The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 687: heal mother

Chapter 687 Healing Mother

Did it start when his brother the emperor granted him a marriage in order to humiliate him, or when the two of them broke off the engagement when they first met?

Ji Jiuzhong felt that things were a bit tricky for the first time. No wonder they all called his father-in-law Father-in-law. It felt like meeting an adult.

 After thinking about it, Ji Jiuzhong decided to tell the truth.

From the time when he was granted a marriage by his brother, the emperor, to the first time the two met, the engagement was broken off by Yan Xiangluo, and then fate dictated that they met again and again, and then the two fell in love and came to the higher continent together, and so on.

Yu Chengye never said anything. If he did speak, it would be to ask about his daughter's life in Tianqian Continent these years.

Ji Jiuzhong also told everything he knew. He didn't say anything about Pangu Space. It was up to Luoluo himself to say whether he wanted to. He respected Luoluo's opinion.

As for whether his father-in-law would be dissatisfied because he did not take care of Luoluo after their previous engagement and caused her to suffer so much, he accepted his fate. Anyway, punishment was acceptable, but separation was definitely not acceptable.

Ruan Anluo kept listening with open ears. The more she listened, the more dissatisfied she became with this brother-in-law. How could he turn a blind eye to his sister? After being engaged for more than three years, he had never seen his sister. She was even called "sister-in-law" by people in the Tianshun Empire. Being a waste, he didn't even help his sister.

 He doesn’t want this brother-in-law.

 But he also knew that since his father was here and he was not qualified to speak, he could only sulk and give Ji Jiuchong a blank look.

How could Ji Jiuzhong not see his brother-in-law's dislike of him? He thought to himself: I had persuaded your sister to say good things for you before, but you did this to me?

But it’s just a child, just coax him.

 He didn’t know that his brother-in-law was not easy to coax.

Now Ji Jiuzhong wants to know what his father-in-law thinks even more. He doesn't want to embarrass Luo Luo.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo finished healing the soul and shouted outside, "Dad, please come in and help me."

 “Here we come.” Yan Chengye immediately responded and walked in.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo used her soul power to send her mother's soul body back into her body. When Yan Chengye came over, he found that his wife's breathing was stable and her complexion was much better.

 Sure enough, the biggest injury comes from the soul body.

It was then that he realized that the reason why his wife's health was still getting worse and worse after so many years of searching for precious medicinal materials was that her soul and body were too seriously injured.

He never knew when his wife's soul and body were so seriously injured. He always thought that he was a qualified husband, but now it seems that he was not careful enough.

He really didn’t think of this before. After all, his wife was the Heavenly Master, and he never thought that his wife’s soul and body would be hurt.

He also understood why his wife hid it from him, and there was nothing she could do about it, it would only make him more worried.

 When the soul is injured, even if they can ask a heavenly master who is capable of healing, they will not trust him to heal him.

 After all, there are too many things that can be done in the healing process. What's more, they haven't found such a powerful Celestial Master.

It was natural for their daughter to treat them. She had never thought of helping him to save his wife as a daughter.

"Dad, please help me take off Mom's upper body clothes, then support Mom and let her lie on her side. I want to apply acupuncture on her chest and back. It must be done in one breath, and then it takes a stick of incense." While speaking, he turned around to remind Ji Jiuzhong to close the door.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately raised his hand and closed the door. Juan Anluo wanted to go in, but Ji Jiuzhong grabbed him.

 “Don’t go in and disturb your sister.”

“Humph.” Ruan Anluo snorted dissatisfiedly, but she didn’t make any fuss about going in. Ji Jiuzhong thought to himself: Although my brother-in-law has a little temper, he is still very obedient. Fortunately, he has good rules. His daughter and son have been taught well by his father-in-law.

After the door was closed, Yu Xiangluo began to set up the formation. Only then did Yu Chengye understand why his daughter was looking for an empty palace and still needed to set up the formation.

 He was surprised, and at the same time an idea came to him. It is not easy to be a miracle doctor. People who can make elixirs and understand medical skills will be fine.

 This requires not only the power to control souls, but also formations. He doesn't know yet at this time, and it's not just that.

When his daughter was setting up the formation, Chengye quickly took off his wife's clothes and laid them directly under her body.

Since his daughter didn't let him lay down the bedding, there must be a reason. He would do whatever his daughter said.

Just after he was ready, he helped his wife lie down on her side, and saw his daughter pulling out her mother's clothes and carving mysterious patterns on the table.

Yu Chengye was stunned for a moment, his daughter was actually a Xuan Wen master?

Oh my god, although Chengye always knew that his daughter was born extraordinary, otherwise his wife would not have divided her daughter's soul into two parts and lived in two worlds, but he never expected that during the six years of separation, How did my daughter manage to practice without delay, remain so strong in medicine and alchemy, and not fall behind in formations, and still become a Xuan Wen Master?

It takes a lot of time to learn any of these things. How incredible is your daughter’s talent?

No matter how calm he was, at this moment, he was frightened by his daughter's strength and ability.

Ji Jiuzhong didn’t say that his daughter also learned Xuan Wen?

However, at this time, he could not ask anything, he could only cooperate with his daughter and do whatever she asked.

I understand why my daughter left her wife lying on the table with nothing spread. It turned out that she wanted to carve mysterious patterns on it.

After Yan Xiang finished carving the pattern, he started to apply acupuncture on her mother. Yan Chengye watched the whole process and felt that his daughter's hands were simply magical, how could she be so dexterous.

After the acupuncture, Yan Xiangluo waited quietly aside, taking her mother's pulse in about a quarter of an hour to confirm her physical condition.

Yu Chengye remained in this posture without moving.

After the acupuncture was completed, Yan Xiangluo began to carve mysterious patterns on the formation she had laid out.

What she set up was a spirit-gathering formation. If she wanted to heal patients, why did she need to set up an formation with mysterious patterns?

 The main reason is that although her mother, Long Moran, has been ill, she has been practicing for the past six years, and her cultivation and soul power have been improving. Otherwise, she would not have been able to survive for so many years with medicine alone.

Although the effect of cultivation is not at all due to physical reasons, it does not mean that there is really no effect.

 When her soul and body are restored, the effects of her cultivation will be apparent.

After six years of training, both her cultivation level and her soul-controlling power will increase dramatically in an instant. Not only does she need rich spiritual energy to help her break through her cultivation level and advance, but she also needs a quiet environment to allow her soul-controlling power to advance.

This is the territory of the Ji family. The spiritual energy itself is very rich, but it is still not enough for promotion, so she set up a spirit gathering array.

 In order to ensure that the power of controlling souls could break through, she carved the mysterious lines of isolation on the formation.

And the mysterious pattern carved on the table under her mother's body is the soul-melting pattern. As the name suggests, the soul-melting pattern fuses the body and soul.

 (End of this chapter)

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