The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 691: All are bad people

 Chapter 691 They are all bad people

How to describe it, this tea seems to have been brewed to have the purest taste.

Yu Chengye was extremely surprised. His daughter could make tea when she was a child, but she could never make it this well. After her daughter has learned so many skills in the past six years, does she still have time to practice tea art?

"Since Luoluo accepted the soul-controlling power of the Long family, she must have been to the Long family." Juan Chengye's eyes were a little cold. He really didn't have a good impression of the Long family.

The main culprit that caused their family to be separated was the Long family, and the pain and suffering that the wife experienced was also because of the Long family.

 The selfish Long family is the source of their family's pain. Otherwise, how could he and his wife leave their ten-year-old daughter and come to the higher continent.

 “I’ve been there, I went with Jiuchong.” Yan Xiangluo responded.

Chengye knew what his daughter meant. She was telling him that it was because of Ji Jiuzhong's help and contribution that he could leave the Long family intact.

 The daughter is trying to gain favor for Ji Jiuzhong in front of her.

Yu Chengye raised the corners of his lips mockingly, "Is it because they can't suppress others with force, so they become softer?"

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows and said, "Absolutely."

Yu Chengye said with dark eyes, "What did they say about me and your mother?"

"I didn't talk about you much, I just said I was sorry for you. The eldest elder of the Long family also said that I would go to the Higher Continent and see my mother to say sorry for them." Yu Xiangluo thought of the eldest elder's guilty look at that time. Could it be that it was also fake? of?

Yu Chengye sneered, "That's their usual trick. There are people pretending to be black-faced, white-faced, and red-faced. How can Luoluo respond to him?"

Yu Xiangluo said, "I said, I will bring you the words, but if my mother doesn't forgive them, I can't make the decision."

Jue Chengye burst out laughing, "As expected of my Jue Chengye's daughter, she should treat them like this. He must have thought that Luoluo would say it's all in the past. Don't take it to heart. I didn't expect Luoluo to fall in love with him. "

Yan Xiangluo could see that her father was in a very good mood.

Ji Jiuzhong told her all the information he found when he went to the place where the nine families lived.

 The longest period of punishment among the nine families was a thousand years, and the Long family was the shortest among them, about 600 years.

Because the nine families are in the lower continent, although they are the place with the strongest spiritual energy in the lower continent, their bloodline talents are still slowly weakening, and each generation is getting worse. Therefore, they refused to marry outsiders. I want to control the speed of the weakening of bloodline talents in this way, hoping to return to the higher continent before the bloodline is completely assimilated.

But the Long family is different. The Long family has long started to let the most talented children in the family go out to marry outsiders, including her mother, who was also let out by the Long family at the beginning to find men with good talents to marry, just to give birth to children with good talents. The return of the children will make the Long family's bloodline talent stronger. It's just that her mother was unwilling to return to the Long family after meeting her father, and she was even less willing to let Yan Xiangluo return to the Long family. After ten years of tit-for-tat confrontation with the Long family, she was still captured by the Long family. When Yuan Xiangluo was ten years old, her mother suddenly disappeared. Her father left to find her mother. The Long family actually came back to look for her, but just to see her. She gave up because her talent was too low.

According to the information Ji Jiuzhong found, her mother was imprisoned in the Long family for three years, and her father fought with the Long family for three years. Later, her father used some method to rescue her mother, and they broke through and left together. To the Tianqian Continent.

It seems that this information may not necessarily be true now.

After Yuan Xiangluo told her father what she knew, Yuan Chengye snorted coldly, "They are really good at making up stories. Do they even believe it to be true?" "Isn't that the case?" Yuan Xiang said. My heart sank, if these are all false, then what else is true about the Long family?

"Your mother was already more than two months pregnant when she was captured by the Long family. It was only discovered after arriving at the Long family that your brother was born five months after we arrived here." Yu Chengye told her Xiang Luo said.

My mother was already pregnant with her brother for two months when she left home, and she was born five months after my parents came to the Higher Continent. In this way, my parents have only stayed in the Long family for less than three months. How do they say that? It's only been three years. If you don't know how to count, you won't make such a mistake, right?

If my parents only stayed in the Long family for less than three months, what did the Long family do to them to put my mother in such a state, with her soul and body so injured, and her body so seriously injured? Still poisoned?

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other, and the information that Ji Jiuzhong could find was inaccurate. I'm afraid this was not just done by the Long family.

Ji Jiuzhong gave her a comforting look, meaning to listen to what her father said.

Yu Chengye sighed and said, "Let me first tell you what my mother and I found out about the reason why the Long family was demoted in Tianqian Continent after we came here."

Yan Xiangluo picked up the teapot and poured another cup of tea for her father. She also refilled the tea for Ji Jiuzhong, her younger brother An An, and herself. Then she continued to make tea and listened to her father's explanation about the demotion of the Long family.

“Do you think the Long family’s soul-controlling power is inherited from the family?” Yuan Chengye asked, looking at his daughter and Ji Jiuzhong.

"It seems not." Ji Jiuzhong said. He and Yan Xiangluo looked at each other. His father-in-law said so, so it must be wrong.

“Not only is it not true, if you knew how the Long family obtained their soul-controlling power, you would be extremely disgusted.”

Yu Chengye thought that his daughter was so good at using the power of soul control. It seemed that her talent for soul control was even stronger than that of her mother. He wondered if she would give up on becoming a heavenly master if she knew the truth.

Seeing her father looking at her worriedly, Yan Xiangluo said, "Dad, don't worry about me. What I learned is not the soul control technique of the Long family, but the soul control technique in the box that no one in the Long family can open." , To be precise, it has nothing to do with the Long family's soul control technique. If it does, it is just brought by the Long family. "

Hearing this, Yan Chengye breathed a sigh of relief and said, "So that's it. The Long family is trying to fetch water from a bamboo basket but in vain."

“No, Dad didn’t see their expressions at that time. It must have been very relaxing.” Yan Xiangluo told her father with a deliberately exaggerated expression.

Yu Chengye smiled and said, "It's very relieved to hear what my family said."

Juan Anluo pouted and said, "The Long family are all bad people."

Hum, they bullied his mother and then bullied his sister. Fortunately, the sister was smart enough and was not plotted by them.

Yan Xiangluo rubbed An An's head and said with a smile, "My mother is also from the Long family. My sister and An An also have part of the Long family's blood."

After hearing what her sister said, Juan Anluo thought about what this was like. She lowered her head and felt worried. She sighed heavily as if she couldn't think of any good solutions, "Oh, what should I do? I feel a little disgusted with myself."

 (End of this chapter)

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