The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 690: I'll marry your sister

Chapter 690 I will marry your sister

 “Okay.” Long Moran also knew that she was about to start advancing, so he didn’t say anything more.

The father and daughter walked out. Yu Chengye opened the door first and went out. Yu Xiangluo walked behind. Before going out, he used his spiritual power to activate the spirit gathering array and the isolation mysterious pattern.

 Then he went out and closed the door.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Ji Jiuzhong and Juan Anluo outside the door, both looking at her intently.

Yan Xiangluo then remembered that she had not formally introduced Ji Jiuzhong to her father, and said quickly, "Dad, he is my fiancé Ji Jiuzhong."

Yu Chengye had known for a long time that Ji Jiuchong was his daughter's fiancé, and he knew it as soon as he learned about his daughter.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable because his daughter was snatched away by a wolf called his son-in-law while he was away, he also knew that his daughter's temperament would not easily accept a man, especially a man who would be with her for the rest of her life.

 Therefore, he did not make things difficult for Ji Jiuchong.

What's more, none of them accompanied their daughter when she was in the most difficult time. It was Ji Jiuzhong who accompanied her all the way. Based on this alone, he can't do anything to Nan Ji Jiuzhong, unless he does something bad to his daughter and hurts her.

Ji Jiuzhong quickly saluted and said, "Jiu Zhong has met my father-in-law."

Yu Chengye twitched the corner of his mouth, and he was really able to slap his nose on his face. He didn't embarrass him, and he even called his father-in-law.

 “It’s a little early to call my father-in-law.”

 No longer wants to embarrass Ji Jiuchong, Jue Chengye can't let him succeed like this.

Ji Jiuzhong seemed not to notice what Yu Chengye was thinking, and said naturally, "Jiu Zhong has never met my mother, and my father left when I was six years old. Now with Luo Luo's light, I can once again enjoy the days of being loved by my parents." , inevitably a bit anxious.”

Yu Chengye has black lines all over his face, but he is quite good at flattering him. Bah, he is not a horse, so he is quite good at flattering him.

Yan Xiangluo was also speechless. She didn't even know that Ji Jiuzhong had such a side and was so thick-skinned. Well, yes, that's it. This was the first time she had seen him in a pleasing manner.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know that the first person Ji Jiuzhong wanted to please was not her father, but her, but she couldn't feel it when she was in it.

Before Yu Chengye said anything, Yu Anluo became unhappy, "I haven't agreed to my sister marrying you yet."

The implication is, why do you call me father-in-law? We haven’t agreed to marry my sister to you yet.

Yan Xiangluo laughed instantly when she saw the tone and look on her face that her brother and sister are from my family and don’t want to be your wife.

It seems really good to have a younger brother who protects my sister like this.

Ji Jiuzhong was not annoyed and said in a gentle tone, "Then what will happen before you agree to marry your sister to me?"

Juan Anluo was stunned for a moment. This question was a bit difficult. He hadn't thought about it yet. In fact, he was unwilling to marry off his sister.

He glanced at his sister, thinking that her sister should like her brother-in-law very much, and said in a somewhat unconfident voice, "Sister belongs to my family and does not go to other people's homes."

He had been looking forward to seeing his sister for so many years, so why would she marry someone else? She would have to live in someone else's home. He hoped that his sister would always be at home and that the family of four would never be separated.

"I can marry your sister, so your sister doesn't have to leave home." Ji Jiuzhong said immediately. Concubine Anluo was stunned. My brother-in-law married my sister? Is this still possible?

 If this is the case, my sister really doesn’t have to leave home, and it’s not impossible.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo rolled his eyes at Ji Jiuzhong, he also said such words.

He Cheng was speechless, his son was still too tender, and he lost in one round. It was so easy to be fooled and the IQ was worrying.

"I met you once when you were six years old." Yan Chengye quickly took over the words, fearing that his son would agree like this.

Ji Jiuzhong seemed not to see what his father-in-law meant, and said calmly, "Jiu Zhong would also like to thank my father-in-law for helping me at that time."

Yan Xiangluo looked at her father and then at Ji Jiuzhong. Did her father and Ji Jiuzhong meet before? After listening to Ji Jiuzhong's words, his father even helped him?

Logically speaking, my father had no chance to enter the palace at that time. How did he meet the six-year-old Ji Jiuzhong?

Ji Jiuzhong explained to Yu Xiangluo, "When my father passed away, my brother started killing his brothers after he came to the throne. Because I was young and couldn't find a reason to kill me directly, so I was sent to the fiefdom. Fortunately, half the time Someone arranged to kill me on the way. At that time, I only brought six of the hidden guards left by my father. The others were arranged by my brother and were also people who wanted to kill me on the way. The six of them protected me with their lives. I was very embarrassed at that time, waiting for the hidden guards to pick me up, and I happened to meet my father-in-law, who stayed with me until the hidden guards found me and then left. "

 So that’s it, the fragrance is clear.

Ji Jiuzhong never talked about his past. Although she also knew that it would not be easy for a six-year-old child to survive murder after murder, she actually heard that he was killed by his brother when he lost his father when he was six years old. Even though he killed me, I still felt sorry for him.

When Ruan Anluo heard that Ji Jiuchong had such a difficult time when he was a child, he was much more pitiful than him. He just had to practice hard and had his parents by his side. Ji Jiuchong had no parents and was still worried about his life. He felt a little sorry for him and felt that if he was willing to marry his sister, he could accept it.

"Your father helped me. I'm just helping you to repay your father's favor." Yu Chengye said calmly.

Yu Xiang was speechless. What is the fate of this?

Ji Jiuzhong’s father is not the emperor. How did he help his father?

"Dad, it will take a long time for my mother to break through. Let's go over there and sit and wait. It just so happens that dad also tells me about your and mother's experiences." Yan Xiangluo pointed to a stone table in the yard.

This was originally a place where the prince studied. There are several stone tables in the courtyard, and chess boards are carved on the stone tables. It should be a place for playing chess.

The four of them walked over and sat down. Changfeng and Ji Zimo did not follow them, but stood there waiting.

After sitting down, Yan Xiangluo took out the tea set and used her own flame to make tea. Yan Chengye was stunned for a moment when he looked at the tea set his daughter took out, "Did Luoluo bring the tea set from home?"

Yuan Xiangluo said, "I brought everything except the house."

This is not true at all. Nothing can be taken away except the house. She really emptied the house.

 Pour tea for her father first, then Ji Jiuzhong, then her brother, and finally herself.

Juan Anluo looked at the teacup curiously. This was a teacup from a home in a lower continent that he had never been to. He could actually drink tea from the teacup at home, and the tea was made by his sister herself. In the past, he had often heard his parents talk about what happened between them and his sister at home.

Took a small sip, wow, it's so fragrant. The tea made by my sister is so delicious.

Yu Chengye smelled the aroma and knew that the tea was brewed very well. He also took a sip, but he still underestimated the taste of the tea.

 (End of this chapter)

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