The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 663: The only persistence

Chapter 663: The only persistence

“There must be people outside who are in the clouds, right?” Yan Xiangluo frowned and said.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "There must be some, don't pay attention to them."

The people in Yun Shangtian will not give up. They must be paying attention to the movements of the Ji family. Now that he has made such a big noise, how could the people in Yun Shangtian not know about it.

But it’s useless to know. So far, none of them can get in. He has more important things to do. He doesn’t have time to pay attention to people outside. Just be curious.

Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo’s hand and said, “Let’s go to Jiyuan Hall.”

Yan Xiangluo thought of what she had sensed before and said to Ji Jiuzhong, "I felt a strong aura in the hall. There seemed to be movement in the hall when you finished accepting the inheritance."

Ji Jiuzhong nodded and said, "I felt it when I went to walk that road, so I didn't go in. Instead, I went to accept the inheritance first."

 At that time, he instinctively felt that he should go and receive the inheritance first, so he walked to the main hall without even entering.

Seeing that he knew, Yan Xiangluo said nothing more.

He was going in anyway. Since he knew that he must be prepared, she didn't have anything to worry about.

 Besides, the people enshrined inside are all the ancestors of their Ji family, how could it be bad for his descendants?

He is now the only member of the Ji family. I wonder if anyone from the Ji family from other continents will come back. Even if they come back, they will not be able to surpass Ji Jiuzhong. There is only one person of destiny in every generation, and there is only one human emperor.

 Came to the door of Jiyuan again. This time Ji Zimo didn't need to open the door. The two of them stood in front of the door and the door opened automatically.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other, "This is obviously your Ji family's territory, why do you have to bring me with you everywhere?"

Ji Jiuzhong lowered his eyes and looked at him tenderly, "It should be because all this was arranged by me in the past. I wouldn't have come back here by myself without Luo Luo."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless, "Are you that powerful?"

Ji Jiuzhong, who was suspected, immediately said, "I was not powerful enough in the past, but I will be even more powerful in the future."

 He did not say this casually, he really meant it.

He really believed that he was not powerful enough in the past, so he was unable to complete the responsibility and task of saving the continent, and that he would have to shoulder such a heavy task in this life.

Think about the fact that the four great beasts all recognized him as their master, but the task has not yet been completed, which shows that he was really weak in that life.

Since his former self had arranged all this, judging from his temperament, this life was about to break the boat, and he had to be stronger than himself in that life to complete the task.

And he did all this not because of his great realm and sense of responsibility, but because he wanted to stay with his beloved girl for the rest of his life. If the mainland no longer existed, how could he stay together?

 Therefore, no matter what it is for, he must be strong enough to be unafraid of everything.

Yan Xiangluo sighed and said nothing more.

Ji Jiuzhong asked, "Why did Luoluo sigh?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuchong and sighed again, "I feel like our lives are arranged. Is there any meaning in such a life?"

 She felt very happy to have a healthy body before, but now she found that she wanted more than that. She wanted a life that was completely her own. Along the way, she found that every step she took seemed to be arranged, leaving her with no self at all.

 The future she originally expected has turned into the future in the framework, and she can't be happy at all.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't expect her to think like this. She didn't want her life to be dominated by others. Every step she took seemed to be planned, which made her feel like she had no expectations in life.

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head and said, "I don't think so."

Yan Xiangluo asked in confusion, "Do you like this kind of life?"

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "It's not that I like this kind of life, it's that we used to like this kind of life."

Yu Xiangluo was even more puzzled.

Ji Jiuzhong continued to explain, "All of this should have been arranged together by us in the past. It must be the life we ​​wanted to live but failed to live in that life, although it depends on our previous life and this life to live the life we ​​want. , that is also the result of our own efforts in the last life. Our life is not arranged by others, but our own choice. "

Yan Xiangluo was stunned by Ji Jiuzhong's remarks. Can she still think like this?

But after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed true, and she sighed again.

Ji Jiuzhong held her hand tightly, "Why are you still sighing?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "Even if it is our own choice, how many of us are willing to do it?"

Ji Jiuzhong was speechless this time. Although he had awakened some memories of his previous life, but now that another life had appeared, he was not sure whether the arrangements he made personally were voluntary.

The two of them stood in front of the Jiyuan gate like this, neither talking for a while nor going in.

Ji Zimo stood aside quietly and watched the two people discuss their past and present lives. He heard some truth from their tone, and he was also shocked.

It turns out that everything in the Ji family was arranged by Ji Jiuzhong in a previous life, just to wait for them to come. Only then did he understand that the reason why the Ji family was special was Ji Jiuzhong.

After a while, Ji Jiuzhong spoke again, "I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that my determination to be with you will not be forced at all. I don't know how many lives we have experienced, and I don't know how much I feel for you in each life." How are my feelings, but you are my only obsession in this life, I am sure that as long as I am with you, nothing else matters to me."

Yan Xiangluo's heart was shocked. This was the first time that Ji Jiuzhong expressed his feelings for her so frankly. She never knew that she was so important in Ji Jiuzhong's heart, so important that it became his only obsession in life.

 She had alienated him because he concealed her registration for the Continental Competition. She no longer even relied on him. In fact, she no longer trusted him in her heart.

He doesn’t blame himself at all for being so willful, and he is so firm in his heart. Why is he worthy of being so persistent?

“Why do you like me so much?” Yan Xiangluo asked with her apricot eyes flashing.

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned and shook his head, "I don't know. I should say there's nothing I don't like about you."

Yan Xiangluo's heart was beating loudly. It was the first time that her heart beat so fast for someone. She finally knew what heartbeat was and what it felt like to love someone.

Xin suddenly became enlightened. She smiled and held Ji Jiuzhong's hand tightly. "Remember what you said today. You will have to spend your whole life to prove that what you said today is sincere."

 (End of this chapter)

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