The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 679: go find daughter

Chapter 679 Going to find my daughter

Ju Chengye sat down next to her, supported her and let her lean into his arms, "It didn't take long, seven days. This time I found the cloud grass and I won't fall asleep again. When you recover, we will Just go find Luoluo.”

Long Moran’s eyes suddenly lit up, “Can we go find Luoluo?”

Daughter, her delicate and soft daughter, I haven’t seen her for six years, and I don’t know how her daughter came here in the past six years.

 Long Moran's tears immediately flowed down, "My Luoluo."

Yan Chengye blinked hard, unable to shed tears, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry about the daughter we trained ourselves. I went down the mountain this time and heard the news about Luoluo. She and Ji Jiuzhong are staying at Ji's house. Tomorrow we will Then set off to find Luoluo.”

Long Moran was stunned, "Ji Jiuzhong is really a descendant of the Ji family?"

They have been in the Higher Continent for six years, and they are very clear about the distribution of forces in the Higher Continent. They also know some legends and are closely related. At the beginning, the couple joked about whether the royal family of the Tianshun Empire was the descendant of the Ji family here. Unexpectedly, it turned out that it was true. They were right.


Yu Chengye told his wife all the news he learned during this trip, especially about where the Ji family lived. Juan Anluo opened her big eyes, which were almost the same as those of Juan Xiangluo, and listened with her ears pricked up.

He hasn’t met his sister yet, but he has a brother-in-law?

Although daddy had already said it a month ago, now that it has been confirmed, the child Juan Anluo is feeling depressed.

"Dad, can you not ask for brother-in-law?" Juan Anluo said in a dull tone after her father finished speaking.

Yu Chengye laughed and said, "We can't say that. We don't know how your sister got here all these years. In short, it won't be easy. Even parents have no right to interfere with the relationship between them. What can you do?" Yes, just practice hard and be your sister’s supporter and backing in the future. No one will dare to bully her.”

Juan Anluo was very smart and immediately understood what his father meant, but when he thought about his body, he was obviously very talented, but training was very strenuous, and he felt a little depressed. If he wanted to support his sister, he had to be able to beat his brother-in-law. Okay, if I am like this now, when will I be able to support my sister?

Yu Chengye ignored his son's depression. No one would encounter some hardships in this life. No matter how difficult it is, can you still feel sorry for your daughter? Each of the three stages of Pangu Flower Blooming is a stage of life and death. The fact that my daughter can come here means that she has passed the two stages. Compared with her daughter, her son's physical problems are nothing. thing.

 When they left, their daughter was still called a waste. She had not arrived in the higher continent at the age of sixteen.

 Sixteen years old, this little girl is still acting like a spoiled child in her parents' arms, relying on her parents' protection to live a carefree life. His daughter has experienced the dangers of the world, and has reached her current height step by step.

Long Moran glanced at his son and felt very distressed. What kind of fate would his children have? Why are they all so rough?

 Her daughter was plotted when she was born, and she had no choice but to split her daughter's soul into two, so that her daughter could live in two worlds.

 When his son was born, his so-called tribesmen and relatives were seriously injured, which made it extremely difficult for his son to practice.

  Why should the children bear these burdens? Why can't they be let alone?

Chengye knew that his wife was feeling uncomfortable again, so he immediately changed the subject, "We are leaving tomorrow, and we may not come back here again. I will pack up my things, and Ran'er will have a good rest and be energetic enough to go see my daughter."

 Long Moran nodded, "Okay."

She has been ill for the past six years. If her husband hadn't worked hard to protect her and find those rare medicinal materials for her, she might not have been able to see her daughter again. As long as she could see her daughter again, she would be content. .

Juan Anluo jumped out of bed, "Dad, let me help you clean up and put away the snow lotus I picked for my sister."

Ever since Juan Anluo learned the news about his sister a month ago, he began to go out to pick snow lotus, saying that he would give it to his sister as a greeting gift. Chengye did not attack his son. His daughter was already a miraculous doctor. I am afraid that the most indispensable thing is medicinal materials.

   Regardless of whether he has a daughter or not, the snow lotus picked by his son himself is his affection for his sister.

They have not grown up together since childhood, and their relationship needs to be cultivated. Although he always teaches his son that they should love their sister more when their sister is not in front of them in the future, but it is not something he can teach whether they can get along well with each other.

However, Yan Chengye is still very confident in the daughter and son he has taught.

Watching his son run out of the cave to get his snow lotus, Chengye shook his head with a smile and started to pack his things.

Early the next morning, the family of three packed up and left the cave where they had lived for three years. Chengye blocked the entrance of the cave and had set up an isolation formation. Unless it was someone with a higher level of formation than him, they would This cave cannot be found.

Now that he was about to leave, Chengye didn't want others to know the existence of the cave, so the formation was not removed.

Looking at the cave where he had lived for three years for the last time, Chengye picked up his wife who was wrapped tightly in a fox fur.

Looking at his son who was also wrapped like a ball, Yan Chengye said in a gentle tone, "An'er follows dad."

His wife can only be carried away by him, but he cannot hold his son and can only let his son follow him.

Juan Anluo nodded, "Don't worry, dad, I will follow dad and I won't wander around."

 The son is only at the Yuan level, and he is still two levels away from the King level of flying in the air. He cannot fly in the air, otherwise he can still take his son down in the air.

 Just because there are restrictions on this mountain, flying spiritual animals cannot fly, and humans cannot fly in the air.

 Therefore, they could only use their spiritual power to go down the mountain.

“Follow me.” After saying this, Yan Chengye walked down the mountain in the snow.

Juan Anluo hurriedly followed. Although he was only at the Yuan level, he could still go down the mountain without any problem.

Facing the cold wind, the family of three headed down the mountain.

 About half an hour, they arrived at the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain is a small town with not many people living there, but there are quite a few people who come to the snow-capped mountains to pick snow lotus, so it is quite popular.

After Chengye brought his wife and son to an area not controlled by Snow Mountain, he did not go into the town. Instead, he took out the teleportation array and teleported directly to the border between Beidalu and the Southern Continent.

The Ji family is in the southern continent, and the snow-capped mountains they live in are in the northern continent, so they have to cross the border.

The family of three changed out of their thick winter clothes. Juan Anluo felt very light on his body. He had been living in the snow-capped mountains for the past three years and wore winter clothes, which were very bulky. Now that his body is so light, he feels like he can fly. It's excitement.

 (End of this chapter)

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