The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 697: Breakthrough completed

Chapter 697 Breakthrough Completed

Yu Chengye nodded, "Luoluo did the right thing."

If the other party to alert the enemy suddenly takes away all the son's luck and then cuts off the connection, it will be difficult to find the other party, and there will be no way to help An An.

Yan Xiangluo continued, "However, the other party did not steal An An's luck all at once, but stole it bit by bit. It is easier to solve if he keeps stealing. The other party kept stealing An An's luck with silk threads. Luck is not about changing luck, but about cultivating luck. Dad, do you know anyone in the Long family who needs luck?"

 His wife is a heavenly master, so Jue Chengye naturally knows more about this than ordinary people.

He frowned and thought for a while, "We didn't stay in the Long family for long, and after your mother was plotted, I kept studying how to take your mother away, and then I took your mother to jump into the well where the nine families practiced, and absorbed The person below left the lower continent after his spiritual energy breakthrough. He doesn’t know much about the people of the Long family. Why don’t you ask your mother later?”

Although Chengye didn't want to mention the Long family's affairs in front of his wife, his wife wouldn't blame him if it related to his son.

Yan Xiangluo did not immediately answer her father. This person used his younger brother's luck to support his own. It must be that this person's luck was not bad in the first place. He wanted to use his younger brother's luck to support his own luck and improve his luck. This person's Luck is at least as good as his younger brother, a person with golden luck.

This luck is already very good, which is why she is so careful not to touch the thread of luck, because she is worried that the other party will notice it and do evil to her brother.

No matter who the opponent is, she will take action, but the intensity of the attack can be heavy or light. If the opponent is a member of the Long family, she still has to consider her mother's thoughts.

"I will prepare first and wait for my mother to come out before solving An An's problem." Yan Xiangluo thought for a while and decided to wait until her mother came out and ask her opinion before making a decision.

Yu Chengye knew his daughter's concerns and said, "Okay."

Although Juan Anluo did not have the right to make the decision, he understood that his sister found out that the reason for his difficulty in practicing was that someone stole his luck and kept stealing it again. He was suddenly shocked. Such an unbelievable thing actually happened. On him.

And according to his sister, it started before he was born. He never thought it would be such a reason.

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo turned to look at the main hall, "My mother's breakthrough has been completed."

As soon as she raised her hand, a line of mysterious pattern power fell on the main hall. At the same time, a line of spiritual power also fell on the formation's eyes. While breaking the isolation of the mysterious pattern, it also unlocked the formation.

 After the Spirit Gathering Array was released, the spiritual energy surging above the hall dispersed and returned to the normal spiritual energy concentration.

 After the mysterious isolation pattern disappeared, several people could hear the movement inside.

Actually, Ji Jiuzhong never said anything. Even if there was an isolation mysterious pattern, he knew what was going on inside. However, he didn't tell his mother-in-law that everything was going well.

口 妘 妘 went to the door and walked quickly. Xiang Xiangluo looked at his brother. Although the sister and brother did not speak, the meaning of his eyes was the same meaning.

Yan Xiangluo patted her younger brother on the shoulder and said, "Your sister came here like this before."

The two siblings looked at each other again, this time with quite sympathetic eye contact.

Juan Anluo suddenly turned to look at Ji Jiuchong, raised her eyebrows, and thought to herself: Will my brother-in-law be like this in the future?

If the brother-in-law cares about his sister like this, then he can accept it.

When she opened the door, she saw the wife who came to the door, and saw the wife who was shaking with a flower.

Yu Chengye stretched out his arms, and Long Moran happily threw himself into her husband's arms. Although his face was still smiling, there were already tears on his face. Yan Xiangluo immediately pulled her brother and turned around. Yan Anluo looked up at her sister with confusion. What's wrong?

I knew where Xiang Xiangluo knew that from the end of the proclaimed notes, he didn't have much when he was walking in his own mother. He was holding him where he was. Therefore, hugging like this, he felt normal.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Yan Xiangluo's movements in amusement. This girl is still shy.

The couple hugged each other for a while before letting go. Long Moran felt a little embarrassed when he saw the three people standing outside with their backs to them, as well as Changfeng and Ji Zimo standing further away.

 When she was in poor health, she didn't feel anything bad, but now that she is in good health, not only is she better, but her cultivation level has also been promoted, and her level as a Heavenly Master has also been improved. She feels really embarrassed to do this in front of children and outsiders.

Yu Chengye doesn't care, there is nothing his wife can't hold, she already has a daughter and a son.

Yan Xiangluo noticed that the two people had come out, so she turned around and saw her mother looking at her tenderly. Her almond eyes suddenly lit up. Her mother was like this when she was a child, beautiful and gentle.

Long Moran walked up to his daughter, touched her hair, face, and hands, feeling pity and guilt. Then he put his daughter into his arms and said in a choked voice, "Luoluo, my daughter."

Yan Xiangluo was instantly infected by her mother's emotions. She really missed her mother's arms and started crying.

The two of them hugged each other and cried for a while, but Chengye pulled them apart, "If you two continue to cry, we will cry too."

The two of them separated. Long Moran held his daughter's hand and didn't let go. He found that the sleeve on the other side was pulled, and turned around to see his son.

Juan Anluo said pitifully, "Mom, you haven't hugged me yet."

Long Moran's tears that had just stopped flowed down again. Her health was even worse after her son was born. Except for hugging him for a while after he was one month old, she never hugged him again. It wasn't that she didn't want to, but that she couldn't even walk. How can I hold my son if I can't walk?

She was the one who held her son when he was one month old, and her husband held their mother and son, so she was able to hold her son.

Yan Xiangluo quickly let go of her mother's hand, "Mom, hurry up and hug your brother. If you don't, you won't be allowed to hug him anymore."

 She is telling the truth. Her younger brother is six years old this year. In another year, he may not ask for a hug. Even if you want to hug him, he won't let him.

Long Moran stretched out his hands and picked up his son, spinning him around a few times.

Juan Anluo hugged her mother's neck and smiled happily, "It's great, my mother is healed, and I no longer have to worry about losing her mother in the future."

 After putting down his son, Long Moran looked at Ji Jiuzhong, "The last time I saw you, you were only six years old."

 Unexpectedly, when we meet again, you are actually my son-in-law. Long Moran didn't say this, but she is still satisfied with Ji Jiuzhong's son-in-law.

She had heard about Ji Jiuzhong before. How could a six-year-old child survive without the protection of his father? How could he be an ordinary person?

 (End of this chapter)

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