The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 696: Show it to An An

 Chapter 696 Show it to An An

Even if An An didn't awaken her spiritual roots at birth, she would not have awakened her spiritual roots for more than three years. With her spiritual power, she can clearly see how good her brother's talent is, but her brother's cultivation is not like someone who has practiced for three years. Year.

Yu Chengye sighed, "You two siblings have experienced hardships when they were born. When Luo Luo was born, your mother was plotted by Yu's family, so that your health was very poor and could not bear your super talent. Therefore, you should be Thirteen years of waste.”

Yu Chengye avoided the matter of his wife using the power of a heavenly master to make his daughter live in another world for thirteen years as a soul. He didn't know whether his daughter had told Ji Jiuzhong about this matter, and he couldn't let it slip.

Even if he didn’t hide it from Ji Jiuzhong, he shouldn’t have told Ji Jiuzhong this.

"When your mother was pregnant with your brother, the Long family plotted against your mother. Your brother almost died in the womb. Although he survived and was born, his body was still injured. If it weren't for you, Aunt Liu, your brother would have died as soon as he was born. He will face death. Although he is saved and his body is fine, he has not achieved much despite his efforts in cultivation. "

After listening to his father's words, Yan Xiangluo understood what he meant. His younger brother was indeed very talented, but it was very difficult to practice.

She looked at her brother and said, "An'an, stretch out your hand, sister, let me show it to you."

Juan Anluo knew that his sister wanted to see if his cultivation problem could be solved, and he also wanted to solve his own cultivation problem. In cultivation, he always felt as if he had a lot of strength that he couldn't use.

 Hence, as soon as his sister spoke, he immediately stretched out his hand and put it on the stone table.

Yan Xiangluo stretched out her hand to feel An An's pulse. After a while, Yan Xiangluo let go and said to her father, "There is indeed nothing wrong with An An's body. She is very healthy."

Aunt Liu’s medical skills are really good. Although her father didn’t explain in detail, she knew that her brother would not be very healthy after he was born. Aunt Liu's medical skills are indeed good to be able to nurse her younger brother's body to such an extent.

Yu Chengye knew this would be the case, "Dad has found many doctors with good medical skills to see your brother over the years, and they all said this."

 In fact, what those doctors meant was that your child was born with a bad talent and it had nothing to do with his health.

Had she not known how strong her son's talent was when he awakened his spiritual roots, he would have thought that his son's cultivation was so slow because of his lack of talent.

Xiang Xiangluo talked to Jian'an, "Don't resist An An, my sister uses mental power to show you Dantian and meridians."

The talent is excellent, but the practice is very laborious, so there must be problems. Since it is not a physical problem, there is a problem elsewhere, otherwise such a problem would not occur.

Yan Xiangluo used her mental power to check all the meridians on her younger brother's body, and even more carefully checked the Dantian. Strangely, after checking it over and over several times, there was nothing wrong with either the meridians or the Dantian.

This is really strange. Where does the problem occur?

Yan Xiangluo frowned and thought about it.

Juan Anluo saw her sister's frown and knew that her physical problems had put her in a difficult position. His sister had put so much effort into curing his mother, and he didn't want to make it difficult for his sister anymore. Just when he was about to say that his sister didn't have to be so embarrassed for him, Ji Jiuzhong stopped him.

Ji Jiuzhong made a silent gesture, and then sent a message to Juan Anluo, "Your sister is thinking about your problem. Don't disturb her at this time."

Juan Anluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong and then at her sister, and then looked at her father. Seeing that her father also made a gesture of silence towards her, she bit her lower lip and closed her mouth without saying anything.

Since my brother-in-law and father said so, my sister must not be disturbed in her current state. Ruan Xiangluo thought for a long time. Ji Jiuchong and Ruan Chengye were very calm. Ruan Anluo was a little uneasy. She looked at her sister and then at the closed hall. Her mother hadn't come out yet, and she didn't know how her mother had broken through. .

Due to the isolation mysterious pattern carved by Yan Xiangluo, no movement of advancement inside could be heard outside.

Yan Xiangluo thought for a long time, thinking about all the reasons, and found that An An did not have these problems, so there was only one left.

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyes to look at An An, and used her soul control power to look at her brother's soul body.

Yuan Chengye noticed it when his daughter used her soul-controlling power. Ji Jiuzhong was more familiar with her aura when she used her soul-controlling power. They both looked at Yuan Xiangluo.

Although Juan Anluo's cultivation level is not high, her mental power is very strong. This is innate. A strong talent and mental power must be strong.

Hence, he felt the warmth of his sister's power as soon as it fell on him, which made him unable to resist. Although he had no intention of resisting his sister's power, why did he like this power so much?

Ruan Anluo looked at her sister with the same big eyes as Ruan Xiangluo with starlight. Her sister was indeed very powerful. What kind of power was this? It was not spiritual power or spiritual power, but it was very similar to the soul-controlling power used by her mother. But he was reluctant to let his mother's soul-controlling power come close to him, but his sister's power was so warm that he unconsciously wanted to get close to it.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo didn't know what her brother was thinking, and she didn't have time to pay attention to his thoughts, because she had already discovered the reason why his brother practiced so hard.

There is nothing wrong with my brother's soul, but his luck has been borrowed, not all at once, but constantly.

An'an's own luck is golden light. This kind of luck is an excellent luck. Except for the purple-gold light, this is already the best luck. But his luck has a golden silk thread that is constantly being drawn. sent to another place.

Yu Xiangluo was angry. Someone was taking advantage of his younger brother's luck. This person would never be forgiven.

It is precisely because An An's luck is constantly being borrowed by others that it is very difficult for him to practice. After all, everyone's cultivation talent is manifested in the soul. If the luck is constantly lost, the soul will inevitably be affected.

Yan Xiangluo withdrew her soul-controlling power and did not touch the slipping thread of luck to avoid disturbing the other party.

Yu Chengye's daughter took back her soul-controlling power and didn't rush to ask. Instead, she waited for her daughter to speak.

 "An'an's luck has been stolen." Yan Xiangluo said.

As soon as her words came out, Chengye's eyes suddenly turned cold. He finally knew the Long family's ultimate purpose of hurting his wife. It turned out to be for the fate of the child in his wife's belly.

“Did the Long family do it?” Yuan Chengye asked.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "I don't know yet. I haven't touched the stolen destiny, and I don't want to alert the snake."

 (End of this chapter)

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