The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 669: memory seal

Ji Jiuzhong was also speechless. Is this power so powerful?

"should be."

The two of them looked at me and I looked at you. After a while, Yan Xiangluo put the white tiger on the space stone milk. Since they were both unconscious, Ji Jiuzhong couldn't take it into the spirit pet space, right here. Wait until Bai Hu wakes up.

“Let me see if the divine beads have been refined this time.” After Yan Xiangluo finished speaking, she went to check how the divine beads in her consciousness were doing.

The divine bead was still suspended in her consciousness and did not return to the Pangu flower on her chest, but there was no reaction.

She checked it over and over again with her divine sense, but there was no reaction from the divine beads, and she couldn't see anything.

Has the refining been finished?

"What's wrong?" Ji Jiuzhong asked after seeing that she didn't speak for a while.

"The divine bead is in my consciousness. It has not returned to the Pangu flower as before, but there is no reaction. I don't know if it has been completely refined this time." Yan Xiangluo sighed.

How come it is already my own and I still don’t know if it has been refined? This is really strange. Are you sure this divine bead belongs to her?

Ji Jiuzhong's brows moved, "Don't worry about it. Once the divine beads are refined, they will definitely have their effect. Just wait."

After saying that, he glanced at the sleeping animals in the space and said, "Let's go out first. When they wake up, they will know the effect of the ancient divine power on them."

Now that he knows that purple power is ancient divine power, he is not worried that anything bad will happen. It must be good for them.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Okay."

Now that Ji Jiuzhong has accepted the inheritance of the Ji family, he has done everything he needs to do. With so many people surrounding him, there must be a solution.

 The two people left Pangu Space and appeared in the main hall again.

Ji Zimo was stunned for a moment when he saw the two people suddenly appearing. He was really shocked when the two people suddenly disappeared before, but now he can calmly accept the sudden appearance of the two people.

Everything here was arranged by Ji Jiuzhong. He was so strong in the past and now he is not surprised if there are any abnormalities.

Although the cultivation of the two people has not yet broken the gods, which is not enough for him, but he will not underestimate the two of them because of this. The talents of these two people are so evil. How old are they with such cultivation? level, especially Ji Jiuzhong, who is about to become a **** at the age of twenty-three. Even this talent can be described as a monster.

Although Yan Xiangluo's cultivation level is low, she is only sixteen years old, and there are several sixteen-year-old girls with cultivation levels above the clan level.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Zimo. Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo's hand and walked out of the hall. He took out the Human Emperor Token and input the power of the mysterious pattern. The Human Emperor Token suddenly burst out with intense light and flew away from Ji. Jiuzhong's hand was suspended in the night sky and slowly rotating, and its size increased many times.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the Emperor's Order in surprise, what is this going to do?

The people guarding outside waited eagerly after the light pillar disappeared to see what happened. After waiting for a while, another vision appeared. A bright light rose up and became bigger and bigger. They finally saw clearly what it was. What, a huge token, slowly rotating in the night sky.

Everyone could clearly see the words engraved on it. One side was "Human Emperor" and the other side was the character "Ji". In particular, the word "Human Emperor" exudes a soul-stirring power that makes people dare not look at it again after one glance, and a feeling of surrender arises from the bottom of their hearts.

This kind of surrender comes from the bottom of their hearts, as if they are ants under this token, and they are all shocked.

What's this?

A thought arose in their minds, could this be the power of the Ji family's mysterious patterns? At this moment, the light of the Human Emperor's Token flew into the night sky, and the light instantly enveloped the entire Jiuyuan Continent. Even the sky above the Demon Realm was filled with the light of the Human Emperor's Token.

Demon King Ge Tianjun walked out of the palace and stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the light in the night sky.

  No matter what the people of Jiuyuan Mainland are doing at this time, even those who are sleeping have some more memories in their minds.

At the same time, the people who surrounded by Ji's house were shocked by the memories suddenly appeared in their minds.

 Human Emperor?

Nine Yuan Continent?

As well as the sacrifices made by the Ji family emperors for the mainland, they also know why the Tianmen leading to the Nine Heavens is sealed.

Memories that had been sealed for more than 30,000 years flooded into the minds of people in Jiuyuan Continent, including people from the Demon Realm.

These memories forced their way into everyone's minds in an overwhelming trend. Not only the spirit world but also the demon world were shocked by this information.

 All major forces in the spiritual world gathered together to study the authenticity of this message.

 Even all the officials in the Demon Palace gathered together.

In fact, the demon world knows some information about the spiritual world's former human emperor, but they don't know the details. They only know that the Ji family was destroyed in one day, and the spiritual world has lost their emperor since then, and they also discovered that they lost at the same time. And all the memories of the Emperor's reign.

However, the demon world and the spirit world do not communicate with each other in the first place, and no one in the demon world is willing to tell the people in the spirit world this information. After all, it is a good thing for the demon world that the spirit world loses their emperor. The spirit world without a leader is like a piece of loose sand, so that they no longer have to be afraid, and the demon world can rest and recuperate and prepare for the unification of the Nine Yuan Continent.

It's just that they didn't expect that although the human emperor would not rule the spiritual world in the future, various forces would rise very quickly and the continent would be divided into several large parts. Even after the demon world recovered and recovered, it would not dare to easily provoke a war between demon spirits.

Now that they know that the Human Emperor of the Spirit World sacrificed the Ji family to save the entire continent, everyone in the Demon World has mixed feelings.

They sacrificed their entire family to save the entire continent, but they have been planning how to swallow up the spirit world for more than 30,000 years. One is broad-minded and the other is selfish. This contrast makes them feel ashamed. a feeling of.

Demon King Ge Tianjun said, "What do you think we should do about this matter?"

The devil asked questions, but among the people below, look at me and you, no one dares to stand up and express their opinions.

What a joke, can one of their ministers decide such a big matter?

Ge Tianjun had long known that this would be the result. He usually jumped up and down happily, but at the critical moment, he would shrink back like a quail.

“The Prime Minister will personally visit the spirit world to see what happens next?” Ge Tianjun ignored them and made a decision directly.

The Ji family was once the emperor of the spirit world. More than 30,000 years have passed and the spirit world has become accustomed to life without the emperor. Now that the descendants of the Ji family have returned, what will the people of the spirit world do?

What will happen to the people in Yunshangtian who have made it impossible for monks across the continent to go to the ninth heaven?

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