The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 671: Swear for three more days

Chapter 671: Three more days of scolding

 In fact, talismans and spells have a common name: talismans.

Talisman refers to an image drawn with a red pen or ink pen that combines dots and lines, with both words and pictures, and is mainly composed of curved strokes. It has many functions of expelling ghosts and gods, curing diseases and eliminating disasters.

  Spells refer to oral incantations made with sounds, which are used to maintain health, assist in praying for blessings and eliminate disasters, or to summon ghosts and gods to achieve the purpose of the performer.

But there are many people with bad intentions who use spells to do bad things. For example, the people in Yun Zhongtian used spells to make the people of Jiuyuan Continent forget everything about the Ji family.

What shocked Yan Xiangluo was the spell that could make people on the entire continent lose their memory. Who has such power?

"This can't be done by one person, right?" Yan Xiangluo felt that it was impossible for one person to do it. Although Yunshangtian was a special place, it was impossible for someone with the power to curse the entire continent with one person.

"It is indeed not something that one person can do. They need to set up a formation, the Heaven-Bearing Formation, and then put a spell into it and activate the formation to achieve such an effect. More than 30,000 years ago, Yun Zhongtian's people massacred this place. , such a formation was set up. Therefore, mainlanders will forget that the spiritual world was once ruled by an emperor, forget the sacrifices made by the Ji family for the Nine Yuan Continent, and only remember that the Ji family's Xuanwen technique Ji Yin is very powerful. They did this deliberately, after all, they wanted the Ji family to have destiny, and they also wanted the Ji family's Xuan Wen technique, and there were some desperate people who kept coming to test them, and they also served as their pawns," Ji Jiuzhong explained. .

Yu Xiangluo is speechless. The people in Yun Zhongtian are so thoughtful. Can't they use their ability to calculate people in cultivation? Why do they have to use it in doing immoral things?

Seeing that the breaking of the mysterious pattern was about to end, a cunning light flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes.

Since she can use the tracking talisman to track him back and scold him for three days, can she also engrave a tracking talisman plus a cursed talisman, and use the sealing talisman to chase him back and scold him for three days?

You can't do anything to them now, so it's better to vent your anger first, otherwise she will feel aggrieved for the Ji family.

She did it as she thought, and her slender and white hands quickly carved something in the void. Ji Jiuzhong saw her carving and looked at it curiously. The more he looked, the more he couldn't believe it. Xiao Luoer looked at the white and clean face, but actually The inside is filled with black sesame seeds.

His Xuanwen level is much higher than that of Yan Xiangluo, so he can naturally see what her tattoos are. The tracking Xuanwen and the curse Xuanwei, these two are combined together, and there is no one else. Only his little girl can think of such a method. I can't do anything to you. I'll make you sick first.

Why does he feel that he is becoming more and more lonely?

Ruan Xiangluo quickly finished carving the pattern. With a little spiritual power, the mysterious pattern ran towards the light of the Emperor's Token. After entering it, it flashed and disappeared. It was not conspicuous at all. People can't see it.

Only Ji Jiuzhong, uh, and Ji Zimo, who had been watching from the side, saw it.

Ji Zimo was shocked. He didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo was also a mysterious pattern master and that he was so talented in tattoo engraving. He also didn't expect that when he saw Yan Xiangluo's mysterious patterns carved for the first time, he actually carved tracks and curses. Xuanwen.

It can be said that this is the first time he has seen the mysterious curse pattern. The main reason is that carving the mysterious pattern is very wasteful of mental energy. Who is willing to use mental energy on the mysterious curse pattern.

However, Yan Xiangluo carved two mysterious patterns at the same time, and it only took a blink of an eye, and it was so easy. This tattoo talent seems to be no different from Ji Jiuzhong.

 Look now, the two of them are really a match made in heaven.

Yan Xiangluo just gave it a try, but she didn't expect it to work. She was very happy, "Humph, I'll scold you for three days, and I'll settle the accounts with you when I meet you later."

Ji Jiuzhong was amused by her childish appearance, "Luoluo is venting anger on Ji's family?"

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "I can only vent my anger like this first."

Ji Jiuzhong nodded, "Luo Luo, this is a good idea. The ancestors of the Ji family should also be very happy." Ji Zimo twitched the corners of his mouth. The ancestors of the Ji family would indeed be very happy to see this. After all, no one could have imagined this. Way to **** people off.

It’s just that 30,000 years have passed, are you sure you can still scold each other? Although the lifespan of the Yunshang Heavenly Beings is much longer than that of the people of Jiuyuan Continent, they are not so long that they can live tens of thousands of years.

 Seeing how happy they were, Ji Zimo decided not to tell the truth.

"What's your purpose in letting mainlanders remember this?" Yan Xiangluo did what she wanted to do, and was in a great mood. Her almond-shaped eyes suddenly flashed, and her bright black eyes looked at Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong lowered his head and looked at the people around him, "How does Luoluo know that I have intentions?"

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "Are you going to do useless work?"

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "Luoluo still understands me."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. Does she understand him? If so, why doesn't she know why he did this?

From her point of view, it would not be of any benefit to Ji Jiuzhong if the entire mainland knew about it. He would be in danger every time he left here.

 But Ji Jiuzhong did this because the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

"Luoluo will know it soon." Ji Jiuzhong didn't tell her because it couldn't be explained clearly in one or two sentences, but he would understand it later when he saw it with his own eyes.

While the two of them were talking, the radiant light of the Human Emperor's Order was withdrawn, leaving only the light of the Human Emperor's Order itself.

The Human Emperor's Order is still suspended over the ruins of the Ji family, and people outside are watching quietly, wondering what else the Human Emperor's Order will do.

Yan Xiangluo is also curious. The breaking of the mysterious pattern has been completed. Why hasn't the Emperor's order come back yet?

Glancing at Ji Jiuzhong and seeing that he looked calm and confident, Yan Xiangluo breathed out a sigh of relief. Although she lived in a big and scheming family in another life and thought she had a good eye for people's hearts, she I just can't see through Ji Jiuzhong.

 No wonder he was able to control the imperial power of the Tianshun Empire at such a young age, and he could become the master of the Tianshun Empire without ascending the throne as emperor.

Yan Xiangluo was curious about what Ji Jiuzhong would be like if he became the Human Emperor of Jiuyuan Continent.

At this moment, everyone discovered that a large number of people were coming from all directions. They thought it was because of the appearance of the Human Emperor's order that various forces had sent people here.

They only guessed half of it right. The various forces did send people again, and they were led by the leaders of each force.

 However, some of the people who came were not from the mainland forces that they were familiar with.

These people were all wearing uniform clothes, black with gold trim, and there was a grouped pattern embroidered in the middle of the chest of the robe. They didn't know this pattern before, but just now everyone knew it.

 (End of this chapter)

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