The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 683: See dad and mom

Chapter 683 Seeing Mom and Dad

Want to refine the **** beads, their pride of the heavenly heaven has not done it.

 If it is true, it does not mean that the people in the Nine Heavens are all trash.

 They absolutely do not believe that people from lower continents can refine divine beads.

The man in white robe nodded firmly, "You have forgotten that the divine pearl can only be crystal clear when it is refined."

 Everyone fell silent. Looking at the crystal clear purple beads, they had to admit that the divine beads they had seen were not like this. They were very dark purple and looked chaotic.

 The divine beads today are indeed crystal clear and appear to have been refined.

Although they have never seen what the refined divine beads look like, the legend is like this.

The huge white crystal ball in front of you was originally refined to detect the breath of the divine bead.

Such a large crystal ball, the only one in the entire Jiuchongtian. It is the only flawless white crystal ore found in the only white crystal vein found in the Jiuchongtian continent. At that time, it took a lot of effort and manpower to mine it. Later, hundreds of god-level weapon refiners, ten heavenly masters, ten Xuanwen masters, and hundreds of formation masters joined forces to refine the white prediction crystal ball in front of them, which is said to be able to communicate with the will of heaven.

 However, such a powerful crystal ball can only be viewed when the divine bead is exposed.

 For tens of thousands of years, this crystal ball has been used to predict major events in the Nine Heavens, and it has never been missed.

This crystal ball was refined by the strength of the entire continent after the last time I heard that the man and woman who owned the divine bead threw the divine bead down to the ninth heaven under the evergreen tree. It is said that the man and woman also died in love.

They were not sure at the time. After all, everyone present died and no one survived. Now it seems that this is true.

"What should we do now?"

 They have been waiting for tens of thousands of years, but they did not expect this result.

If the divine bead has been refined, it means that it has recognized its owner. It will not be easy for them to get the owner's divine bead.

"There is no good way. We can only wait for him to use the divine bead, and then use the power of the crystal ball to find his location." The man in white robe said calmly.

The others were speechless after hearing what he said. They knew that the man in front of them was already the highest-cultivated person among the Nine Heavenly Masters. He had no other choice, and the others had no choice.

 Now we can only wait.

Several people looked up at the purple beads suspended in the crystal ball, with different expressions in their eyes. No one knew what the other person was thinking, but one thing they all knew was that everyone wanted to get the divine beads.

After several people left, the man in white robe raised his hand, and the power of the Heavenly Master was integrated into the crystal ball. Light surged in the crystal ball, but the purple beads remained suspended motionless, and no other images appeared in the crystal ball.

 He frowned, but still couldn't see the location of the divine bead.

What I said just now was just to deal with a few of them. If I really had to wait until that person used the divine bead to find the location of the divine bead, it would be too late.

The divine bead is just a contract and he can still take it away. If the other party has already used the power of the divine bead, it means that the divine bead has been fused with the other party's soul. At that time, if you want to take the divine bead away, even if you kill the other party, it is impossible.

The divine bead will disappear immediately upon the owner's death, until its owner reincarnates again and has the opportunity to encounter the divine bead and awaken the divine bead again.

 They still have a chance to get the divine pearl before its owner refines it again. But once the divine beads disappear, where will they go to find them? How could they know where the owner of the divine bead was reborn?

His Celestial Master cultivation level is already the strongest in the Nine Heavens, and he thinks that there is nothing he can't predict. However, the Divine Pearl and its owner are the only exceptions, and he really can't predict it.

Things are already very difficult now. Do we have to use that method?

 He really doesn’t want to use it unless he has to, because the cost is too high.

At this time, in Jiuyuan City, Ji Jiuzhong refined several majestic houses and placed them near the city gate.

These houses are used by the Black Feather Guards to do business, and each house is responsible for different things.

After Mu Zixian divided the territory among them, all the Black Feather Guards notified their respective tribesmen, and then began to perform their respective duties and get busy.

Mu Zixian didn't want to tire himself to death. After following Ji Jiuzhong for so many years, he had become proficient in transferring people and arranging things. He had divided the Black Feather Guard into several parts, each performing its own duties. He only needed to control the overall situation. alright.

Ji Jiuchong has told Mu Zixian about the plan of the inner city, and the rest is what needs to be done.

Mu Zixian arranges people clearly and does the things arranged by his master in the shortest possible time. This has always been his pursuit.

Ruan Xiangluo was busy in the courtyard of the palace. After the restriction was completely opened, Jiuyuan City finally had the breath of life. Ruan Xiangluo was fine now. She couldn't help with other things, so she took care of the yard herself. Just plan out where you want to plant them piece by piece, and then leave it to Mu Zixian to do it.

She is planning to go back to Xiangyang City. They are not suitable to live in Xiangyang City now. She plans to bring everyone here when she goes back.

 There is safety here.

Mu Zixian told her before that Qi Hao was sent back to Xiangyang City by him. She was not worried about Qi Hao's safety, but worried about her parents finding her.

By now, the news that she and Ji Jiuzhong were together should have spread throughout the continent. Her parents would definitely come if they knew the news.

She stood up when she thought of this, and suddenly she had the feeling that her parents were outside the city. He jumped up, landed on the roof of the palace, and looked outside the city gate.

 This feeling used to be her sixth sense, but now she knows that it is the feeling of the Celestial Master's power. Although the Celestial Master cannot predict her own destiny, she can sense things about herself.

There are so many people outside that it would be impossible for others to find the person they are looking for at a glance among the crowd.

But it was extremely easy here for Yan Xiangluo. She followed her feeling and looked in one direction, and saw her parents standing behind the crowd.

Yan Xiangluo was so excited that she wanted to fly out immediately and go to them, but the joy on her face disappeared in an instant.

 Because she saw her mother holding a little boy in her hand.

Even though the distance was far away, it was not difficult for her to see a person's face clearly with her cultivation. Because she could see clearly, her heart sank.

 Because the little boy looked about six or seven years old, and his appearance was like seeing himself when he was a child, especially his big round eyes, which were exactly the same as hers.

 (End of this chapter)

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