be guarded by four divine beasts. Then, the continent guarded by the four great divine beasts must be higher than the higher continents. There is only one continent higher than the mainland, Jiuzhongtian.

 This is the highest continent he knows so far.

 In other words, in the life when the four great beasts recognized themselves as masters, they were from the Nine Heavens.

"There is only one possibility for the four great beasts to recognize their master. Can you tell me which continent you are guarding? What crisis has arisen on the continent that will lead to its destruction?" Ji Jiuzhong did not let go of Bai Hu's hand.

Bai Hu shook his head, "Master, you know all this yourself, but the master has not recovered the memory of his previous life yet, but I can't say these things, and I can't tell them. As long as the master finds the other three and the four of us get together, the master will Restore all memories, and you will know everything by then.”

Ji Jiuzhong wanted to know if the memory he had awakened was from the life when he contracted with the four divine beasts. It seemed that he would have to wait until the four divine beasts gathered together.

“Where are the three of them?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

White Tiger shook his head, "It's all arranged by the master himself, I don't know."

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes and said, "Does that mean you are a waste now?"

White Tiger immediately sensed a crisis, and his snow-white fur suddenly exploded, "Master, my strength was only sealed because of Master's reincarnation. When the four of us get together, I will regain my strength."

It is a majestic white tiger, how can it be associated with waste.

"It's still a waste now." Ji Jiuzhong said without mercy. He was not someone who could be fooled.

"Master, I am not useless now. The mistress liked me the most before. I can help the master to please the mistress." Bai Hu found an idea to find his status.

"Mistress? Do you know who the mistress is?" Ji Jiuzhong stared at her.

Baihu said, "Of course I know. Didn't you swear to be together for eternity?"

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned. Could it be that he and Luoluo had more than just previous lives?

 Now he wants to know more about the life when he was the master of the four sacred beasts? Is it the last life or several more lives?

Ji Jiuchong thought more. According to the five elements, the four major beasts correspond to the five elements of gold, wood, water and fire. The east belongs to wood, the west belongs to metal, the south belongs to fire, and the north belongs to water.

 The green one belonging to wood is a green dragon; the white one belonging to gold is a white tiger; the red one belonging to fire is a vermilion bird; the black one belonging to water is Xuanwu. However, the five elements still lack one element of earth, and there are only four mythical beasts that cannot guard the mainland. Therefore, according to the five elements, there is another mythical beast in the center. The center belongs to earth and is yellow, so this mythical beast is the yellow dragon.

Bai Hu said that the four great divine beasts became their master, but he did not say that Huang Long recognized himself as his master, and they still chased him to reincarnate and recognize him as their master, which meant that the mission in that life was not completed. I don’t know how long it has been, and Jiuzhongtian is now How did it maintain its existence until now when it didn’t even have a mythical beast?

Since the four great beasts are chasing after his reincarnation, it means that this mission will continue. However, the Tianmen from Jiuyuan Continent to the Nine Heavens is sealed. This is what the Human Emperor told him. How can he complete the mission if he cannot go to the Nine Heavens?

For a moment, Ji Jiuzhong felt as if the burden on his body was so heavy that he could no longer carry it.

Thinking of this, he threw the white tiger to the ground, "Then it depends on your ability. If you make Luoluo happy, you are not a waste."

White Tiger breathed a sigh of relief. Is it easy for it to be a majestic divine beast? It would be a disgrace to the divine beast to behave like this, but there is no way. This master's character has not changed even after reincarnation. It does not dare to offend him. He does not want to feel the master's methods.

 Let's please the hostess and wait for the three of them to come. Thinking that the mistress liked him very much in the past, Bai Hu was still very confident in this task.

"Why are you here? What happened to the Ji family's lucky people?" Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Since the Human Emperor said that you can find out by opening the Qingyun Pavilion, this matter should be able to be said.

Perhaps there will be a person with good fortune in every generation of the Ji family, who is prepared for his own reincarnation. Otherwise, how can we explain that he is the only one with good fortune who opened the door of Qingyun Pavilion.

Baihu said, "My master arranged for me to wait here for him. I don't know what happened to the Ji family's destiny, but my master's destiny is very special."

Ji Jiuzhong knew it, and couldn't ask anything else from Bai Hu, but when he thought that Bai Hu said that he and Luo Luo were destined for life, he felt very happy. He didn't care about other things, as long as he and Luo Luo were not separated.

“What’s going on with the aroma in Qingyun Pavilion?” Ji Jiuzhong asked again.

White Tiger's eyes flashed when he heard this, but he was speechless.

Ji Jiuzhong could tell there was something wrong with it at a glance, "Tell the truth."

White Tiger covered his eyes with his little paws and said sheepishly, "The mistress likes fragrant spiritual pets, so I will absorb the fragrance of these flowers to make myself smell better."

Ji Jiuzhong was speechless. He considered himself very smart and his brain was extremely useful, but even if he thought about it, he couldn't think of this reason.

This time I smelled it carefully. Not to mention, there was indeed some fragrance on Bai Hu's body. It was not the strong floral fragrance he smelled on the first and second floors. It was faint. I couldn't tell what kind of floral fragrance it was. It should be that the floral fragrance was too mixed. , forming a unique fragrance in his body.

Hmm, it’s light and refreshing, Luoluo should like it.

In Ji Jiuzhong's eyes, the white tiger, the mythical beast, only has one role now, which is to make Luoluo happy.

“Does Qingyun Pavilion have other functions?” Ji Jiuzhong asked after looking around.

 (End of this chapter)

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