The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 694: Drinking at age four

Juan Anluo's eyes were bright, "Sister, if I practice hard, I will become very powerful in the future. Then I can protect my sister."

“Well, sister, wait.” Yan Xiangluo responded with a smile.

Yu Chengye looked at the interaction between his daughter and son, and the corners of his mouth curved. After more than six years, their family was finally coming to an end.

As for the father-in-law and mother-in-law, they chose to turn a blind eye to the life and death of their wife back then. Now that there are high and low continents separating them, it is almost impossible to see each other again. Just treat it as if it is not happening as the wife said.

The daughter is sensible and smart. She has said so herself. She will never mention the affairs of her father-in-law and mother-in-law in front of her wife. Even the affairs of the Long family will not be mentioned unless it is necessary.

Yuan Chengye continued to tell his daughter about their experience in coming to the higher continent and the Long family's experience in crossing the Tianqian Continent. Yuan Xiangluo didn't ask any more questions. Kouzhong's face said.

 No matter what the reason was, she could not continue to ask at this time.

"When we came to the Higher Continent, your mother was in extremely poor health. Although she succeeded in breaking through the clan level, her health was even worse, especially when she was pregnant with a child. When we first arrived, she was almost kidnapped and became a slave. We The first two months were very embarrassing. Later, as the child grew older, your mother's life was in danger at any time. She insisted on using her meager strength to protect the child in her belly. "

Juan Anluo was shocked when he heard this. His parents had never told him these words. It turned out that his mother risked her life in order for him to come into this world. He must be very good to his mother. OK.

"Fortunately, during our most difficult time, we met a couple in a small mountain village in the southern continent. The husband's surname was Liu, and his wife was a doctor. The two of them had very ordinary spiritual roots. They had been practicing for decades, and they had not yet broken through the king's realm. class."

Yan Xiangluo knew that ordinary descriptions of such spiritual roots would be euphemistic.

“But his wife’s spirit level is level five and her medical skills are very good, but she can’t make elixirs because there is no flame.”

Yan Xiangluo sighed in her heart, is this person's luck good or bad? Yes, she has good medical skills but no flame, so she cannot become an alchemist. Or, no, she has poor talent. God gave her the gift of medical skills.

  People's destiny is really hard to explain.

“Her husband’s talent is better than hers, and he is at the ninth level of the spirit level, but he has never been able to break through the king level. The couple has a good relationship, but they have never had children.”

Ruan Xiangluo was speechless. The couple's luck was really bad. Perhaps meeting her parents to help her parents was the greatest blessing in their lives. The reason why she said this was because they helped her parents. Let her brother be born safely. She will definitely find opportunities to repay them for such kindness in the future.

"The couple were very enthusiastic. Especially since your mother was not in good health after giving birth, they allowed us to stay in their village and enthusiastically found a house for us to live in. Later, it was also thanks to her that she nursed your mother back to health. Although she Your mother can't be cured, but your mother's successful delivery is thanks to her. People in the village say that she has delivered almost all the babies born in Liujia Village for more than ten years, and she is very experienced. Your brother is lucky because she is here. , your mother’s delivery was safe.”

Yu Chengye's expression softened when he talked about the couple who were the only ones who helped them when they came to the Higher Continent.

"When we have the opportunity, our family will go and see them together." Yan Xiangluo saw her father's expression and knew how grateful he was to the couple whose son's surname was Liu. Even if they saw that their father was highly talented and strong, and had the intention to be friendly and help them when they were in the most difficult time, she would still be willing to repay them.

Yan Chengye continued with a somewhat long tone, "We lived there for four years, until your mother's health became serious again, and only one person had the medicinal materials she needed, and he didn't sell them. He only used the reward for first place in the Continental Competition. Therefore, my father decided to participate in the Continental Competition and left Liujia Village. It has been three years since I last saw her. Now that your mother is in good health, we really need to go back and see them when we have time." Jue Chengye sighed. tone.

Juan Anluo also said, "Sister, Uncle Liu and Madam Liu have been very kind to me. I miss them all."

Yan Xiangluo smiled when she saw her younger brother's serious look, "An An was only four years old at that time. Do you remember them?"

Juan Anluo said proudly, "Of course I remember. My parents said that I am like my sister and have a photographic memory. I also feel like my sister. How can I have a bad memory?"

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. Brother, whether your memory is good or not really has nothing to do with your sister. It has to do with our parents. This is true.

But when I saw my brother's expression of pride that I have a sister, I still didn't offend him. Forget it, it's okay to look like myself, who made me his sister.

Chengye has a new understanding of his son as a sister fan. He feels that he does not need to tell his son how good his sister is in the future. I am afraid that it will be his son's turn to nag him about how good his sister is in the future.

However, Chengye still agreed with his son's words.

"What An An said is right. The couple has no children, and they treat your brother as their own. Your mother was very weak after giving birth and could not take care of your brother at all. It is really thanks to them that your brother survived. Husband and wife. Especially your uncle Liu's wife, she looked at your brother indifferently. It wasn't until your brother was one month old and your mother was in better health that she felt free to leave the child to us. She lost more than ten pounds in this month. Jin, your brother has gained ten pounds.”

"Although you left your brother to us, I still come here every day to help your mother take care of your brother. We have been staying in Liujia Village for four years, and your uncle Liu always carries your brother with him wherever he goes. He held him in his arms before, and later Lead. It was the most comfortable life we ​​had since we came to the higher continent. Every time I went out to find medicinal materials for your mother, your mother and your brother were taking care of me, which was much better than relatives. "

Yu Chengye sighed. Although Brother Liu was more than ten years older than him, he was indeed much better than his brothers who had the same bloodline.

Juan Anluo also said, "The osmanthus cake made by Aunt Liu is very delicious, and the peach blossom rice wine is also delicious."

Yan Xiangluo looked at her younger brother in surprise, "An'an, have you been drinking since you were four years old?"

Juan Anluo said sheepishly, "I tasted it secretly."

Yu Chengye smiled and nodded his son's forehead, "No, I tasted a small jar and slept for three days without waking up."

When her father said this embarrassing thing at this time, Juan Anluo's face turned red. She was afraid that her sister would dislike him, so she immediately said, "Sister, it was just that one time, I have never drank again."

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