The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 673: opportunity to regret

 “This place is all under my control now.” Ji Jiuzhong explained in a low voice.

 “Then why don’t you let them in?” Yan Xiangluo asked doubtfully.

 Since we can let them in, why not take action? It's not a problem to have so many people standing outside in the dark.

Ji Jiuzhongfeng narrowed his eyes and said, "There is still one most important thing that they haven't done yet."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes paused when he heard this, and then he understood what Ji Jiuzhong meant. These people are the descendants of those who swore allegiance to the Ji family and have destiny. Although these people from outside are all people who keep their promises, they are also in Ji Jiuzhong. They arrived when they showed up, but they had not yet shown their loyalty and respect for their master.

Ji Jiuzhong has grown up playing with power since he was a child. He knows people's hearts too well, so naturally he will not get carried away with joy just because he sees them appear.

 So he is waiting.

Waiting for their loyalty and respect.

 Otherwise, no matter how many people there are, he will not use them.

 And if they have the intention of bullying their master, don't even think about it. He was born with fetal poison, and his life is so difficult, so he won't be bullied.

 It is even less possible now.

Time seemed to have frozen, and there were so many people outside that there was no sound at all.

The men in black robes stood neatly in front, very orderly, and made no sound at all. The people who were excluded by them did not understand the situation and were afraid of these men in black robes. They did not dare to make a sound for fear of attracting their attention.

A while has passed and the situation has not changed.

Yuan Xiangluo said, "What if they keep doing this?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I only give them one stick of incense. Beyond this time, they will never have a chance."

 The time of one stick of incense?

Yan Xiangluo estimated that it was almost time, and it looked like the people outside were also waiting.

Ji Zimo knew Ji Jiuzhong's intentions. He glanced at the familiar robes and familiar formations outside. Is Ji Jiuzhong really willing to give up these ready-made people?

If that were the case, he would admire Ji Jiuzhong's exception and decisiveness. However, without these people, it would not be easy for Ji Jiuzhong to get the Ji family back on its feet.

Seeing that the time was about to come, the men in black robes outside finally made some movement, and they all knelt down, "Mo Yuwei bows to my master."

The sound resounded through the night sky, and everyone watching from a distance became stern. Mo Yuwei?

In my memory just now, the Moyu Guards are the personal guard of the Emperor of China. They are separate from the imperial army and guards. They exist independently and only take orders from the Emperor of China.

 In memory, the Black Feather Guardsmen are haunted, and they have been selected from these families for generations. No one knows how many people there are.

At that time, the Black Feather Guards would bring their children to the Human Emperor as soon as they were born, and the Human Emperor would decide whether they were qualified to become the Black Feather Guards. If they were qualified, everything about the child would be sent to the Black Feather Guards, even if they were Their clansmen are invisible and completely separated from their family. However, because they have received the protection of the imperial family, the family has enjoyed prosperity and wealth for generations.

These black feather guards in front of me all wore black scarves, and none of them showed their faces. It can be seen from their every move that although they have no masters, their family has cultivated these people according to the rules of the Black Feather Guard for generations.

Yanxiang breathed a sigh of relief. She really didn't want these people to fight Ji Jiuchong to the end. After all, their situation was getting more and more difficult now. It would be much better with these Black Feather Guards around.

Although Ji Jiuzhong can train a group of his own people, it takes time and cannot be done in a short time.

Even though he brought hidden guards from the Tianshun Empire, the number was too small.

  After all, there are too few people from lower continents who have the talent to come to higher continents.

After they knelt down, Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo's hand and rose into the air. They stood hand in hand in front of the Human Emperor's Order. The two figures, one white and one red, were very conspicuous under the light of the Human Emperor's Order.

 “Get up.” Ji Jiuzhong’s voice came out.

The Black Feather Guards all stood up and looked respectfully at the people in the air.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Give you a chance to repent. Now all those who are unwilling to continue to be Black Feather Guards can stand on the left side. I will break the binding force of the oath for you and give you your freedom."

When Ji Jiuzhong finished speaking, those who were watching from a distance were stunned. He actually didn't use so many people who could be used, and he still wanted to give them a chance to leave. Was Ji Jiuzhong's brain kicked by a donkey?

Who doesn’t want to be free? Does he know how difficult his situation is? With so many people guarding him, no one dares to take action. Without these people, can he guarantee his safety?

Mainlanders today do not recognize any kind of human emperor, and the major forces in the spiritual world are not willing to have another dynasty to rule them.

There are many people who want to get rid of him and gain recognition of the Ji family's Xuanwen Kung Fu. It can be said that no matter where Ji Jiuzhong goes in the future, he will encounter a life crisis at any time.

Yan Xiangluo understood Ji Jiuzhong's intention at this time. He wanted to screen out some people who were not loyal enough. If he accepted these black feather guards, he would definitely put all his efforts into their training. Ji Jiuzhong never did useless work. , he will not do anything to cultivate strength for others.

 This is just the first choice they make, and it will definitely not be the last.

The Black Feather Guards were silent for a moment, and no one went to the left. After a while, Ji Jiuzhong said, "Since you have made a choice now, let's make the second choice. You still have a chance to regret this choice. "

Although the Black Feather Guards did not move much and their faces were covered by black scarves, they were still very shocked. They were surprised to be given a chance to repent, but there was actually a second chance to repent?

 They were all waiting for Ji Jiuzhong to say what the second chance was.

"The Ji family of the past has passed away. You are standing here because of the oaths made by your ancestors. I don't care how much you are willing to do so. What I want to tell you is that I have no intention of being the human emperor in the spiritual world. , if you want to follow me, you only need to be loyal to me Ji Jiuchong and my wife Xiangluo. Those of you who are willing can stay, and those who are unwilling can stand on the left side. Don’t worry about the constraints of the oath. Since I said it, there is a way to eliminate it. Remove the binding force of the oath.”

Ji Jiuzhong was behind in speaking, and Yan Xiangluo's powerful spiritual power suddenly sensed the sudden surge of aura in the Black Feather Guard.

 No one chose to withdraw before, maybe because they were worried about involving the family. Now that Ji Jiuzhong made it so clear, as expected, some people were moved.

More than 30,000 years have passed, and they have no feeling for the former Ji family. It is just the ancestral precepts passed down from generation to generation, which makes them have no choice but to become Black Feather Guards.

Now Ji Jiuzhong said that they can make their own choice, so naturally there will be people who are interested.

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