The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 658: waste white tiger

Chapter 658: Waste White Tiger

Ji Jiuzhong didn’t even know what he was thinking in that life. It was just a mythical beast. Wouldn’t it be a waste of space to put it in such a big Qingyun Pavilion?

Bai Hu said, "Qingyun Pavilion is a sacred artifact. It is the place where our four great beasts live. After we all recognize the master as the master, Qingyun Pavilion belongs to the master. I was the first one assigned to Qingyun Pavilion by the master at that time, so Qingyun Pavilion It has become a place where I wait for my master to come back after reincarnation.”

 Where do the four mythical beasts live?

Ji Jiuzhong was a little surprised. There was no record of the places where the four great beasts lived, whether in historical records or ancient books.

Don’t the four great beasts live in separate places? How can they live in the same place?

"Can I take Qingyun Pavilion away?" Ji Jiuzhong asked again. Since Qingyun Pavilion was his before, he can take it away now.

White Tiger shook his head and said, "We can't take it away now. We have to wait until the four of us find the owner."

Ji Jiuzhong twitched the corner of his mouth and said that it belonged to him, but in fact it belonged to the four great beasts. He couldn't control Qingyun Pavilion even if one of them was missing.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't ask anything anymore, it was in vain. He carried the white tiger and walked downstairs. Since Qingyun Pavilion couldn't take it away, he should leave it here first. No one else could come in here anyway.

He still wants to get the magic weapon of the Ji family. Now it seems that the magic weapon of the Ji family should have been his once, and now it is just returned to its original owner.

This time he was indeed able to go downstairs easily.

When he came to the entrance of Qingyun Pavilion, he saw Yan Xiangluo busy among the flowers. He walked out. As soon as he went out, Yan Xiangluo sensed it. He stood up and turned to look at him, "You came out so soon?"

“Well, there’s nothing inside except this little thing.” Ji Jiuzhong raised the white tiger in his hand and said.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes suddenly lit up when she saw the white tiger, "What a cute little tiger."

The fiery red figure ran out from the flowers, took the white tiger from Ji Jiuzhong's hand, held it in one hand and stroked the white tiger's smooth fur with the other.

The white tiger obediently allowed her to ravage him. After all, the only way he could do now was to please his mistress.

“Hey, why does it smell so good?” Yan Xiangluo is an alchemist and is very sensitive to smells, so she immediately smelled the fragrance of the white tiger.

She smelled it carefully and said, "The mixed floral fragrance is as diverse as the flowers in the garden."

Ji Jiuzhong admired Yan Xiangluo's ability. There were many alchemists on the mainland, but she was the only one with such a keen sense of smell.

“The fragrance of the flowers in the courtyard was sucked into Qingyun Pavilion by it, just to make the body smell fragrant.” Ji Jiuzhong explained.

He didn’t want Luo Luo to worry about the fragrance of flowers, so he made it clear directly.

Yanxiang said clearly, "I also discovered that the fragrance of flowers in the courtyard is sucked in by a force. It turns out that it is such a cute little tiger who **** it in. He is quite capable."

The white tiger really wanted to tell Yan Xiangluo that it was one of the four great mythical beasts, and that it was quite capable.

However, at this time, it can only use its spiritual consciousness to communicate with its master Ji Jiuzhong, and cannot speak, so it can only give up. Forget it, as long as the mistress likes it, his purpose will be achieved.

Ji Jiuzhong saw that Yan Xiangluo really liked the fragrance of the white tiger body, but he was very satisfied with the effect of the white tiger.

“If Luoluo likes it, I’ll let you play with it,” Ji Jiuzhong said. Yan Xiangluo immediately shook her head, "You have already made a contract with this little white tiger, right? I just think it is cute. This is the first time I have seen a fragrant white tiger. I don't need a spiritual pet to play with, and my clouds are also very cute." cute."

Yun Tuan in Pangu Space was immediately elated when he heard Yan Xiangluo's words. He had just seen his master care so little about the little tiger, and thought he was about to fall out of favor. It seems that his master still likes it the most.

It immediately came out of the Pangu space, and landed on Yan Xiangluo's shoulder. He glanced at the white tiger in Yan Xiangluo's hand, stretched out his short legs and kicked the white tiger out.

Then he fell into Yan Xiangluo's hand and rubbed her soft body against her palm, meaning, master, please smooth my hair, I'm better behaved than the white tiger.

Yan Xiangluo laughed out loud, rubbed Yun Tuan and said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Look, my Yun Tuan is even jealous."

The white tiger, who was kicked out by the clouds, turned somersaults in mid-air and landed firmly on the ground. After hearing Yan Xiangluo's words, he immediately felt that his future life would not be easy.

She is all scented, and it is her favorite light fragrance, so why is she still not favored?

What kind of spiritual beast is this little white dumpling? Why does it feel a familiar aura? After careful inspection, it is gone.

White Tiger was extremely puzzled.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the white tiger. It was really useless, even a cloud could be kicked away. Is it really the white tiger, one of the four mythical beasts?

 The most important thing is that Luoluo doesn’t seem to like it that much.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Yan Xiangluo, who was coaxing Yun Tuan gently. He felt that he was also a little jealous. Luoluo seemed to have never coaxed herself so gently.

Yan Xiangluo coaxed Yun Tuan not to forget about Qingyun Pavilion, "Jiuchong, why is the little white tiger in Qingyun Pavilion?"

The Ji family has been extinct for 30,000 years. The Qingyun Pavilion existed during the first generation of the Ji family. This little white tiger should have been in it at that time. Is the white tiger a mythical beast? Otherwise, how could you have such a long life?

 Sacred beast? White tiger?

Don't wait for Ji Jiuzhong to answer Xiang Xiangluo, "Isn't it one of the four big beasts, right?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at the little white tiger that was kicked away by the clouds and fell to the ground. She couldn't believe that the white tiger, one of the four mythical beasts, could look so cute.

In her knowledge, the mythical beast White Tiger has a pair of fiercely gleaming eyes and a majestic body.

The little white tiger in front of me, which is bigger than the clouds, looks like a newborn baby tiger. It doesn't look like the mythical white tiger.

Ji Jiudian nodded, "It is the sacred beast White Tiger, but now its power is sealed, so it is just a little waste."

Yan Xiangluo’s mouth twitched, little waste? White Tiger is trash?

The white tiger was extremely wronged, but he didn't dare to refute Ji Jiuzhong's words. If the mistress liked it, it could still be powerful, but now it seemed that the mistress preferred her own spiritual beast. It worked hard to make itself smell good, but it didn't steal the mistress's favor. Why is it so difficult to make the mistress like it?

Yan Xiangluo smiled immediately when she saw the aggrieved and afraid-to-say-out expression of the white tiger, "Who hasn't been in trouble yet? It looks very cute like this. When the seal is lifted, you won't see a white tiger like this anymore."

The white tiger nodded its little head, but no, it would be the majestic white tiger by then. The white dumpling in her arms was nothing, she could kick it out of the mainland with one kick.

 (End of this chapter)

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