The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 675: A lot of waste is waiting to be done

Chapter 675 A lot of waste is waiting to be done

Ji Jiuzhong said that those who stayed behind must be loyal to him and his wife. They knew that the men of the Ji family had been infatuated throughout the generations, and indeed, Ji Jiuzhong today was no exception.

Since they chose to stay, they naturally had to listen to Ji Jiuzhong's words.

Although the two are not married yet, there is no difference in their eyes.

Yan Xiangluo's face felt a little hot. She and Ji Jiuchong were not married yet, so she was a little embarrassed when they called her their mistress.

However, Ji Jiuzhong held her hand tightly and made her feel calm instantly. It was just a matter of time.

 Now she does not object to marrying Ji Jiuzhong immediately.

"Get up." Ji Jiuzhong's voice was much gentler. After all, these people would be his subordinates from now on, and Ji Jiuzhong was very kind to his own people.

The Black Feather Guards stood up in unison.

 “Zixian and Changfeng come in.” Ji Jiuzhong’s voice came out again.

The people of Black Feather Guard were stunned for a moment, and then they understood that the people Ji Jiuzhong called in now were his people, and they were different from them.

But they also knew in their hearts that they had just met their master, so they were naturally different from the people who had always been loyal to Ji Jiuzhong.

After hearing this, Mu Zixian and Changfeng immediately looked at Jin Yutang. Jin Yutang knew that he was the leader of the hidden guard and it was not convenient to be exposed in front of everyone, but Changfeng was Ji Jiuzhong's personal attendant, and Mu Zixian He is equivalent to a housekeeper. He will appear in front of everyone in the future. Now is the best opportunity to come out and let everyone know him.

So he gave the two men a look, which meant that he stayed outside, and the two of them hurried in.

Mu Zixian and Changfeng nodded, walked out of the darkness, and quickly walked into the ruins. The barrier that had previously hindered them seemed to no longer exist, and they went straight in.

The two of them walked to the front, stood on one knee, knelt down and saluted, saying, "Master, Mistress."

This is also the first time they have officially given a formal tribute to Yan Xiangluo.

 After hearing what Ji Jiuzhong said, the people outside kept staring at Mu Zixian and Changfeng after they came out.

One in red robe is flamboyant, the other in black robe is indifferent, two people with completely different personalities. On the contrary, he and his master Ji Jiuzhong seem to complement each other.

 I feel that such a master should have such subordinates.

Seeing that the two people had actually entered, everyone's thoughts started to rise again. After looking at the dozen or so people in black feather hoodies who were still standing aside, they all came back together. Soon, ten people came back. A few people were submerged in the crowd. If it weren't for the black scarves still on their faces, their previous majesty and domineering wouldn't be apparent.

 It makes people sigh once again. The strength of the Ji family has increased, so what if there is only one person left? He has not been able to do what so many of them cannot do.

Mu Zixian lost his usual casualness at this time, and his expression was serious, which was in rare harmony with Chang Feng, who always had a cold face.

"Mu Zixian, you can call him the steward. When I am away, you can ask him to make the decision on anything." Ji Jiuzhong spoke, and these words were naturally addressed to Black Feather Guard.

Even though the people in the Black Feather Guard looked down upon Mu Zixian's cultivation, they all treated him respectfully because of his high status in the eyes of their master.

 “I’ve met Mr. Mu.”

Mu Zixian raised his hand and said, "We are all working for the master, you are welcome." What he said is very clear. We are all people who work for the master. We only need to be loyal and dedicated. Our identities are actually the same, but we are all different. Just doing his job.

After hearing Mu Zixian's words, the people of the Black Feather Guard did not dare to underestimate him. These words not only inspired them, but also showed that he has no habit of using his status to suppress others. He always does his part well, Master. There won't be any difference between generations.

“Changfeng, my personal attendant.” Ji Jiuzhong introduced again.

Black Feather Guard glanced at Changfeng. Although their cultivation level was not as high as theirs, they had only come to Jiuyuan Continent from a lower continent for a few months. With their current cultivation level, their talents could not be compared with Changfeng's. , no wonder he can become the master’s personal attendant.

 They still saluted Changfeng, and Changfeng returned the salute indifferently.

“You all go to Zixian to tell the family names and number of people, and then assign tasks.” Ji Jiuzhong said to the Black Feather Guards.

Although he knew who these people's families were, Mu Zixian didn't know. If he wanted to make good arrangements, he had to understand them first. Mu Zixian could do everything else without him having to say anything.

Sure enough, Mu Zixian almost dug out eight generations of the family's ancestors from their graves and interrogated them. Everyone's files were recorded in detail.

Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo to put away the Emperor's Order and fell from mid-air. The moment he fell, the decaying appearance of the palace behind him suddenly disappeared.

 In an instant, it seemed to have returned to the prosperous state it had been 30,000 years ago.

 All the ruins turned into dust and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the Black Feather Guards were shocked. The ruins they saw before they came in still had a desolate feeling in their hearts. At this time, except for a splendid palace and the Ji Garden not far away, which had also restored its color, the surroundings were flat. The land is as if the ruins before it never existed.

The ruins were empty and a bit desolate before. After all, although the ruins now were only the inner city at that time, they were as large as four cities in the Nine Yuan Continent. Now they are suddenly empty, and there is a feeling that there is a lot of waste waiting to be revitalized.

“Let’s go and have a look at the palace.” Ji Jiuzhong was satisfied with the current appearance. Looking at the ruins really hurt his eyes.

Luoluo wanted to go into the palace to have a look before, and while Mu Zixian was busy, he happened to accompany Luoluo for a walk around the palace.

There will be no surprises in the future. He and Luoluo will live here before leaving Jiuyuan Continent. She also needs to let Luoluo take a look and see if she likes it. If she doesn't like it, she can change it to what she likes before they move in.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo heard that she was about to enter the palace, her apricot eyes suddenly lit up, "Okay."

After answering, before Ji Jiuzhong could leave, she pulled him towards the palace.

Ji Zimo blinked, glanced at Mu Zixian who was busy, and then at Changfeng who was following behind the two of them holding a long sword. The corner of his mouth twitched. He understood that these two people were just Ji Jiuzhong's apparent subordinates. , there should be some secretly.

Thinking of what Ji Jiuzhong said just now, when he was not interested in becoming the Human Emperor, he was curious. Since he didn't want to be the Human Emperor, why did he leave so many black feather guards?

That family has so many powerful guards?

The most important thing is, how can Ji Jiuzhong support so many Black Feather Guards?

 Forget it, this is not something he can think of. He has not been in the palace for more than 30,000 years, so he should go in and have a look.

Ji Zimo shook his head and followed him erratically, walking side by side with Changfeng.

Changfeng looked over with cold eyes, which made Ji Zimo tremble. Could it be that he also opened his eyes and could see himself?

 (End of this chapter)

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