The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 686: Father-in-law

Chapter 686 Father-in-law

Since Luo Luo said there should be no delay, no time should be wasted. Ji Zimo could lead the way to find the palace the fastest.

 “Follow me.” Ji Zimo immediately drifted to the east.

Juan Chengye and Juan Anluo and his son were both stunned. They could only hear Ji Jiuchong's words, but not Ji Zimo's words, and no one could be seen.

It is impossible for Ji Jiuzhong to talk to the air, that is the soul body.

Juan Chengye understood it instantly, and Juan Anluo understood it after thinking about it. He had seen his mother talking to the air like this before, and later her mother said that she was communicating with the soul body.

There is actually a soul body here, and he is called an ancestor by his brother-in-law. He should be a very powerful soul body.

Although Long Moran is not in good health, she is also a heavenly master. Although she cannot exert much power now due to her physical condition, in any case, she used to be the strongest soul-controlling person in the Long family. She can separate the soul and send it to another world. Her talent is It was not ordinary, so as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Ji Zimo.

Hence, she was not surprised that Ji Jiuzhong spoke to Ji Zimo, but she was a little surprised how the soul body could exist for so many years.

The Ji family has been destroyed for more than 30,000 years, which is not an ordinary period of time.

“Dad, come here with your mother in your arms.” Yan Xiangluo stood up and said to her father.

Yu Chengye quickly picked up his wife and followed him. Yan Xiangluo said to Changfeng, "Changfeng, take care of my brother."

Changfeng immediately said, "Madam, don't worry, I will take good care of Young Master."

This is the master's brother-in-law. He will take good care of her without needing to be told by Yan Xiangluo.

Wan Anluo tugged on Yan Xiangluo's sleeve, "Sister, I'm going too."

 He was worried about his mother and didn’t want to stay.

Yan Xiangluo looked at her younger brother and saw the uneasiness and uneasiness in his eyes. Knowing that he was worried about her mother, she said, "Come along. Just don't affect my sister's treatment of my mother."

"Okay, I won't affect you. I'll just stay with my sister and parents." Juan Anluo assured her immediately.

Yan Xiangluo rubbed his head and said, "An An is very good."

Juan Anluo's eyes suddenly lit up. His sister praised him. He was a good little brother and her sister liked him.

 Led by Ji Zimo, the group quickly arrived at a palace in the east. Indeed, as Ji Zimo said, there was nothing inside except tables and chairs.

Ji Zimo also studied here. When he saw this place again, the scene where he had studied with his brothers and sisters flashed before his eyes, and he felt sad.

He didn’t go in. After Yanxiang fell in, she put the two tables together and said to her father, “Dad, put your mother on top, and you all can get out.”

Yu Chengye was stunned, "Don't you need me to help you inside?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "Mom is not only in poor health, but also has injuries to her soul and body. None of you can help."

Juan Anluo said, "Sister, I can help."

 In fact, he also awakened the soul-controlling power of the Long family. However, due to his health, his mother banned the use of the soul-controlling power. However, he is very sensitive and may be able to help his sister.

When Yan Xiangluo saw her younger brother, she knew that he also had physical problems and that his power to control souls was blocked. She now understood that her father's life had not been easy in the past six years.

 With a wife and children in poor health, and with my daughter still to worry about, I may never have a comfortable day.

Yan Xiangluo rubbed her brother's head, "An'an and dad are waiting outside. If you need your sister, I'll ask you to come in, okay?" Yan Anluo knew that she couldn't help, and her sister was very kind and didn't refuse directly. He immediately said, "Okay."

Since he can't help, he can't cause trouble for his sister. It's more important to save his mother.

Since everyone is out, stand outside the door and look inside.

Long Moran is very aware of her physical problems, the most important of which is the problem of her soul and body. This problem cannot be solved by the Tianshi's husband, nor can she save herself, so she has never said anything about it.

 Looking at her daughter, she asked seriously, "Will it hurt you?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "It won't hurt."

Although my mother’s soul was seriously injured, there was a solution in the Long family’s empty soul method that she practiced.

Worried that her mother would think she was reluctant, she explained, "What I practice is not the power of soul control that everyone in the Long family practices. I opened the box of inheritance of the Long family's skills and practice the inherited power of soul control."

Long Moran was stunned for a moment, then felt relieved and nodded.

The box in the Long family contains the inheritance of the real soul-controlling technique of the Long family. Now that her daughter has opened the box and has become a high-level heavenly master, she is really relieved.

"Mom, I will use silver needles to seal several of your acupuncture points first to ensure that your physical condition will not worsen. After healing the soul body, I will heal the body. If mom feels sleepy, just sleep peacefully and everything will be fine when you wake up. Okay." Yan Xiangluo took out the silver needle and said to her mother.

 During the process of healing the soul, you will feel comfortable and then sleepy. There is no danger in sleeping at this time. On the contrary, it will allow the soul to recover better.

 Long Moran nodded, "Mom, I understand, you can do it without any worries."

  She is a heavenly master herself, so she naturally knows that healing the soul will make her feel comfortable, and it is a good thing for her to get some sleep. Over the years, she was afraid every time she felt sleepy, fearing that she would never wake up. This was the first time that she felt that falling asleep was not a scary thing.

Yanxiang Luo's slender hands danced rapidly, and Long Moran didn't even feel that a dozen silver needles landed on her body.

Immediately, Yan Xiangluo raised his hands and spread out his soul-controlling power, wrapping up Long Moran's entire body. Ji Jiuzhong, Changfeng and Ji Zimo, who had opened their heavenly eyes, could clearly see, Long Moran's soul left her body in a lying position, floating in front of Yan Xiangluo.

At this time, Long Moran had closed his eyes and fell asleep.

 When the soul leaves the body, the body will naturally be unable to maintain a normal awake state.

Yan Xiangluo didn't explain it clearly to her mother, because she was worried that she wouldn't be able to accept it, and her mood would fluctuate too much, which would affect the separation of her soul and body.

 Her mother should be in a deep sleep now, so that she can safely heal her soul body, and after she sleeps like this, it will indeed be of great benefit to the recovery of her body and soul body.

Yan Xiangluo used the power of soul control to support her mother's soul body, and then began to heal.

Since everyone was standing quietly outside the door, they didn’t even dare to breathe hard for fear of affecting Yan Xiangluo’s treatment.

Juan Anluo held her little hands tightly, believing in his heart that his sister was very powerful and would be able to cure his mother, but he was also worried that his sister would be injured because of this, and he was very conflicted.

Yu Chengye knew his daughter well. Since she had done it, she must be sure of it. He looked at Ji Jiuzhong and asked, "How do you know each other?"

Ji Jiuzhong's heart sank. How could he describe the process of getting to know Luoluo?

It seems that no matter what you say, your father-in-law will be dissatisfied.

 (End of this chapter)

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