The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 685: Fainted

Chapter 685 Fainted

The son's movements suddenly woke up the couple, Yan Chengye and his wife. They just wanted to hold their son back because their son's speed was too fast. When they came to their senses, their son had already rushed out far away.

 Both husband and wife looked at their daughter worriedly, fearing that her daughter would be unhappy.

 After all, my daughter doesn’t know that she has a younger brother. It’s been more than six years, and a younger brother pops up as soon as they meet. Can she accept it?

When Ruan Xiangluo and Ruan Anluo ran over, her eyes finally changed. Looking at her younger brother who shared the same face with her and running towards her happily, she realized that her younger brother had always known about her existence and liked her very much. .

To be so excited when meeting him for the first time, it must be that his parents often talk to him about his sister.

The thought lasted only a moment, and his waist was hugged by his younger brother who ran over.

Yan Xiangluo looked down at the boy hugging her waist, looking up at her with a smile. This was his younger brother who had the same bloodline as him.

"Sister, I finally see you." Juan Anluo's tone was full of joy.

“I am An An, your brother, and you are my sister.”

“Sister, you are so amazing and good-looking. My parents say you are prettier than me, and now I also think you are prettier than me.”

Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. Is this my brother still a talkative?

 Are you so familiar?

   My parents are not of this temperament, so how come I gave birth to a talkative younger brother?

She didn't know that her younger brother had lived with his parents in an isolated snowy mountain for three years. The life of a family of three was usually very peaceful, and he didn't talk so much.

Yan Xiangluo raised her hand and rubbed his head, "I am your sister, my name is Yan Xiangluo."

 My brother’s hair is soft, soft and comfortable to touch.

Sister touched his head. She liked him. Nuan Anluo was in a good mood. She showed a row of white teeth and said, "I am your brother. My name is Ruan Anluo."

 An settlement?

Her younger brother actually followed her and called her Luozi, and also called Anzi. Is this what she thought?

“Dad said that he and his mother could not grow up with their sister and wanted her to be safe, so they named me An. Dad said that he hoped that their Luo Luo would be safe.” The child Juan An Luo explained the origin of his name.

After finishing his words, he added, "I also hope my sister is safe. I like this name very much."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly became wet. She put her arms around her younger brother and looked at her parents who were still standing at the door without daring to take another step. She finally couldn't help it anymore.

 “Dad, mother.”

Yu Chengye raised his head and tried to open his eyes, but he had to hold back the tears that were about to fall out.

 Long Moran could no longer stand still and fell down instantly.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes changed. Only then did she realize that something was wrong with her mother. Why was her health so bad? She pulled away her brother's hand and rushed over.

“Mother.” Yan Xiangluo’s voice changed.

Juan Anluo also ran over quickly.

“Dad, what’s wrong with my mother?” Yan Xiangluo asked anxiously, looking at her mother who was caught by her father and held in his arms.

Yu Chengye quickly comforted his daughter and said, "Your mother is too excited and will wake up later."

Yan Xiangluo didn't believe it at all. She was a miracle doctor. Don't you know? She immediately reached out and wiped her mother's pulse.

Yu Chengye sighed. He had no intention of letting his daughter know about his wife's condition as soon as they met. Although he knew that he couldn't hide it for long, it was better than scaring his daughter when the family was reunited.

His daughter is a miracle doctor, and she has only been there for more than six years. He doesn’t know how her daughter learned this medical skill, but since her reputation as a miracle doctor can be heard throughout the continent, her daughter’s medical skills are already the best in the continent. There is nothing he can do about his wife's health. Now he can only see if his daughter can do anything.

Yan Xiangluo was so nervous for the first time when seeing a doctor. She understood that this was because the sick person was her closest blood relative, her mother who gave birth to her.

Ruan Anluo squatted aside quietly, watching her sister check her mother's pulse. As far as he could remember, his mother's body had been like this, and it was getting worse. Although his father didn't say it, he also knew that even Yun Biancao Even though my father had found all these precious medicinal materials, my mother was not cured, which meant that my mother's health had reached its worst state.

 He was very worried, but he had no choice but to meet his sister now. She is a miracle doctor and she will definitely cure her mother.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't expect this. When Yan Xiangluo rushed over, he also came over and stood aside to watch Luo Luo take her pulse.

Even if he didn't have medical skills, he could still see that his mother-in-law's health was already in a bad state.

Ji Zimo floated over, glanced at Long Moran, frowned, and shook his head. This man was dying and it was unlikely that he would wake up.

Yan Xiangluo's heart sank to the bottom after feeling her pulse. She finally understood why her parents didn't go to find her immediately.

 My mother’s body cannot be moved at all.

It seems that my parents have been living in the snowy mountains. Her mother has too much snow lotus in her body, and she takes fresh snow lotus. If it weren't for these snow lotuses nourishing her body, she would have died long ago.

Furthermore, her mother’s body still has cloud grass. Not to mention how rare cloud grass is, even the function of cloud grass shows that her mother’s body is now struggling to hold on.

If she wasn't emotionally excited, she could still hold herself up, but the mood swings were too high, which made her get sick again early.

She said nothing, and immediately took out the silver needles, and three silver needles were directly inserted into three acupuncture points on her head.

 In a moment, Long Moran woke up.

 Ji Zimo was extremely shocked. Is her medical skill so high? With just three injections, a person who was already dead actually woke up?

Just as Long Moran was about to speak, Yan Xiangluo spoke first, "Mom, control your emotions. If you faint again, I won't be able to save you. Do you want to have a funeral just after our family is reunited?"

  What her daughter said was very serious, but Long Ranmo knew her physical condition, so she immediately shut up, closed her eyes, and tried her best to suppress her excitement. After a while, she felt more comfortable.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo pull out the silver needle.

What she just said was not to scare people, it was true. If her mother fainted again, there was really nothing she could do.

 Because, it was not fainting, but passing away.

"Jiu Zhong, find an empty palace. I want to treat my mother first. I can't wait for a moment." Yan Xiangluo raised her head and said to Ji Jiu Zhong.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately asked, "What kind of palace is needed?"

Luoluo didn’t let her mother into the bedroom, not because she felt it was inappropriate, but because the bedroom did not meet the conditions for her treatment.

 “It’s more open, it’s best if there’s nothing inside.” Yan Xiangluo said.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately looked at Ji Zimo. No one in the palace knew it better than Ji Zimo.

Ji Zimo immediately pointed to the east and said, "There is a palace there that used to be a school for the prince when he was a child. There is nothing in it except tables and chairs."

Ji Jiuzhong immediately said, "Can I trouble Ancestor Zimo to take us there?"

 (End of this chapter)

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