The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 666: absorb light

Chapter 666: Absorbing Light

Ji Jiuzhong's implication is that I have found the reason why you have the power to leave a spiritual image. Your spiritual image will disappear soon. If you have anything to say, please say it quickly, otherwise you will have no chance.

The other human emperors' spiritual photos were silent, but they all looked at the first human emperor's spiritual photos. Ji Jiuzhong also looked at him, knowing that he would tell everyone what they meant.

 The first Human Emperor looked at everyone and then asked Ji Jiuzhong, "Does the Ji family have a future?"

Ji Jiuzhong said without hesitation, "Are you asking about the Ji family in Jiuyuan Continent?"

 The first Human Emperor paused, "Is there any difference?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "The difference is big. I will not stay in Jiuyuan Continent, so you are asking about the future of the Ji family in Jiuyuan Continent. I really can't tell you what the future of the Ji family is like. If you ask It’s the Ji family in Jiuchongtian, so there’s no need to ask me. After all, all of you except the last Human Emperor have gone to Jiuchongtian. I can’t tell you how the Ji family is doing in Jiuchongtian now. "

 After hearing what Ji Jiuzhong said, all the human emperors were stunned, and then they realized that what Ji Jiuzhong said was the truth.

Ji Jiuzhong was not an ordinary person in his previous life, and he will not be an ordinary person in this life. Jiuyuan Continent is a dream place for people from lower continents, but for people like Ji Jiuzhong, it is just passing by.

Although they left this photo of their spiritual consciousness before going to Jiuchongtian, they were unable to communicate with Jiuchongtian's body. This was the rule of heaven, so they didn't know how they were doing in Jiuchongtian.

 But they were hundreds of years old when they went to Jiuchongtian, and most of them had long since disappeared into nothingness. It is not known whether they left any descendants in Jiuchongtian. Therefore, they could not get the answer to this question.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at them and said, "But one thing I can guarantee is that no matter where I am, my surname is Ji and I belong to the Ji family."

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up when they heard this. Yes, Ji Jiuzhong now has the blood of their Ji family in his body. Wherever he goes, there are Ji family members. The future of the Ji family lies with him. With Ji Jiuzhong here, the Ji family's Do you need to ask in the future?

Only the last Human Emperor has always been a sensible person, because he saw with his own eyes how Ji Jiuzhong accepted the inheritance, and how powerful his strength and talent were. He thought very clearly that the stronger Ji Jiuzhong, the stronger the Ji family.

The world will not know Ji Jiuzhong’s past, they only know that Ji Jiuzhong is their Ji family, and Ji Jiuzhong’s future is the future of Ji family in their eyes.

 “Our level is still not high enough.” The first Emperor sighed.

Others are also aware of this. If they were in their true form, their realm would definitely rise, which is a pity.

 “Do you have any more doubts?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

 Everyone shook their heads, and the first Human Emperor asked, "What do you need us to do?"

Now he understands that helping Ji Jiuzhong is helping their own descendants and has nothing to do with transactions. Ji Jiuzhong is actually a descendant of their Ji family. This is an indisputable fact.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Listen to my orders later."

After finishing speaking, Ji Jiuzhong walked to one end of the altar table and patted the protruding carvings one by one, using not spiritual power but spiritual power.

After he finished taking the last picture, he said to everyone, "You put all your spiritual power into the bright light."

When everyone heard this, they looked at the carvings. They were all familiar with these carvings, but they never knew they had other functions.

As soon as Ji Jiuzhong finished speaking, the carving in the middle lit up, and a ray of light shot into the sky, forming a thick pillar of light. The spiritual power of more than a hundred human emperors rushed towards the pillar of light in an instant.

What Yan Xiangluo and the others saw was more than a hundred figures being sucked into the beam of light.

 After all the images of the consciousness disappeared, the light beam not only did not weaken, but became even brighter. Ji Jiuzhong said to Ruan Xiangluo, "Luoluo, come in quickly."

Yan Xiangluo was startled. Did Ji Jiuzhong ask her to go into the light pillar?

Seeing that she was stunned, Ji Jiuzhong pulled her over and used his spiritual power to send her in. At the same time, he shouted, "Absorb the light, absorb as much as you can."

After hearing Ji Jiuzhong's words, Yan Xiangluo didn't have time to respond and entered the pillar of light.

As soon as she entered, Yan Xiangluo was wrapped in a warm light. Thinking of Ji Jiuzhong's words, she immediately began to absorb the power of these lights. Just as she began to absorb the power of these lights, the divine beads that had been completely refined by her appeared. Her consciousness started to spin, and the divine beads were still being refined.

Xiang Xiangluo was stunned. It turned out that the beads have not been completely refined, and the fragrance is a little curious. What is the **** beads?

 She closed her eyes and began to absorb the power of light and continue to refine the divine beads.

Ji Yuan's main hall suddenly became empty, all the images of spiritual consciousness disappeared, and Yan Xiangluo also entered the light pillar, leaving only Ji Jiuzhong and Ji Zimo.

Everything happened before Ji Zimo could react.

It took him a while to come back to his senses. He looked at the beam of light that went straight to the top of the hall. He hurriedly ran out the door and took a look. Sure enough, the beam of light passed through the top of the hall and reached the sky.

What's this?

 Why did Ji Jiuchong let Ruan Xiang fall in?

Ji Zimo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, who was standing in the hall and looked at the light pillar without moving. Then he looked at the light pillar reaching the sky. His soul floated up and looked outside the barrier where the Ji family lived.

Sure enough, people outside also saw the light pillar. Although they didn't know where the light pillar came from, they could see that the light pillar appeared from the Ji family's residence.

 Many people who were helpless began to attack the barrier where the Ji family lived. The barrier was still very stable and had not been shaken at all. The force of the counterattack also injured many people.

Ji Zimo breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the barrier could not be touched. Now if the barrier is broken, no matter how powerful Ji Jiuzhong is, he will not be able to defeat so many people.

At this time, there were some people in the darkness outside, looking coldly at the vision in the Ji family's residence, and then gathered together to discuss what to do?

Someone was the first to speak, "We have been waiting for more than 30,000 years, and finally the person from the Ji family who has destiny comes back. What should we do?"

“Let’s just do it. Ji Jiuzhong is alone and has not yet broken through to the divine level. Aren’t we his opponents?” someone asked disdainfully.

“That’s right, so many powerful people in the Ji family have been tricked by us. What should Ji Jiuzhong be afraid of?”

The person who spoke first said, "You have forgotten that at that time it was a borrowed knife to kill people. Now, although Ji Jiuzhong is just a person, he is not that easy to deal with. Haven't you heard about his deeds after he came to the Higher Continent?"

 “Why, are you afraid?”

“It’s not because we’re afraid, but because we want to be safe. Our lifespan is coming to an end. If we don’t succeed this time, all this time will be in vain.”

 “Then what do you think we should do?”

 (End of this chapter)

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