The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 695: to deal with him

Chapter 695 To deal with him

“Well, sister believes in you.” Yan Xiangluo also smiled.

Juan Anluo is relieved that his sister doesn't dislike him. That's great. How come he has such a good sister?

 So powerful, beautiful, and yet so gentle.

Yan Xiangluo thought to herself: The two of them are really siblings, and their ability to drink is not that great.

She doesn't have a good drinking tolerance either. She doesn't even dare to drink too much fruit wine, she only dares to taste it lightly. She knew that her brother was a big drinker. He drank a jar of peach blossom wine at the age of four and only slept for three days. His drinking capacity was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

You must know that the peach blossom wine brewed by Aunt Liu has been drunk for more than ten years. The alcohol content is not low, and the jar is not a small jar weighing one pound or two.

  That is to say, if you smell the incense, you will get drunk.

“Sister has also made peach blossom wine for three years. It should be good to drink now.” Only then did Yan Xiangluo think of the peach blossom wine she had made.

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong looked at her and interrupted, "Were all the peach blossoms outside the cave taken away by Luoluo to make wine?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "Yes, it's wild. If I don't make wine, it will fall to the ground and turn into mud. If peach petals could choose, between mud and wine, they should choose to become wine."

Ji Jiuzhong laughed and tried to find an excuse for himself. Fortunately, the peach blossom petals did not turn into spirits, otherwise this scene would really have happened.

“Sister, can I have a drink?” Juan Anluo asked, smacking her lips.

The peach blossom wine made by Aunt Liu was so delicious, and the peach blossom wine made by his sister must be even better. He really wanted to try it.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at her younger brother who was like a greedy cat, pinched his nose and said, "This sister's words don't count. You have to ask your parents."

Juan Anluo quickly flattered her and said, "Sister, I only want to taste a little, so I don't need to ask my parents."

For the first time, Chengye had the idea of ​​beating his son. Is this a show-off for his father?

Yan Xiangluo lowered her voice and said, "We will discuss this matter secretly."

Juan Anluo glanced at her father and said in a low voice, "I understand. We will go out to discuss it after my mother is promoted."

Yan Xiangluo smiled so happily, it’s so fun to have a younger brother!

"Okay, sister will go cook later. The food I cook is delicious. An'an should eat more so that she can grow taller." Yuan Xiangluo said seductively.

 “Okay.” Ruan Anluo said approvingly.

Even if the food cooked by his sister is not delicious, he must eat more, otherwise his sister will be sad.

At this time, Juan Anluo didn't know how good his sister's cooking skills were, and he didn't know that his worries were unnecessary.

 “Look what’s coming out of the corner of your mouth?” Yan Chengye suddenly looked at his son and said seriously. Juan Anluo thought he was drooling because of greed, so he quickly raised his hand to wipe the corner of his mouth. When he saw that there was nothing on his hand, he realized that his father was teasing him.

 He was speechless, "Dad, how can an adult lie to a child?"

Yu Chengye said, "Are you an ordinary child?"

Yuan Anluo immediately shook her head, "No, I am the younger brother of Yan Xiangluo. I am the smartest brother. When I grow up, I want to protect my sister's younger brother."

Ji Jiuzhong on the side finally couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He finally knew that the son his father-in-law gave birth to was specifically to deal with him. Look at the education he had given since childhood, all around his sister.

I don’t know if Juan Anluo will complain about his father when he grows up.

When Yan Xiangluo heard her brother's words, a warm current flowed through her heart. Such a natural conversation was naturally a conversation she was accustomed to. It turned out that her father had always taught her brother this way. No wonder his brother was so excited when he saw her.

 In my heart, I was glad that I had become a miracle doctor, otherwise my younger brother would not have been disappointed when he saw me.

Chengye no longer watched the interaction between the two siblings, lest he be sad that his son had been raised in vain, and continued, "If your mother's health hadn't deteriorated rapidly, we should still be living in Liujiacun, and you, Mrs. Liu, couldn't control it. Your mother's physical condition deteriorated. At this time, I got news that someone had the medicinal materials your mother needed, but he only had one request, which was to exchange the reward for the first place in the Continental Competition for my cultivation at that time. It is simply impossible to get first place, but I must get the medicinal materials, so I must participate in the Continental Competition.”

When Yu Chengye said this, he also thought of their most difficult time.

"After signing up, my father entrusted your mother and your brother to the Liu family and his wife, and they went to a secret realm to practice. After a month, my cultivation level improved by a big level. Although it is not as good as the cultivation level of the first place in the previous continental competition. There is still a long way to go, but at least we have the strength to compete.”

"So, we left Liujiacun two months in advance to rent a room in the city where we were participating in the Continental Competition. I also used these two months to stabilize my cultivation. Fortunately, my efforts were not in vain, and I finally got the first place. Name. Then I got the medicinal materials that could save your mother. When your mother was better, I took your mother and An An to a snowy mountain in the northern continent, because I heard that if your mother’s body could be treated with fresh snow lotus, The deterioration of my physical condition has slowed down a lot. In order to find Xuelian more easily and to avoid the world, my father carved out a cave in the snowy mountains, so we stayed in it. "

"I don't go down the mountain often. I go to the snow-capped mountains every day to look for snow lotus. It wasn't until your mother's health deteriorated again a month ago that I went down the mountain to look for cloud grass to save your mother, and I didn't hear any news about you. But your mother's Her body could no longer leave the snow-capped mountains, and she was sleeping longer and longer. Only by finding Cloud Bian Cao could I take your mother to find you. I took the time to look for Cloud Bian Cao, and during this period I also heard news from you. Including the continental competition and the Ji family's affairs, I finally found Yunbiancao for your mother yesterday, and I came here to find you today."

By this time, Yan Xiangluo also understood that almost all of her parents' experiences after arriving in the Higher Continent revolved around healing her mother's body.

Although her father ignored many of the hardships and did not mention them, it goes without saying that she knew how difficult the past six years had been for her father.

  She had complained about her father in her heart before, feeling that in his heart, her mother was more important than her, otherwise why would he give up his ten-year-old self to find his mother.

Now she understands her father. Many things in this world cannot be done both ways. Sometimes you have to make a choice.

 “What’s going on with An An’s body?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Even though her younger brother is only six years old, she knows very well that he will never awaken his spiritual roots at the normal age of five. She actually awakened her spiritual roots as soon as she was born, otherwise her mother wouldn't have separated her soul into one soul after another. How could the talent of a younger brother with the same genes from the same father and mother be too poor?

 (End of this chapter)

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