The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 659: In exchange for luck

Chapter 659: To change luck

But the confidence that Yan Xiangluo's words gave Bai Hu was immediately shattered by Ji Jiuzhong's next words.

“Luoluo likes it, it can always be like this.” Ji Jiuzhong said in a gentle tone.

Baihu thought that Qinglong, Suzaku, and Xuanwu were all majestic and domineering beasts, and that he could only look like such a small and cute pet. He suddenly felt that his tiger life was extremely dark, and it could no longer see the light and future, so he simply He lay on the ground motionless.

I thought to myself, where are those three? Come back quickly.

It has changed from a fragrant tiger to a waste tiger, and then to a good and obedient tiger. The owner still won’t let it go, and wants it to remain a little naughty tiger. When you come back, you can at least share the attention, so that the owner doesn’t have to look at him with disgust. fall on it.

   Good brothers are those who share blessings and hardships.

After hearing Ji Jiuzhong’s words, Yan Xiangluo finally understood that Ji Jiuzhong disliked Bai Hu.

“That’s not necessary, I still like the way the divine beasts protect the continent with domineering power.” Yan Xiangluo said helplessly.

When Bai Hu heard this, his eyes suddenly widened, as if he was confirming whether what Yan Xiangluo said was true.

In the past, she looked like the domineering guardian beast that she liked, but at that time she thought she had no fragrance and was not cute. Now that she has finally become the look she once liked, she also said that she likes the look of it domineeringly guarding the continent.

 Let the tiger live well.

 Haven't her preferences changed in another life?

 But the master’s preferences haven’t changed at all. He still likes whatever this woman likes.


Bai Hu sighed heavily in his heart, always feeling that the thoughts of his master and mistress in this life were even more difficult to guess.

Ji Jiuzhong could see the white tiger's changing expression from the corner of his eye, and he could naturally guess what it was thinking. He secretly said in his heart: What a stupid tiger. I hope the other three will not be like it.

If this is really the case, he feels that he already knows why he failed to complete the mission of saving the continent in his previous life. They were the ones who made him stupid!

Yan Xiangluo didn't care whether Ji Jiuchong liked Bai Hu or not. He could handle his own spiritual beast, no, divine beast.

Turning to look at Qingyun Pavilion, he asked, "Do you know why a person with destiny appears in every generation of the Ji family?"

Yan Xiangluo was a little skeptical. It was just a bad white tiger that was disliked by Ji Jiuzhong. It probably didn't have any important information, and maybe it was something they couldn't know based on their current strength.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "It should be related to my last life. The four great beasts were my contract beasts in my last life..."

Ji Jiuzhong told Yan Xiangluo everything he knew from Bai Hu. Luo Luo may have left her parents to make a life on her own since she was a child, and she didn't feel safe at all. The last time she concealed her intention to sign up for the Continental Competition, she almost broke up with him. He didn't want her to drift away from him because he was hiding something.

Yan Xiangluo said in surprise, "Have we really promised to be together for eternity?"

Ji Jiuzhong was very happy to see that her focus was also on this. Look, Luoluo also valued their feelings the most.

"It should be, no matter how stupid it is, it is still a divine beast, and there is no mistaking it." Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Bai Hu, who was lying on the ground in despair.

The white tiger, which had done nothing and was implicated, didn't even move. This was its fate. If it knew two words, it would definitely be suitable to use these two words to describe it at this time, that is, cannon fodder.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo continued to caress the clouds in her hand, and glanced at the white tiger lying on the ground, "Which life is it?" Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "I don't know which life it is now, whether it is the time when we awaken our memories. Not in that life, it said that I can only recover the memory of that life after the four great beasts are found."

Yan Xiangluo let out a long sigh, "Do we live for the mainland all our lives?"

 Now I know that Ji Jiuzhong was like this in the life when he contracted with Bai Hu, and I am afraid that it was also like this in his last life. Otherwise, how could the master and senior brothers be willing to make such a big sacrifice?

"Isn't the Ji family's magic weapon here?" Yan Xiangluo asked. She stopped worrying about these issues and just took it one step at a time. Things were beyond her expectation now, and it was useless to think too much.

Ji Jiuchong said, "It's not here. I guess the Ji family's magic weapon is from my lifetime and is in the ancestral hall of the clan."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. All the way from Tianqian Continent to Jiuyuan Continent, she kept getting things from another life. Ji Jiuzhong was the same now. Their fates were really similar.

 Is it so difficult that we promise to be together for eternity? It seems that the oath cannot be made casually, and it will not involve life and death.

I didn’t know how deeply I fell in love with Ji Jiuzhong in that life, so I made such a promise. Anyway, in this life, she hasn't felt that she can't survive without Ji Jiuchong, which means that her love is not that deep.

Yan Xiangluo found that she seemed to be a lot colder in this life. Although she was still kind in her heart, she had a certain degree of kindness. She was willing to be kind as long as it did not affect her own safety.

 Are you becoming more selfish as you live longer?

 Sigh, she was a little depressed, and she always felt like she had no control over her own life.

"Where is the ancestral hall?" Yan Xiangluo was speechless. Outside the imperial city, there was Ji Garden, a place dedicated to the ancestors of the Ji family. Why is there an ancestral hall here?

Ji Jiuzhong took her hand and walked to the back door of the meeting hall in front. There was no other door in this courtyard, so you could only go out wherever you entered.

“In another courtyard.” Ji Jiuzhong said as he walked.

It is clear that the ancestral hall is in front of the meeting hall courtyard and in the back is the Qingyun Pavilion courtyard. The ancestral hall is not here but in another courtyard.

Thinking about the large area of ​​buildings in the Ji family’s land that I saw before, I’m not surprised that the ancestral hall is in another place.

The two of them came out of the meeting hall and left Tayunyuan. Ji Jiuzhong took her to continue walking towards the family group behind.

Yan Xiangluo asked, "You said that the people in Yun Shangtian are not only for the Ji family's Ji Yin Xuan Wen technique, but the most important thing is because of the destiny people who appear in every generation of the Ji family, but you did not say that this destiny What is it about people that attracts them?”

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at her and said, "They want to change their luck."

Yan Xiangluo stared at her for a moment. She is now a Heavenly Master, so she naturally knows how to change her luck. Moreover, she also saw Fang Xi'er's luck changed in the Continental Competition, and she secretly helped her change her luck.

 However, that is Fang Xi'er's own destiny, and she will not suffer any divine punishment or punishment. For people like the Ji family who have destiny, no matter what kind of heavenly master can do it, even if they can do it, who dares to change it?

 (End of this chapter)

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