The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 664: Jiyuan Hall

Ji Jiuchong's eyes burst with surprise. He looked at the man with a bright smile and said in an extremely brisk tone, "It's a deal."

Having been together for so long, Ji Jiuchong knew whether every expression of Yan Xiangluo came from the heart. Her mood at this time was happiness from the heart.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and pulled him towards the gate of Ji Garden.

“Let’s go and see the ancestors of your Ji family.” After her mentality changed, Yan Xiangluo’s tone became lighter.

Isn’t it just loving vigorously for life after life? People in the world want love that they don’t have yet. She already has it, so why should she be pretentious?

Ji Zimo looked confused. Nothing the two said was touching. Why did he suddenly feel that the relationship between the two had changed a lot?

He hurriedly chased after him. Ji Zimo stopped when he saw the two of them walking hand in hand and walking side by side on the road carved with complicated patterns.

This scene has never happened on this road.

Although every wife of a human emperor has to walk this road, she only walks once in her life, and she always walks on her own, which is very laborious. No queen has ever walked this road side by side with the human emperor.

Although the queen will follow every time I offer sacrifices in the future, I will never take this road again.

Now, Yan Xiangluo not only left, but also walked twice a day, once by herself and once with Ji Jiuzhong.

Had he not been very aware of how difficult this road was, he would have suspected that they were here for fun.

Ji Zimo just stood below and watched the two of them. It wasn't until the two of them were about to reach the top that he came back to his senses and hurriedly chased after them.

Only he can see such a once-in-a-lifetime scene in the Ji family. The Emperor said that he will watch for them how to make the Ji family strong again. Let's start from now on and see the hall where they go to worship their ancestors. What will happen here?

When Ji Zimo caught up, Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo had already stepped onto the last nine steps and stood in front of the main hall.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo looked at each other and reached out to push open the door of the hall. The door slowly opened with the force of their push.

Although Lu Ji Zimo could not leave the carvings with complicated patterns, he had entered the sacrificial hall.

All the men of the Ji family have gone in, because the boys of the Ji family will come here when they awaken their spiritual roots at the age of five. It can be said that the spiritual roots of the boys of the Ji family are all awakened here.

The tablets of all emperors are enshrined here, except for the tablet of the last human emperor, which is not placed.

Every year when ancestors are worshiped, some of the outstanding descendants of the family will be selected to follow them to worship. Ji Zimo is one of the outstanding descendants. Since he awakened his spiritual roots, he has followed him to worship almost every year. Not only because His talent was good because he was a direct bloodline at that time.

And all the emperors of the Ji family emerged from their direct lineage, so he didn't need to ask, and he didn't need Ji Jiuzhong to tell him, he knew that Ji Jiuzhong was the descendant of their direct lineage.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo saw that inside the main hall, there were countless human emperor tablets enshrined at a glance. There were about more than a hundred. This shows how long the Ji family has ruled the spiritual world of Jiuyuan Continent.

Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo's hand and walked in. Ji Zimo also followed in. Seeing the tablets of the Ji family's ancestors again, Ji Zimo was filled with emotion.

 In the past, every time the Ji family opened this door, it was very grand. Now they are the only two souls. It can be said that the people can't be more miserable. Ji Zimo stood at the side of the door and knelt down in front of the tablet. Although he was in a spirit body, he still had respect for his ancestors.

 After praying, he stood to the side and did not move.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo stood side by side. Instead of worshiping, they walked to one side and took out an empty tablet in the cabinet on the left side of the main hall. Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and used his spiritual power to place the tablet on the tablet. A name was engraved on it. Ji Zimo's eyes shrank when he saw it, and then his heart was moved.

The name engraved by Ji Jiuchong is the name of the last human emperor who died magnanimously with his people in order to save the Jiuyuan Continent.

After Ji Jiuzhong finished carving, he respectfully placed the tablets in the last position. He looked at the order of the tablets.

Then Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo knelt down together. After they knelt down, all the tablets in the hall lit up, including the tablet he had just finished carving.

Ji Zimo was stunned. He had followed the Emperor to pay homage many times, but the memorial tablets of his ancestors had never been like this every time.

 He looked at Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo. They were very calm, not at all surprised.

The reason why Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo are not surprised at all is simple. Since they have to come here, there must be a reason for coming here. The lighting up of the tablets of these ancestors shows that their spiritual consciousness photos are always there, and they should be able to see them soon. To take pictures of their consciousness.

 However, they were a little surprised when the tablet of the last Human Emperor also lit up.

After all, Ji Jiuzhong had just carved it on it, and Ji Jiuzhong had already seen the human emperor’s spiritual consciousness and took pictures.

 After the tablets were lit up, figures appeared in front of them one after another, all in front of their respective tablets.

 You know who it is without asking.

The one with the spiritual consciousness at the top came to them. He was the first human emperor of the Ji family. He was the ancestor who stood out in the war and led the Ji family to the pinnacle of power in the spiritual world.

 He watched the two men's eyes fall on Ji Jiuzhong, "They are so similar."

Ji Jiuchong’s eyes narrowed. What looked so similar? Who did he look like?

"At this time, you probably don't have any memories of the past. You must not know why we old immortals have left a trace of our spiritual consciousness here, right?" said the ancestor of the Human Emperor.

"I indeed have no memories of the past." Ji Jiuzhong said neither humble nor arrogantly. He did not feel any fear or timidity because there were so many photos of the consciousness in front of him, and they were all ancestors of the Ji family.

The ancestor of the Human Emperor said, "Come on, now that you are here, it is not that far away from before you remembered it."

Ji Jiu nodded, "I know."

White Tiger has already said that when all four of their divine beasts are together, his memory will remember that since White Tiger has appeared, the other three divine beasts will not be far away, and the time to restore his memory is really long.

The ancestor of the Human Emperor was obviously not surprised at all by Ji Jiuzhong's affirmation. He continued, "The Ji family has enjoyed so many years of glory because of you, and it is also because of you that it has fallen into decline. I am not complaining about you. When I met you back then, You have told me the future of the Ji family, and since I have agreed, I will not blame you for this. After all, the Ji family would not have had so many years of prosperity without you. "

Ji Jiuzhong's expression did not change much. After all, after meeting Bai Hu in Qingyun Pavilion, he had already guessed the origin of the Ji family from the information he got.

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