The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 693: Just pretend there isn't

 Chapter 693 Just pretend it doesn’t happen

“Does my mother know this?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

"I don't know. I didn't tell her. Your brother only found out today." Yu Chengye sighed. How dare he tell her this because his wife is not in good health.

Now that my wife is in good health, they should know these things. Even if they don't go to the Long family to meet any relatives, they still have to be mentally prepared, just in case.

As for the main family of the Long family, he felt that more than six hundred years had passed. Although their lifespans were very long and they were still there, and they were still young people, the Long family in Tianqian Continent had already passed through seven or eight generations. People's inheritance has been passed on, and there is no way to talk about seniority, and their bloodlines are much farther apart.

Moreover, the Long family here may not want to have anything to do with them. They only think they are embarrassed and there is really no need to have anything to do with them.

Yan Xiangluo knew why her father chose to talk about the Long family being demoted first. Knowing these things, the actions of the Long family in Tianqian Continent can be understood. It is really not easy to get this good seedling from my mother.

 According to the genetics of another life, my mother inherited the good genes of that heavenly master, so she did not grow crooked. Because of this, the talent for soul control is very strong.

Yan Xiangluo thought for a while and said, "Dad, during the Continental Hegemony Tournament, I met the Supreme God Wei Lan from Yunshang Palace. He has very good medical skills and said that I have the same bloodline as him, so the bloodline I can sense is still theirs." He is a direct descendant of the Wei family, but he doesn’t know that the Wei family has a stranded bloodline. Moreover, the Wei family is an alchemy family, and he has never heard that anyone in the Wei family has the talent of a heavenly master.”

  The implication is that dad, please analyze, is the Heavenly Master who was plotted against someone a member of the Wei family?

Chengye was a little surprised when he heard this, "Even if you have the direct bloodline of the Wei family, it doesn't necessarily come from your mother's side. What did the demigod Wei Lan say about this?"

Yu Xiangluo said, "I asked the demigod Wei Lan to hide it, and the Wei family won't tell me. I will tell you when I want to go to the Wei family to verify my bloodline."

Yu Chengye agreed, "Yes, it is right to be more cautious. If there is a chance for Dad and Wei Lan to meet the demigods, they will know whose bloodline comes from."

"I think so too. I just want to wait until I see my parents before I decide what to do about this matter." Yu Xiangluo nodded.

She also wants Demigod Wei Lan to meet her parents and see who can feel the blood aura in them, so that they can know whether their bloodline comes from their father's or mother's family.

It is also a good idea to find out what their bloodline is, and then decide whether to go to the Wei family to test their bloodline. Such a complicated blood relationship was something that Yan Xiangluo had never heard of before.

In fact, even if she really has the blood of the Wei family, Yan Xiangluo doesn't really want to have anything to do with the Wei family.

Jue Chengye looked at his daughter and son and said, "The bloodline in our family is too complicated. You, sister and brother, should be open-minded and don't care about it. Bloodline is just a channel for you to come into this world. You can't do anything about it yourself." The choice, how to live this life is yours to decide, and it is real.”

He is worried that bloodline will make his daughter and son feel inferior. After all, how can people in this world not care about bloodline and reputation.

 But let alone their siblings, even he and his wife couldn't choose.

His own life experience was also very rough, wouldn’t he be able to survive? If I were not broad-minded and strong enough, I would not be where I am now.

 It is even less likely to have a wife, daughter and son.

Yan Xiangluo understood her father's worries and was the first to say, "Don't you understand that the children you taught yourself? I will never care about those people and things."

“I don’t care either.” Ruan Anluo immediately followed her sister to express her determination.

He doesn't care if his sister doesn't care. He only cares about his parents and sister, and other people have nothing to do with him. Chengye smiled. He was worried that his daughter would reject his younger brother before, but now that they are getting along so well, he, as a father, is very pleased.

He knew very well that the reason why the two siblings got along so well was related to his insistence on telling his son about his sister every day, so that he would take on the responsibility of protecting his sister in the future.

The most important thing is that the son knows how good his sister is before he even meets her. He admires his sister, so that when he meets her for the first time, he can appear like a little fanboy, which makes his daughter feel very friendly.

 In any case, if the daughter and son get along well, they don't have to worry about anything.

 It seems that the couple will no longer need their son's education in the future. If nothing happens, the couple can really live the free life they have longed for.

“What’s my mother’s attitude toward grandpa and uncle?” Yan Xiangluo wanted to know her mother’s attitude towards grandpa and uncle. After all, she didn’t give them a good look.

Although I didn’t give him any embarrassment, he was still the elder, my mother’s parents and brother.

Ju Chengye sighed, "Just pretend it didn't happen. Your mother was harmed like that, and they were indifferent. Whether they were helpless or really cold-hearted, they chose to give up on your mother, so be it. Their talents have no chance to come to the higher continent."

Yan Xiangluo immediately understood that it felt extremely cold to see her daughter being treated like that by her tribe.

 Maybe there is a reason for being helpless, but the more important reason is to protect their two sons.

Yuan Xiangluo has seen too many parents who favor sons over daughters.

 No wonder they were so indifferent when they saw her. Their daughter didn't even care, let alone her granddaughter.

“I understand.” Yan Xiangluo nodded.

“After we came here, we encountered a lot of things. In order to avoid trouble, we didn’t use our real names at that time.” Yu Chengye continued to talk about what happened after he and his wife came here.

“I know, wasn’t dad the first place winner in the last continental competition?” Yan Xiangluo said with a smile.

Jue Chengye smiled, "I just knew you would guess that this name is us, so I used this name. At that time, I participated in the Continental Competition to get prizes and buy medicinal materials for your mother's illness. I didn't want to be in the limelight. I had no choice. For this reason, I later took refuge in the snowy mountains of the northern continent, mainly because although your mother's body was nourished with precious medicinal materials, it was still getting worse and worse. I thought that the snow lotus in the snowy mountains was still good for the body. Living in the snowy mountains is a injustice to your brother. He was forced to live in isolation with us at such a young age. "

"Dad, I'm not wronged. As long as mother can get better, I can do whatever she wants." Ruan Anluo said quickly.

 He had memories of his mother’s health being bad, and it was getting worse and worse. He was always worried that he would lose her, and he never felt that he was wronged.

Yan Xiangluo rubbed her brother's head, "An An is indeed a very well-behaved child."

 (End of this chapter)

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