The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 684: only he has

He didn't need to think too much about such an appearance. She knew that he was her parents' child, her brother.

 In the more than six years since she was separated from her parents, there were other children around her. She never thought that one day she would see her parents in such a situation.

She is no longer the only child of her parents, and they have been separated for more than six years, but this younger brother has been living with them.

For a moment, Yan Xiangluo felt an indescribable sense of loss in her heart, as if something belonging to her had quietly slipped away.

She just stood on the roof of the palace, looking at the family of three from a distance, as if she was the extra one.

 At this time, she was not sure why they had not come to her.

From a distance, he saw her mother leaning weakly on her father, and her father kept holding his mother's waist with his hands.

They are still as loving as before, and their appearance has not changed much. If there is any change, it is that they have the atmosphere of vicissitudes of life.

When Ji Jiuzhong came back, he saw the person standing on the roof of the palace at a glance. Sensing that she was not in a good mood, Ji Jiuzhong jumped up and landed next to her, "Luoluo, what's wrong?"

Yan Xiangluo turned around and said, "I saw my parents."

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned and looked outside, but he was not as capable as Sun Xiangluo and could not find Sun Chengye and the others among so many people.

“Isn’t this a happy thing? Why do you seem so depressed?”

Yan Xiangluo added, "They have another child, a boy."

Ji Jiuzhong was startled, and then he understood why she was in a bad mood, and hugged her into his arms, "Isn't this a good thing? Luo Luo has a younger brother. From now on, more people will love you and protect you."

Tong Xiang fell into a meal, is this that?

 The soul has lived in two lives, and she was both an only child. Now she is sixteen years old, and suddenly she was told that she had a younger brother. She couldn't accept the thought that her parents loved him too, and even loved him more than she loved herself.

Ji Jiuzhong knew why she was in a bad mood, "Luo Luo, brothers and sisters are also fate. Good fate comes. You will support and rely on each other in this life. That is another kind of feeling. At least you are sisters from the same generation. Brother, look at me, I have many brothers, but they are not from the same mother. No one really likes me. Luoluo is much happier than me. "

Ji Jiuzhong's identity, Yan Xiangluo, is naturally very clear. Indeed, he has many brothers, but all of them wish he had never been born. After all, my younger brother and I have the same father and mother, and their relationship should be good, but that requires them to grow up together. Now that my younger brother is so old, is it too late to cultivate a relationship?

 Aren’t parents partial to others?

Ji Jiuzhong patted her on the back and said, "I'll have someone bring them in."

Yan Xiangluo moved. Although she was a little unsure whether she could control her emotions, she still wanted to see her parents since they were here. To be honest, she really missed her parents.

Although she is only sixteen years old, she is already at that age and is considered an adult here. As long as he does not go too far, she will not compete with her brother for his favor.

 After all, she had enjoyed exclusive love from her parents for ten years, and their love for her was not fake.

Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo felt much better instantly.

 “Yeah.” She responded in a low voice. Ji Jiuzhong hugged her waist and descended from the ridge of the palace, called Changfeng, gave some instructions, and Changfeng went out.

From yesterday to today, Ji Zimo has been silently watching every move of the two of them. He discovered that among the two, Ji Jiuzhong was the one who took the initiative. When dealing with things, Ji Jiuzhong was a very indifferent person, and he only treated me When the fragrance falls, his tenderness will be revealed.

He was confused, shouldn't a man like Ji Jiuzhong with outstanding appearance, talent, and cultivation level be chased by women to please him? Why was he in such a miserable state, chasing after women all the time?

 Are you still catching up from the last life to this one?

Yan Xiangluo sat on the steps at the door of the palace, looking at the door of the palace. Ji Jiuzhong also sat beside her, accompanying her. She didn't speak, and he didn't speak either, just staying with her silently.

Ji Jiuzhong knew that she had not seen her parents in more than six years, and with the sudden appearance of a younger brother, it was understandable that she could not change her mood.

 Sensing that Changfeng was coming with someone, Ji Jiuzhong whispered, "Luoluo is luckier than me. I don't think I have a chance to see my parents."

Yan Xiangluo's heart trembled. Ji Jiuzhong's mother died in childbirth when he was born. His father also died when he was six years old. Indeed, he could not see him even if he wanted to.

I am lucky enough to be able to see my parents, so why bother?

If they can't see each other all the time, having a younger brother to accompany them on her behalf is what she hopes for most. Now that their family has grown from three to four, she should feel happier.

 After all, she has another blood relative.

Ji Jiuzhong instantly connected with her with just one word, and the only discomfort in her heart disappeared.

At this time, Changfeng led Guan Chengye, Long Moran, and Guan Anluo into the courtyard door.

Yan Xiangluo stood up immediately.

Chengye stopped at the door and looked at the beautiful girl in a red dress standing on the steps of the palace, and his eyes suddenly became hot.

When he left, his daughter was still a little girl, and she would still act like a baby in his arms. Now, the slim girl in front of him no longer had the softness and softness she had when she was a child. Perhaps it was because she had gone through too many ups and downs. Just two levels of Panguhua Blooming were enough to make her lose her innocence as a child. What's more, he could imagine his daughter's situation in the Tianshun Empire after their husband and wife left. How difficult would it be.

How could I not feel distressed?

Long Moran could no longer control his face and burst into tears, sobbing so hard.

Only the child Ruan Anluo stared blankly at the girl in the red dress flying on the steps. She was his sister. Needless to say, he also knew that his parents had said since he was a child that he looked very similar to his sister, but her sister was even taller than him. He is good-looking, but he is not convinced every time he looks in the mirror. He can't find anything unsightly about his face no matter how he looks at it. How much more beautiful can his sister be than him?

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he suddenly understood that it was not that his sister's appearance was better than his, but that her temperament was so outstanding. With just one glance, he felt that the fairies in Jiuzhongtian were not as good-looking as his sister.

The more Juan Anluo looked at it, the more he liked it. This was his sister, and he was the only one who had such a powerful and beautiful sister.

The excited child Ruan Anluo didn't even notice that her parents were in a bad mood. She let go of her mother's hand and ran towards Ruan Xiangluo, shouting as she ran, "Sister, I am An An."

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