The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 665: Purpose of taking photos

Chapter 665: Purpose of Taking Photos

Yuan Xiangluo was a little surprised.

She always felt that although the spiritual photo in front of her was the first human emperor ancestor of the Ji family, it stands to reason that Ji Jiuzhong should have more respect for him. After all, he was the ancestor of the Ji family.

But she felt exactly the opposite. Instead, the first human emperor of the Ji family had an indescribable awe for Ji Jiuzhong. Yes, that was the feeling. He looked at Ji Jiuzhong's expression and his tone when talking to him. They all have indescribable awe.

 She guessed the reason after listening to the conversation between the two.

 She really wanted to have the memory of that life at this time, and wanted to know what kind of existence Ji Jiuzhong was, who could make such thoughtful arrangements for the afterlife after death.

 Perhaps not yet the next life, but several lives.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the photo of the first Human Emperor of the Ji family in front of him, and then looked at the other photos of the Human Emperor and asked, "What is the purpose of leaving the photos of the Divine Consciousness?"

He already knew before that all the emperors of the Ji family could go to the Nine Heavens, so when was this photo of the divine consciousness left?

 Was it left behind before going to Jiuchongtian or was it left behind by someone with great supernatural powers after going to Jiuchongtian? What is the purpose of staying?

"This is what you requested back then. When our successive Human Emperors left the Nine Yuan Continent and went to the Nine Heavens, they had to leave a photo of their spiritual consciousness with one-third of the strength waiting for you to return. I don't know exactly what you are going to do." The emperor's voice was a little vague, as if he was recalling something.

Ji Jiuchong's eyes dimmed. Although he now has no memories of the past, but with his current temperament, he allowed them to leave a spiritual consciousness photo. There are still specific requirements for the spiritual consciousness photo. He definitely does not want to use them. The power to improve one's own strength should have other uses. But they don’t know that they don’t have memory yet, so what should they do?

Yan Xiangluo also saw the current situation. She blinked her almond-shaped eyes and looked around the hall with a pair of watery black eyes.

In the main hall, apart from the long, multi-layered tables for placing memorial tablets, the tables for placing tributes, and the utensils for placing offerings on the tables, Ji Jiuzhong just went to get the cabinet for the blank memorial tablets.

Since these human emperor’s spiritual images have been revealed, they can no longer be hidden. If they can’t find a way to use them, their spiritual images will disappear completely after the power of their spiritual images is exhausted.

Since Ji Jiuzhong has arranged everything, he will definitely not do such useless work. Does leaving these spiritual photos have something to do with him?

Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo started to think about it not on Ji Jiuzhong, but on herself.

She left Ji Jiuzhong's side and walked around the hall. After walking from one end to the other, Yan Xiangluo didn't notice anything.

Ji Zimo stood aside, but there was a huge wave in his heart. No one in the Ji family could have imagined that the Ji family had such a great opportunity. It turned out to be a deal between the ancestors of the Ji family and Ji Jiuzhong in his previous life.

He was shocked as to what kind of existence Ji Jiuzhong was in his previous life. He was able to arrange his own future life, not only his own, but also the future life of the woman he liked, Yuan Xiangluo.

The scene in front of him was a bit strange. Ji Zimo never thought that one day he would be able to see all the ancestors of the Ji family who had been human emperors.

  I feel like the scene in front of me is a bit unreal.

Looking at Ji Jiuzhong standing there calmly without moving, Yan Xiangluo was walking around in the hall. Although it seemed casual, he knew that this little girl was definitely not wandering around out of curiosity. At this moment, the last Human Emperor waved to Ji Zimo, "Zi Mo, come here."

Ji Zimo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong and saw that he had no objection, so he passed over.

The Human Emperor looked at Ji Zimo and said sincerely, "Zi Mo, we have all seen what you have done for the Ji family. Follow Ji Jiuzhong well and you will have different opportunities. The rise and fall of the Ji family is his, and the future will also be his. No matter what his identity was in his previous life, he still has the blood of the Ji family and inherits the blood of the Ji family. We don’t have the chance to see the future of the Ji family, but you can.”

Since Ji Zimo was chosen by the Human Emperor to be the soul that protects his family's residence and territory, it was naturally because he was strong enough and smart enough. Therefore, he immediately understood what the Human Emperor meant.

The Human Emperor is telling him to follow Ji Jiuzhong well. Ji Jiuzhong is not an ordinary person. His life will not be just like this, and he will not become a soul body forever. As long as he follows Ji Jiuzhong wholeheartedly, Ji Jiuzhong will not treat him badly. Wait for him in the future. With strength, Ji Zimo will definitely have a better future.

Ji Zimo bowed respectfully to the emperor, "Zimo thanks the emperor for his advice."

 In fact, without the guidance of the Human Emperor, Ji Zimo had already made the decision to follow Ji Jiuzhong wholeheartedly when he decided to take him to the secret realm. It's not like I thought before, just look at them in the state of soul body, but sincerely help them if I can, and I will never use nine points of strength if I can help ten points.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo was standing in front of the altar table. She glanced at the first human emperor of the Ji family who was standing in front of Ji Jiuzhong and asked, "Excuse me, did you have this altar table when you were there?"

The Human Emperor turned around and glanced at the altar table and said, "The construction of Ji Garden was a dream I had. Except for the walls and the buildings in the front yard, everything else in Ji Garden appeared after Ji Garden was built. After these buildings appeared, I knew what this place was for. Except for the memorial tablets and the utensils for holding offerings, which were put in later, the rest is exactly as it was when it first appeared, including the offering table."

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo waved to Ji Jiuzhong, "Jiuchong, come here and take a look."

Ji Jiuzhong immediately walked over after hearing the words. He looked at the place pointed by Yan Xiangluo and paused for a moment. Then he looked at the photos of the human emperors' spiritual consciousness and immediately understood their role.

The offering table has not been used for more than 30,000 years. All the offerings placed on it are gone, but the utensils for holding the offerings are still there. Between each two utensils is a raised carved pattern.

Logically speaking, the altar table should be flat to facilitate the placement of tribute utensils, but this altar table has such protruding carvings at regular intervals.

I didn't care about this before. Later, I saw that there were really no other objects in the hall, so I observed the supply table. At this time, the problem really saw that the problem was on these carved patterns.

Although she didn’t know what it meant, she always felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. This feeling should be soul memory, related to previous lives.

When Ji Jiuzhong saw these protruding carvings, some pictures suddenly appeared in his mind. They should also be soul memories. Although he did not recall the memory of his previous life, he knew what these carvings were and what the power of the spiritual consciousness of these human emperors in the Ji family was for. use.

 He said to the Human Emperors, "Do you have anything else to say?"

 (End of this chapter)

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