The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 678: News about parents

Chapter 678 News about parents

Ji Zimo and Changfeng stood outside the palace and looked at the two of them. Changfeng was fine and had gotten used to it.

Ji Zimo was filled with emotion.

  He often came here to play when he was a child. His grandmother doted on these grandchildren. His grandfather in this palace was different from when he was outside. He was very gentle.

Now that this palace has an owner again, they will have children in the future, and people will live in other palaces. Even if the Ji family will not stand at the pinnacle of power in the Nine Yuan Continent again, with the strength of these two people, they will Top family.

Ji Zimo turned around and looked forward, feeling that more than 30,000 years had passed, like a dream.

 He himself felt that everything was so unreal.

“Luoluo, when will we get married?” Ji Jiuzhong suddenly asked.

Yan Xiangluo, who was decorating the room with great interest, was stunned. Although she decided to be with Ji Jiuzhong, she really didn't want to get married.

She does not object to marrying Ji Jiuchong now. After all, she is already a hairpin girl. However, based on the experience of another life, getting married at the age of sixteen is too early. Although this is a fantasy world, she is a monk, and her health is actually very good, but She doesn't want to get married so early either.

 Furthermore, she hasn’t found her parents yet, so it doesn’t matter if they are in Tianqian Continent. After all, she knows that her parents have left the continent. But now that she knows that her parents are here, she naturally wants to wait until she finds her parents before talking about marriage.

And there is another worry in her heart, that is, the last hurdle of Pangu Flower Blooming has not passed yet. This is the last life and death hurdle of her Pangu Flower Blooming Technique.

"Wait until I break through to the **** level." Yan Xiangluo thought for a while and said.

 After breaking through to the **** level, at least she no longer had any worries about life and death in her cultivation, and she no longer had any worries.

Ji Jiuchong's eyes suddenly lit up. He naturally knew that now was not the time to get married, so he wanted to know what Luoluo meant.

Seeing that she had no objection to marrying him and even gave a specific time, Ji Jiuzhong was immediately elated.

Luoluo wants to marry him, what could be happier than this?

Ji Jiuzhong discovered that ever since he met Yanxiang, his joys, sorrows, and joys had all been influenced by her.

Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo's hand and used a little force to pull him into his arms, just holding her in his arms.

 “Okay, we still need to find my father-in-law and mother-in-law.”

 He ​​doesn’t have his parents alive anymore, but Luo Luo does. He still hopes to have his parents’ blessing for major events in life. Luo Luo would rather want her parents to be there when she gets married.

As for the third level of Pangu Flower Blooming, there will definitely be a way to pass it. How could he let a single skill destroy the life he had worked so hard to achieve.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know what Ji Jiuchong was thinking. When she mentioned her parents, Yan Xiangluo sighed deeply, "I don't know what happened to them. Where are they?"

Jiuyuan Continent is very big. Although they have been traveling around in the past few months, they have only visited very few places.

 She really doesn’t know where her parents are.

 “You will find it.” Ji Jiuzhong said soothingly.

At this time, on the vast snow-capped mountains, a figure flashed past and landed in a col on the mountain in the blink of an eye.

On the lee side of the mountain, there is a cave, and the figure disappears at the entrance of the cave.

In the cave, there was a huge bead placed on the protrusion of the cave wall, which illuminated the entire cave. Although it was cold outside, it was warm inside the cave. A little boy was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at the woman lying on the bed. When he saw the person coming in, he said happily, "Dad, you are back. My mother has not woken up for the past seven days."

The man shook off the wind and snow on his body, walked to the bed, rubbed the boy's head and said, "Dad found the cloud grass this time. Your mother will wake up after taking it. When your mother wakes up, we will go find it." Your sister."

 The little boy’s eyes suddenly lit up, “Can we go find our sister?”

 The man said gently, "Yes, Anluo can see her sister now."

"Great, I can see my sister." Ruan Anluo stood up happily and threw herself into her father's arms.

This little boy is the younger brother of Yan Xiangluo who doesn’t know yet, and the man is Yan Chengye, Fan Xiangluo’s father.

After being happy for a while, Juan Anluo frowned, "Dad, will my sister like me?"

Yu Chengye said without any doubt, "I will like you. However, my sister must have had a very difficult life without the protection of her parents for so many years. A narrow escape from death is not an exaggeration. I will work hard to cultivate in Anluo so that I can protect my sister." ”

 There was a feeling of distress in Yuan Chengye's tone that Yuan Anluo couldn't hear. He felt sorry for his daughter who had to make a living on her own at such a young age, and for her son who had experienced the dangers of the world before he was even born, making his path to cultivation extremely difficult.

Yun Anluo nodded, "Well, dad, I will practice hard and protect my sister when I grow up."

Juan Anluo longed for her sister whom she had never met before. In the past, his parents only told him about his sister's childhood. A month ago, his father came back from the mountain and was very happy and said that his sister was here. He told him and his mother about the situation of his sister coming here. In Juan Anluo's heart, her sister is a very powerful existence.

“Let’s give your mother some medicine and then tell her the good news.” Jue Chengye looked at his wife lying on the bed, feeling extremely distressed.

 In fact, as soon as he learned about his daughter's arrival in the Higher Continent a month ago, he couldn't wait to see his daughter immediately. However, his wife has been in a coma and cannot go anywhere except this cave. This is where he finally found a place that can sustain her life.

Now that he finally found Yunbiancao that could temporarily control her physical deterioration, Yu Chengye decided to take his wife and children to find his daughter.

It has been six years, and now my daughter has grown up. I owe her a lot. There is nothing he can do about his wife's health. Now that his daughter is a miracle doctor, there may be a way to save his wife.

His fate has always been bumpy, but he has never bowed his head to fate. Step by step, he has never lost confidence.

 He firmly believed that one day, their family could be reunited and live happily.

Juan Anluo immediately left her father's arms and said, "Dad, let me help you."

The six-year-old child skillfully crawled into where his mother was lying, helped her sit up, and used cushions to make her lean more comfortable.

Yu Chengye took out the cloud grass and used his spiritual power to turn the cloud grass into a puddle of water, which fell into his bowl.

He has been looking for this cloud grass for three years, and finally found it this time when he went down the mountain.

Yu Chengye used his spiritual power to control the juice of cloud grass and fed it to Long Moran and drank it. For a moment, Long Moran's eyelashes trembled and he slowly opened his eyes.

After being confused for a while, his eyes quickly regained their clarity.

Seeing her husband and son with worried looks on their faces, Long Moran said in a hoarse voice, "Did I sleep for too long again?"

 (End of this chapter)

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