The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 670: that's a spell

Chapter 670 That’s a spell

Ge Tianjun realized that now it was not a grudge between the demon world and the spirit world who had a larger territory, but a problem faced by the entire continent of being unable to ascend to the ninth heaven.

They didn’t know why the Tianmen was sealed before, thinking that there was always a way to break the seal. But now they know that the seal was made by the Nine Heavens, so they cannot break the seal with the strength of the Nine Yuan Continents.

If the Tianmen remains unsealed, the monks in Jiuyuan Continent will no longer have the confidence to continue practicing. After all, no matter how hard they practice, they will never be able to reach the Nine Heavens.

The ultimate goal of Ge Tianjun's training is also to go to the Ninth Heaven. Now that he knows that the Tianmen was sealed by the people from the Ninth Heaven, there is no hope at all. It can be seen how he feels, and the mood of those who want to go to the Ninth Heaven. how.

At this time, it was extremely quiet outside the Ji family's residence. People who had been scrambling to enter the Ji family's residence for their own selfish interests stood still and motionless.

 They had extremely complicated emotions, and they didn’t know how to view the Ji family.

 At this time, the most restless people are the people from the clouds and the sky.

“What’s going on? How could these sealed memories be broken?”

They all doubted whether Ji Jiuzhong had some abilities that they didn't know about. After all, the Ji family had been wiped out 30,000 years ago, and even if there were any traces of spiritual consciousness, it would be impossible to break the seal.

“Does the Ji family have any secrets that we don’t know about?”

Now they suddenly felt unsure, and they were all wondering whether their plan could be realized.

“What should we do now? Will Ji Jiuchong be arrested?”

The impetuous tone of the crowd made those who had been speechless and the most eloquent among them irritated.

He glanced at everyone coldly, "The plan remains unchanged, but the seal is broken, so what? Nowadays, the various forces in the spiritual world are used to each other. Can they accept the emergence of a human emperor who controls them? Ji The Ji family is no longer what it was 30,000 years ago. What can Ji Jiuchong do on his own? "

 After hearing his words, everyone calmed down and understood that Ji Jiuzhong must be captured this time, otherwise it will be difficult for them to capture him again when he becomes stronger.

“Send someone to guard the altar and make sure no one discovers it. If the altar is destroyed, we will really fall short.”

Everyone's hearts trembled, and they all knew that what he said was right. Now that the passage from Yunshangtian to Jiuyuan Continent was blocked, they could only come in the form of clones, but the strength of the clones was incomparable to the main body. The situation at this time was compared to that of Thirty Thousand Things were different a year ago, they were no longer so fearless.

They spent a lot of money to build the altar in Jiuyuan Continent. If it is destroyed, even if they can build another one, Ji Jiuzhong will not wait for them to build it and will not increase his cultivation.

 You must know that it took them a hundred years to build this altar.

“Hurry up and take action as soon as Ji Jiuzhong comes out.”


Everyone agreed. This was the first time they were so united. Everyone knew that they were in ruins this time, and they might never have another chance in the future.

At this time, the Palace Master of Yunshang Palace was standing in front of a huge purple crystal ball, talking to the person shown on it.

 The crystal ball showed an image of a man wearing a snow-white brocade robe with an air of immortality. "Master, the memory seal of mainlanders has been broken. Ji Jiuchong is indeed a descendant of the Ji family who has destiny. What should we do now?" The master of Yunshang Palace lowered his head in fear and did not dare to look up at the people on the screen. .

"I have arranged for people to arrest Ji Jiuzhong. Just keep an eye on them and help them when appropriate."

 The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace immediately responded, "Yes."

"By the way, no matter what method or cost, we must bring Xiangluo back to Yunshang Palace. If it doesn't work, you can take action yourself."

The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Yes."

 The light of the crystal ball went out, and the figure on it also disappeared.

The master of Yunshang Palace sighed and stood for a while before walking out. Ruan Xiangluo had made it clear that he would not come to Yunshang Palace. He obviously did not take Yunshang Palace into consideration. What should he do to make Ruan Xiangluo go? What about Luolai?

He can't do anything that's too cheap, but his master has given an order, and it must be done, and he really needs to think about it carefully.

Although he didn't know what the use of Yan Xiangluo was, it was related to the Ji family. After all, Yan Xiangluo was Ji Jiuzhong's fiancée and Ji Jiuzhong's only involvement. Maybe the master wanted to use Yan Xiangluo to contain Ji Jiuzhong.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo was also shocked by the information that suddenly appeared in her mind, "Is this the power of your Ji family's mysterious pattern?"

Ji Jiuzhong nodded, "This is the last of the last ten mysterious patterns among Ji Seal, the seal-breaking mysterious pattern."

The power of the mysterious pattern he just entered into the Human Emperor's Token was the technique used to break the mysterious pattern. It was just a single movement, and you couldn't even tell that he had carved the mysterious pattern. However, it was the most difficult pattern in the Ji family. Engraving techniques.

The last step when he accepted the inheritance was to carve out the ten mysterious patterns. His heart sank at that time. It took him ten years to carve out three of the ten mysterious patterns. If he could carve out the remaining seven patterns, How long will it take to carve it out?

However, when he studied the mysterious patterns, he discovered that after receiving the inheritance from the Ji family, his talent for mysterious patterns seemed to have increased several times. It would take several years to develop a mysterious pattern that he thought was very difficult before. , it only took a few hours to research it.

The reason why he took several days to accept the inheritance was mainly spent on studying the remaining seven types of mysterious patterns. The last one took the longest, but the ten mysterious patterns carving techniques were also the last one. Minimal techniques.

 He discovered that the higher the level of the mysterious pattern, the fewer techniques for engraving the pattern, but the more difficult it was. Now when he looks at the mysterious pattern on the front part of Ji Yin's center, he feels that it is extremely simple.

Yan Xiangluo asked curiously, "Is it also the mysterious pattern that breaks the mysterious pattern?"

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "No, that's a spell. It's a spell cast by the people in the sky on the people of Jiuyuan Continent. It's a spell to forget what happened 30,000 years ago. It's mainly to forget everything that ever existed in the Ji family."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, a spell?

 She had met Fu Lu before when she went to Xiangyang City with Li Changhao and the others. At that time, she fought back and scolded him for three days.

She had seen talismans in ancient books before. In ancient times, talismans and mysterious patterns did come from the same lineage, but they were written in different ways. The mysterious pattern is carved with divine consciousness, and the talisman is drawn with spiritual power.

Now another spell appeared. This spell appeared in the novels she had read before. It had the same meaning as the current blessing of God, but one was a blessing and the other was a curse.

 (End of this chapter)

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