The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 667: purple power

Chapter 667 Purple Power

 “Assign people to capture Yuan Xiangluo.”

 “Are you trying to use Yan Xiangluo to blackmail Ji Jiuchong?”

"Yes, although thirty thousand years have passed and the Ji family has been destroyed, the men of the Ji family have not changed at all, that is, their infatuation. This is their weakness and our opportunity."

 “Is it so laborious to use?”

 “Be prepared for any danger.”

"Okay, let's work separately and assign people to go to Xiangyang City to capture Yu Xiangluo. The stronger ones will stay here and wait for Ji Jiuchong to come out. After all, we are clones and our strength is not as strong as the main body. Yu Xiangluo is only a sect-level cultivation, so you don't need strength to catch her. How strong. We must ensure that we can catch Ji Jiuzhong in one go." For the sake of safety, everyone reached an agreement.

At the same time, Fu Qingfeng, who came out to look for Yuan Xiangluo, was also confused. Is there anyone else he can't find? He could only go to Xiangyang City's Xiangluo residence to see if she had returned.

Fu Qingfeng stood outside the courtyard where Xiangluo lived in Xiangyang City and knocked on the door.

There was no way. The guarding formation in this courtyard was too strong, and he couldn't force his way in.

The protective formation in this courtyard actually has a strong counterattack ability. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the counterattack. If he hadn't reacted quickly and avoided it, he would have been seriously injured.

There was nothing he could do. If he wanted to confirm whether Yan Xiangluo was back, he could only visit her openly.

There was a knock on the door, and a voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

"A subordinate of Miss Yu's sworn brother, I was ordered to come to see Miss Yu." Fu Qingfeng thought for a while and directly revealed his identity.

It cannot be said that she is the subordinate of the demon king. It seems that the person who Xiangluo did not know that her righteous brother was the demon king. It seemed that she did not know the identity of the king, but only knew that the king was a demon.

 The person inside said, "Sorry, my girl hasn't come back yet."

Fu Qingfeng was startled, Ruan Xiangluo hasn’t come back yet?

He knew clearly that if Yan Xiangluo came back and he had identified himself, she would not disappear. That meant she really did not come back.

"Excuse me, if Miss Yu comes back, tell her that my master invites her to stay for a few days." Fu Qingfeng said.

"Okay." The people inside responded, but did not even open the small door. Apparently, the master had an order and the master was not allowed to open the door to meet the guests.

Fu Qingfeng turned and left, thinking as he walked, where did Yan Xiangluo go after leaving the Divine Doctor Mountain?

Thinking of the current scandal about the Ji family, Fu Qingfeng narrowed his eyes. Could it be that she also followed Ji Jiuzhong?

However, only descendants of the Ji family's blood can enter the Ji family's territory. Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong are just an unmarried couple. Logically speaking, they can't enter?

 Could it be that she hid her identity and was waiting outside?

Thinking of this, Fu Qingfeng went directly to the residence of the Ji family. It was a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. He could see the descendants of the Ji family back and see what changes had occurred in the residence of the Ji family. What should Ji Jiu do next?

 You can also see where the fragrance is.

She secretly thought: This Yuan Xiangluo has some luck. Not only can she avoid so many people in the Divine Doctor Mountain, but she can also avoid being captured by Ge Tianyu's people, and she can't even find anyone. She can no longer rely on good luck. To describe it.

  She must be quite scheming. He cannot let such a person stay with the king. It is too dangerous.

When Fu Qingfeng arrived at the residence of the Ji family, it was just when the light beams on the Ji Garden Hall soared into the sky. He stared blankly. Could it be that Ji Jiuzhong was the legendary Ji family possessing destiny?

Everyone thought that the beam of light was related to Ji Jiuzhong, and no one thought that the person absorbing the power in the beam of light was Yan Xiangluo. Yanxiang fell into the light pillar to absorb power and refine the divine beads. Ji Jiuzhong stood guard outside the light pillar.

Although he has no memory of his previous life, he has an intuition. Although this is an opportunity he has prepared for Luoluo, it is also dangerous.

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect that there would be dangers in absorbing power. She focused on refining the divine beads and looked forward to the effect after the divine beads were completely refined.

Last time, she thought that the Divine Pearl had been completely refined and the Pangu space had been fully activated, so there were day and night, and four seasons.

Now I know that it is just the effect of the divine bead that has not been refined. If the divine bead is truly refined, will there be any changes in the space, or will there be any changes in herself?

The divine bead kept spinning, and Yan Xiangluo kept using her spiritual consciousness to detect the changes in the divine bead. When she thought the divine bead had been completely refined, the divine bead was dim and filled with purple aura. Now the inside of the divine bead is gradually becoming clearer, and the purple aura inside is becoming purer. As the darkness disappears, the divine bead has a mysterious aura.

 The divine bead finally stopped spinning.

Yu Xiangluo was speechless. Is the divine bead really refined this time?

But she is still absorbing the power in the light beam. Without the divine beads to use this power to refine, Yan Xiangluo discovered a big problem. What is she doing with absorbing so much power? The most important thing is where to store it?

This is not spiritual power, it cannot be stored together with spiritual power, it is not mental power, and it cannot be placed in the consciousness. And she found that she could not stop yet, her body seemed to be absorbing power instinctively.

Yanxiang was confused. She looked at the light pillar. The power inside didn't seem to be much less due to the refining of the divine beads. What should I do with so much power?

She couldn't think of a way. These forces were wandering around in her body, which made her feel very uncomfortable. If she couldn't think of a way, her body would be exploded and destroyed by these forces.

what to do?

Yan Xiangluo felt that these powers had rushed into her Dantian. In a moment, the originally golden Dantian was filled with purple aura, and she could not even see her spiritual roots.

  No, if this continues, the first thing to be destroyed will be her Dantian, and the consequence will be that her cultivation will be completely lost, and she will become a waste that cannot be cultivated.

Just when her face turned purple due to the strength, her mind suddenly lit up. She had too much power and could find a place to store it. Although she doesn't know what this purple power is, and she doesn't have a treasure like spiritual power, she has Pangu Space.

If you want to release your power, you need a storage place related to your body. Isn't Pangu Space a ready-made treasure?

The thought of doing it right away would make her burst.

  She found that all the power rushed into her Dantian after turning her body in a circle, so she led the purple power in her Dantian directly into the Pangu space. In this way, she was not afraid of any amount of power, not just one in and one out.

While thinking about it, she had already started to move. Sure enough, she tentatively released her power from Dantian into Pangu space, and succeeded immediately.

 With a place to vent her strength, Yan Xiangluo's body suddenly felt much better, she became lighter and lighter, her heart relaxed, and she finally avoided this fatal crisis.

 (End of this chapter)

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