The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 692: Reason for being demoted

Chapter 692 Reasons for being demoted

“Not everyone in a family is a bad person, and not everyone is a good person. We just need to be ourselves. There is no need to dislike ourselves because of others.”

Yan Xiangluo looked at her brother's bulging cheeks, stretched out her hand and pinched it. It felt great and comfortable, so she pinched it again.

Juan Anluo not only did not resist, but also raised her face and found the most comfortable position for her sister to pinch her face.

Isn't it speechless? Isn't this boy's most impatient and pinching his face. He won't let him touch when he is two or three years old. Now this obediently makes his sister pinch, how can he feel that his son is raising.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Yan Xiangluo's hand calmly and then at his brother-in-law's face, comparing it with his own face. Luoluo had never pinched his face before. Could it be that his face was not as tender as his brother-in-law's?

Juan Anluo, who enjoyed the happiness of being pinched by her sister, did not forget to respond to her sister's words, "I listen to my sister."

Ju Chengye twitched the corner of his mouth, his father was not as strong in feelings as his sister.

Rolling his eyes at his son, Chengye continued, "After we came to the Higher Continent, we traveled all over the continent in order to find medicinal materials for your mother's health. Coincidentally, the main family of the Long family is on this continent."

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes flashed, it was quite a coincidence that the main family of the Long family was here, and the Ji family was also here. There is also the demigod Wei Lan who claims to have blood with him. How come it seems that everything about them happens to be in the Nine Yuan Continent?

 After all, even if a person is demoted to a lower continent, he actually doesn’t know which continent he is demoted to, let alone his exact location.

Although he was confused in his heart, he did not interrupt his father's words.

“We met the head of the Long family in the Western Continent. At that time, we didn’t know if it was related to the Long family in the Tianqian Continent, so we curiously checked it out. Only after this investigation did we know that it was indeed related.”

Yu Chengye's tone was very angry. It was obvious that the Long family in Tianqian Continent had done something that he was very disdainful of.

"The Long Family of the Tianqian Continent is a branch of the Long Family of the Western Continent. They have never had any descendants with outstanding talents, and they have always wanted to rise up in the family. It is so easy there. The descendants of the direct line of the Long Family are all very talented, and are good at medicine. Although the family is not well-known on the mainland, it is still quite famous in the Western Continent. However, the branch of the Long family in the Tianqian Continent knew that it was not as good as the direct lineage in medicine, so they had a wrong idea and wanted to do it. Finding a way out of other industries really gives them a chance." Yan Xiangluo knew that this was the reason why this branch of the Long family was demoted.

"The person in charge of this branch of the Tianma Continent met a seriously injured man on his way back from an outing. He was unconscious. Although he was unconscious, he was holding a box tightly in his hand. From the aura on his body He could sense that he was a Celestial Master, mainly because the Celestial Master's aura was so strong that even if he was not a Celestial Master, he could sense it immediately. So the person in charge took the man to a residence and got down. He asked his daughter-in-law to have **** with the man, and took the box from the man's hand. Fortunately, he was treated for his injuries afterwards and did not let the man die. But after that, he took the man away. Put it in the place where he was unconscious before."

Yu Xiangluo was speechless, what kind of operation is this?

"The principal's bet was right. Just once, the legitimate daughter became pregnant and later gave birth to a son. This child did have the talent of a heavenly master. They also devoted all their efforts to cultivating him, hoping to use this to change the talent of their family's bloodline. They He did it. This child's attainments as a heavenly master were indeed high, and the children he gave birth to later had soul-controlling talents. Their branch of the Long family finally had a status in the Long family. It’s good to be satisfied, but they are not satisfied and want to open the box.”

"Because this kid sensed that inside the box was a high-level soul-controlling technique. He tried to open the box, but couldn't. Then he thought of using some clandestine methods. Such methods are not allowed by the will of heaven. It was allowed. And when things started, I couldn't hold back. I kept using this method to open the box with a sense of luck, and harmed many people. Finally, someone found out and complained, so this branch was dismissed. God’s punishment.”

"Many people died when Heaven's Punishment came down, and this son also died. But the amazing thing is that the people who survived were all children connected by blood with this son. Heaven's Punishment alarmed Yun Shangtian and found out what they had done. After the secret incident, the remaining people of this lineage were punished to the lower continent. They took nothing with them, but secretly took away the box that their father had not opened despite all his efforts. Apparently it was still Don’t give up, and that’s how the Long Family of Tianqian Continent came to be.”

Yan Xiangluo's expression became solemn. The demigod Wei Lan said he was related by blood. Could it be that that man was a direct descendant of the Wei family?

Just because these things were done when he was unconscious, he didn't even know that he was being tricked into taking away the tadpole? There is a large group of his bloodline somewhere that he doesn't know about?

But the Wei family is an alchemy family, and I haven’t heard of anyone with the talent of a heavenly master?

“Dad, does the Long family know about these things?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

She knew after coming to the high continent that the family that was punished to be sent to the low continent was not something that the forces in the mainland could do. Only Yun Shangtian had this strength. Of course, it meant after losing the rule of the Human Emperor in the spiritual world.

 But if the clouds and heavens knew it, then how could the Wei family not know that the box was in the hands of the Long family?

Jue Chengye shook his head, "No one knows about the Long family vaccination and the box, not even the people in Yunshangtian, nor the Long family. They are also curious about why this branch suddenly has the talent of a Heavenly Master. None of them I know that mainlanders don’t know this. Dad knows this because I met one of the sons of the Long family by chance. He was framed by his brother and chose not to return to the Long family, so he escaped. The heaven above clouds punishes this lineage to go to the lower continent."

"He was originally extremely talented as a Celestial Master, but after being framed by his jealous brother, his Dantian was damaged. He was already a low-level **** and had a lifespan of 1,500 years, so he only lived to be more than 700 years old. When I met him when I met him, it was when he was dying and he told me these things. Firstly, he didn’t want to let himself leave this world silently, and secondly, he didn’t want the truth to be lost like this. World. And the third point is that he is a heavenly master himself, and he predicted that he would eventually meet someone with whom he was destined. Sure enough, when he met me, he told me the truth, and he didn’t ask for anything from me. Just tell me to do whatever I want.”

 (End of this chapter)

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