The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 672: Why are you still there?

That is the totem of the Ji family. Apart from the Ji family, only those who have sworn allegiance to the Emperor from generation to generation are qualified to have it embroidered on the chest of their clothes.

The Ji family was destroyed 30,000 years ago, wasn't it? Where did these people come from? what is going on?

 Groups of men in black robes came from all directions, using various methods, and then landed at the front of the crowd. Everyone who had been fighting for it unconsciously stepped back to make room for them.

 A feeling of chilling suddenly spread. As the number of people increased, this feeling became stronger. Although there was still ruins in front of them, they seemed to see the once solemn and magnificent Ji family dynasty.

They thought there wouldn't be many people there, but as the people fell down, people in black kept coming.

It was already past midnight, but it was still very dark, and the people in black were all wearing black brocade robes. Therefore, it is impossible to see how many people are coming.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were standing in front of the main hall of Ji Garden. This was the highest place in the entire imperial city except the imperial palace.

They could clearly see the scene outside. Yan Xiangluo opened her mouth in shock and asked after a while, "Who are they?"

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "Luoluo has already guessed it, hasn't he?"

Yan Xiangluo's eyes narrowed, "Didn't the people of Jiuyuan Continent lose their memory? Why are they still here?"

Yan Xiangluo had indeed guessed that these people were the descendants of the Human Emperor who had sworn allegiance to the destiny for generations. It looked like they had kept their memories for generations. How did they do it?

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head and said, "They are the descendants of those who swore allegiance to the Ji family to have the destiny. They retain the oath in their blood, so they will not lose their memory. They are just generations of people silently waiting for the Ji family to have the destiny." People just come back again.”

Yan Xiangluo said with emotion, "It's really not easy for them."

 But I sighed again in my heart that the binding force of the oath can actually resist the power of the Heaven-Bearing Formation and the spell.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "How can it be more difficult than for the descendants of the Ji family to come back again?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "That's not true. I think it's not easy for them to endure psychological torture from generation to generation."

  After all, the Ji family members were all sent to the lower continent back then, and it would be extremely difficult to come back. Otherwise, more than 30,000 years have passed, and only Ji Jiuzhong has returned.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately understood what she meant. The maximum lifespan of people in Jiuyuan Continent is more than 3,000 years old. According to the maximum lifespan, 30,000 years can be passed down from generation to generation at least. Generations of people watch The mainlanders have completely forgotten the existence of the Ji family. They still have to keep secrets that cannot be told to anyone, waiting for the master who does not know whether he will appear again.

This kind of psychological torture is indeed not something ordinary people can bear.

"It won't be too sad. After all, the exercises learned by each of their families were given by the Ji family. Apart from waiting for them, their lives will be normal." Ji Jiuzhong said again.

Although they do have to endure some psychological torture, the benefits are also obvious. The various techniques used by the Ji family are without exception the strongest techniques in the mainland.

 They are not weak, and the family bloodline inheritance will also be affected by the oath, and talented children and grandchildren will be born from generation to generation.

 This is also the reward given to them by the Ji family royal family after they made the oath.

However, there is one thing that limits them. The skills that are loyal to the Human Emperor have been passed down in their family from generation to generation. If they betray, the skills will disappear automatically and will not be passed down from generation to generation in their family bloodline.

"Those who can come today have remained true to their original intentions. There should be many families who cannot come." The last Human Emperor passed down to him in memory the families who swore allegiance to the Ji family and the people who had destiny. It is clear that only half of the people come from outside.

Yan Xiangluo was very emotional. After 30,000 years, it is very rare for half of the people to persist until now.

 “You are so awesome!” Yan Xiangluo suddenly praised Ji Jiuzhong. Ji Jiuchong was speechless, "These were made by the ancestors of the Ji family, what does it have to do with me?"

"Without you, how would the Ji family's affairs be?" Yan Xiangluo said seriously.

Ji Jiuzhong laughed and said, "I just helped them at the beginning, but later on, the Ji family started it themselves. The Ji family is very powerful."

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "That's true, otherwise you can choose the ancestor of the Ji family."

Ji Jiuzhong was speechless, as if saying this, he was still very powerful.

Ji Zimo listened to the conversation between the two. He originally thought that Ji Jiuzhong was right. Ji Jiuzhong only helped the Ji family at the beginning, and everything that happened later was the result of the Ji family's own efforts. But after hearing what Yu Xiangluo said, After talking about it, he also felt that Ji Jiuzhong was more powerful.

  After all, without his beginning, there would be no future for the Ji family.

If he knew the word "brainwashing", he would know what is going on with him now.

At this time, Mu Zixian, Jin Yutang, Chang Feng and the secret guards who had been guarding the dark place were also surprised.

They knew who these people were at a glance. They were worried about how they could protect their master with so many people before. Now it seems that the ancestors of the Ji family are quite powerful. After thinking about this, more than 30,000 years have passed, and there are still So many loyal people.

And those who came from various forces with different ideas were deceived, and many of them wanted to take advantage of the emperor to control the princes.

Although they have all recovered their memories and know everything that the Ji family has done, what happened more than 30,000 years ago is very far away to them. They are only moved for a moment, and then they will think of what benefit this incident has to them.

Those who like power immediately thought that as long as they control Ji Jiuzhong, they can use his identity to control the entire continent.

 Those who have such thoughts are naturally the top forces in the mainland and have always had ambitions to dominate the mainland.

 But now that they see so many men in black robes, when they think about their own strength, they can't compare with others.

However, they also doubted in their hearts how many of these people were loyal to the Ji family, and whether they were bound by their oaths and had no choice but to do so.

 Do they still have a chance?

 Wait, various thoughts filled their minds, making them itchy, and they did not dare to take any action, so they could only wait anxiously.

Until they could no longer see the men in black robes coming, they were driven far away from the ruins by the momentum of the men in black robes.

The heads of each faction looked at each other, and then they all agreed in a tacit understanding and said nothing or did nothing.

 They all understand each other's thoughts and are waiting to see what happens.

Yan Xiangluo also saw that there were no more people in black robes coming outside, so she turned to look at Ji Jiuchong, "What should we do now?

 “Let them in.” Ji Jiuzhong said.

“Can they come in?” Yan Xiangluo asked, looking at the rather large ruins in confusion.

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