The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 674: price of betrayal

Furthermore, Ji Jiuzhong made it very clear that he has no interest in unifying the spiritual world and does not want to be a human emperor anymore. In this case, people who want to be loyal to him because of his status do not need to continue to follow him.

As expected, someone stood to the left this time. The first one was followed by the second one. Within a short time, more than a dozen people stood there. Although it is nothing among the many people, the people who stand out are those with high levels of cultivation. They are all people who have cultivated above the **** level.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, did they really think it was that simple?

 The price of quitting will definitely make them regret it. She can guarantee this. Ji Jiuzhong is definitely not a kind person.

Those who stood up at this time were equivalent to breaking the oath of their ancestors. Although Ji Jiuzhong allowed the betrayal, he did not say that the betrayer would not pay the price.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the people below calmly, until no one stood to the left anymore. He said to those who were willing to stay and purely loyal to him, the Ji family with Tianyun and Xiangluo, "Those who are willing to stay You can come in."

These people also make choices after struggling in their hearts. No matter what they think, if they are willing to stay in the end, he is willing to accept them.

As soon as Ji Jiuzhong finished speaking, the ones who were excited were not the Black Feather Guards who were able to come in, but those who stood watching from a distance.

The Black Feather Guards can go in, can they also go in?

 They were very curious about where the Ji family lived and wanted to go in and have a look. Even if I have no other thoughts now, I still want to see what the once glorious family was like.

After receiving Ji Jiuzhong’s order, the Black Feather Guards did not go inside in a chaotic manner. Instead, one family stood in a team and walked inside in an orderly manner.

 Soon all the Black Feather Guards who were willing to stay went in.

The emotions of the dozen or so Black Feather Guards who chose to give up were somewhat fluctuating. After all, they were the only ones who chose to give up. They didn’t know if this was the right choice, but they just didn’t want to be slaves to the Ji family.

The Ji family has been extinct for more than 30,000 years. During these 30,000 years, their family has obviously worked hard to achieve its current results. Why does the Ji family continue to be a slave when they return?

There is nothing wrong with them wanting to entrust the fate of their slaves.

If Ji Jiuzhong wants to continue to be the Human Emperor, they will consider continuing to be this slave. After all, slaves are also divided into levels, and their family will never be able to reach the height of the Human Emperor no matter how hard they try.

 But who made Ji Jiuchong give up his position as the Human Emperor?

Although they don't know how many such families there are, they know that not all of them will come today. Many people have long given up their allegiance to the Ji family.

They were waiting for Ji Jiuzhong to make the binding force of the oath disappear, and then they would leave.

 In fact, their idea itself is wrong. They are only bound by an oath, which is essentially different from slaves.

 After all the Black Feather Guards who were willing to stay entered, Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand, and the Emperor's Order sent out a ray of light, heading straight towards the dozen or so people outside. At the same time, there was also rays of light running towards various parts of the continent.

The Black Feather Guard family who had not come from various parts of the mainland and the dozen or so people standing outside at this time were all shrouded in a ray of light at the same time. “When the emperor’s order arrives, the oath disappears and everything returns to the beginning.”

This voice was not only heard by everyone enveloped in light, but also by people in the entire spiritual world. Those who watched the scene were even more shocked. Did the Ji family's Human Emperor Order have such a great effect?

 After all, they all know that Ji Jiuzhong's current cultivation strength has not yet broken through the gods, and cannot reach the strength of Da Neng at all. Even Da Neng's cultivation cannot reach this level.

Is this the strength of the Ji family's Xuanwen technique?

Following Ji Jiuzhong's words, the light shrouding those people slowly disappeared. When the light disappeared completely, the dozen or so people standing outside looked a little confused. They didn't know what happened?

The black robes that belonged to the Black Feather Guards instantly shattered into dust and dissipated. Except for the black scarves on their faces, they were no different from those standing far away.

Since they have chosen to give up, they are no longer qualified to wear these clothes, especially the totems of the Ji family are not qualified to be embroidered on their clothes.

In various places in the spirit world, those families who choose not to come, as well as the members of these dozen or so families, are faced with this situation. In addition to the information that the Ji family from mainland China knows, they have no idea about the Black Feather Guards. Information has been erased.

At this time, they still didn't know that although Ji Jiuzhong had eliminated the binding force of their oaths, the power of the Human Emperor's Order had also withdrawn the benefits granted to these people, first of all, the exercises practiced by their family, which were based on The power of the mysterious pattern is exerted on them and is linked to their loyalty.

Although Ji Jiuzhong agreed to their betrayal, they still had to accept the consequences of the betrayal. The last sentence is the key to returning everything to the beginning. These families will no longer have descendants who are talented in the techniques given by the Ji family. The people who have practiced these techniques are still at the level of cultivation, but they will completely forget this technique.

 Those Black Feather Guards who decided to stay were very glad that they had withstood the temptation of Ji Jiuzhong's words and chose to stay.

 Looking at the situation of a dozen people outside, they know that the cost of removing the binding force of the oath is high.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Kuroba Wei who came in and said, "You will not regret the decision you made today."

 One sentence comforted all the Black Feather Guards and reminded them of the ancestral motto left by their family for generations, "No matter what the circumstances, do not choose to betray your oath of allegiance to the Ji family's destiny."

The people who had wavered in their minds before chose to stay and continue to be loyal to Ji Jiuzhong, a member of the Ji family who had good fortune, because of this sentence.

They all have a feeling that the choice they made today will not be wrong.

Now, although the descendants of the Ji family are not as high as their cultivation level, looking at Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo suspended in mid-air, they know clearly that neither of them are ordinary people. Even if Ji Jiuzhong does not choose to be The Human Emperor will continue to rule the Nine Yuan Continent and will take them to a height that they have not been able to reach in more than 30,000 years.

Those who give up have short-sightedness. They only have a binding oath, which is different from a slave. Just think about the treatment of the ancestors during the heyday of the Ji family. The Ji family treats people who are loyal to them very well.

Just by the fact that they were saved when the Ji family was destroyed, it can be seen that the Ji family did not regard their loyal subordinates as human beings.

The Black Feather Guards all knelt down and said, "Greetings to the Master and Mistress."

This time Black Feather Guard’s kowtow was a sincere wish to be loyal to Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo. It had a different meaning from the previous kowtow outside.

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