The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 699: they don't deserve it

 Chapter 699 They are not worthy

 Yan Xiangluo saw Ji Jiuzhong's constantly changing eyes, and occasionally glanced at herself aggrievedly. It was the first time that Ji Jiuzhong was so aggrieved. He was embarrassed to laugh even if he wanted to.

How could Ji Jiuzhong not notice it? He said a little aggrievedly, "Luoluo, just laugh if you want. Don't hold it in because I'm holding it back. I can't fight back three times against one."

Ji Jiuzhong’s words immediately made Yan Xiangluo unable to hold back and burst out laughing.

Yu Chengye looked at his daughter who was laughing so hard that she was crying, then looked at Ji Jiuzhong, and thought to himself: What a cunning boy.

 Change the topic without offending them.

 Looking at each other, this son-in-law is not easy to deal with, right? But it feels okay.

 They didn’t remember how their daughter liked to laugh so heartily when she was young. Later, due to cultivation issues, she gradually matured, and she was like a little adult at a young age.

Long Moran was not unhappy at all, and she was not disgusted at all by her son-in-law's way of changing the subject.

 Seeing his daughter smile so heartily, it is obvious that the son-in-law knows his daughter very well.

 In fact, Yan Xiangluo rarely smiled so heartily. In her memory, she could count the number of times she lived in two worlds on one hand.

Long Moran saw that the topic was missed by Ji Jiuzhong, so she didn't continue. She couldn't be so annoying. Anyway, she said everything she needed to say and expressed what she wanted to express.

“Luoluo, tell me how you came here after we left?” Long Moran asked his daughter.

A family of four sat down around the stone table, and the four stone benches were full. Ji Jiuzhong was speechless. Is this another slap?

Juan Chengye kicked his son, and Juan Anluo looked at his father, "Why did you kick me?"

Ji Chengyu looked at Ji Jiuzhong, Ji Anluo turned his head and looked at it, and saw Ji Jiuzhong standing, and then looked at the stool to sit, and immediately understood the meaning of his father, and stood up helplessly.

 “Brother-in-law, sit down.” Although he is small.

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head and said, "Sit down peacefully. I have something to do. I'll come back later."

Ji Jiuzhong was very satisfied with the title of Juan Anluo, especially since his father-in-law and mother-in-law did not correct his title. In fact, they recognized him in disguise.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo also looked at Ji Jiuzhong, "Is there anything else?"

"Although the outer city cannot be protected like the inner city, we still need to ensure the safety of the family members after they move here. I am going to study the city defense formation." Ji Jiuzhong said.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I'll go with dad later."

My father is very accomplished in formations, and she also has a lot of research on formations. It is better for three people to study together than alone.

Ji Jiudian nodded, "Don't worry, I'll look at the map first, and then I'll figure out how to set up the formation."

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo responded. "Father-in-law and mother-in-law, I'll go take a look first." Ji Jiuzhong said to Ju Chengye and Long Moran and left.

Changfeng followed his master and left without hesitation. Ji Zimo looked at the family of four and also left.

Ji Jiuchong is obviously making room for his family of four. Changfeng and Ji Zimo are not stupid people. How can they not see this? So, what are they doing here? An eyesore?

After Ji Jiuzhong left with Changfeng and Ji Zimo, the family of four continued to talk about each other’s experiences.

Yan Xiangluo told them in detail about her life in the other world and after her parents left in this life. She originally wanted to hide it in Pangu Space, but after meeting her parents again, Yan Xiangluo did not hide it.

After hearing their daughter's experience, Yu Chengye and Long Moran felt indescribable feelings in their hearts, including heartache, pity, guilt, and hatred for those who were malicious to their daughter, especially those who pushed their daughter off the cliff of Tianshun Empire Royal Training Ground. My concubine's daughter.

Even if they are not from the same bloodline, they still have the same surname. How could they commit such a murder just for a man?

 Hence, their good impression of Ji Jiuzhong was immediately reduced.

Although they knew that this had nothing to do with Ji Jiuchong directly. After all, there were many women who liked him, and he had no obligation to care what they did. But the daughter was still acting as his fiancée at the time, and she could break off the engagement if she didn't like it. But since he didn't break off the engagement, he didn't protect her, which they were very dissatisfied with.

Juan Anluo is particularly dissatisfied.

Yan Xiangluo was also dissatisfied with Ji Jiuzhong because of this at the time, so she immediately broke off the engagement when she saw Ji Jiuzhong when she came back.

But later, after learning about Ji Jiuzhong's situation, she also understood that if Ji Jiuzhong immediately broke off the engagement with her as soon as he took control of the imperial power of the Tianshun Empire, she would be bullied even worse. Even if she could save her life, she would probably be in the hands of the Tianshun Empire. The imperial city can no longer live in. The life of being homeless and wandering is not that easy for a ten-year-old girl, especially when she has not yet broken through the first life-and-death barrier of Panguhuakai. When her strength is too weak, what can she do to protect herself.

Although she stayed in Tianshun Imperial City, she was pushed off the cliff by the women of the Yu family because of her reputation as Ji Jiuchong's fiancée. However, that was because the women of the Yu family were stupid and did not realize that they were being taken advantage of.

  Their fate was already miserable, much worse than death, so she had long since stopped caring about it. As for the mastermind behind the scenes, even if she is not punished, now she doesn't even have a chance to look up to her, so she won't be able to argue with an ant.

Xiang Xiangluo also talked about what she was stolen by Yan Anlu, and asked her mother Long Moran.

When Long Moran heard this, his mood instantly dropped. His daughter had talked about her experience in the Long family before. Because her daughter was not injured but had obtained the soul-controlling skills passed down from generation to generation by the Long family, she did not care about anything with the Long family anymore. Now Knowing that his son had been smuggled out by the Long family before he was born, the resentment deep in his heart burst out instantly.

“Luoluo can do whatever she wants, no matter what the mother’s face is, they don’t deserve it.”

Yan Xiangluo breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. It was her mother's words that she was waiting for. She asked again, "Mother, can you guess who is stealing An'an Yun Road?"

Long Moran thought for a while and said, "If the person who smuggled the Tao has excellent luck, it is not difficult to guess."

Yan Xiangluo and her father looked at each other. It seemed that her mother knew who it was, but there was something wrong with her expression.

Long Moran was silent for a while and said, "If we talk about people with the same luck as An An, there is only one person in the Long family besides my mother. He is the same generation as me, but ten years older than me. The Long family goes out to people of my generation. He took us out all the time. I haven't seen him since I decided to marry your father. I don't know if he has never returned to the Long family or if he has returned. He stole it, so even if he didn't go back, he still kept in touch with the Long family, and he was the first to propose it when the family leader and elders thought of me. "

 (End of this chapter)

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