The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 700: was taken away

Yan Xiangluo suddenly realized that her mother's talent was so strong, but her luck was not very good, and all the hardships she had experienced were in giving birth to a child.

Her mother is a Celestial Master. She had never thought that the Celestial Master's destiny could be changed or stolen. After all, the Celestial Master's perception is very strong. He cannot show his own destiny, but he will not allow others to steal it. Or a change of luck.

 But what if it was before my mother became a Celestial Master?

At this time, she wondered if her mother's luck had been stolen or changed a long time ago.

She does not doubt that her destiny can be stolen or replaced, because her mother separated her soul when she was born, and sent each soul to another world. The soul is incomplete, and no matter how powerful the Celestial Master is, it cannot be replaced. destiny.

Even if you were smuggled in your mother's womb, the moment your soul is separated, your stolen destiny will be cut off first.

Moreover, she came here with the destiny of heaven on her shoulders. No matter how powerful the heavenly master is, he does not have the strength to oppose the way of heaven.

Yan Xiangluo looked at her mother and said, "Mom, is it possible that my mother's luck has been stolen or changed?"

Yu Xiangluo's words stunned both Long Moran and Jue Chengye. The couple looked at each other, obviously thinking that their daughter's suspicion was justified.

Long Moran said, "It's very possible that when I was a child, everything went smoothly. When did it start to go wrong?"

Long Moran frowned and thought for a while, then her eyes suddenly burst into sharp light, "From the time I became the young master of the Long family."

Yan Xiangluo was not surprised by her mother's reaction, "When did mother become the young master of the Long family?"


“When did you become a Heavenly Master?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

Long Moran knew what his daughter meant. If she became a Heavenly Master, her destiny must not be stolen or changed without knowing it. If her own destiny was stolen or changed, it must be before she became a Heavenly Master.

“Sixteen years old.” After Long Moran said this age, he obviously thought of something.

Yan Xiang understood. "That person became a heavenly master before you, right?"

Although this sentence is a question, Yan Xiangluo is already sure that her mother's luck and that person's luck are both very good. The family chooses who is more worthy of the family's cultivation.

The person who becomes the Heavenly Master first is naturally the person the family decides to train. Therefore, helping that person change his mother's fate is really something that a family like the Long family can do.

Long Moran had already figured it out and suddenly said, "No wonder the head of the family and the elders wanted him to be the young master at that time, but he strongly recommended me."

Yan Xiangluo looked at her mother and asked, "Is that person also very talented in cultivation?"

 Long Moran nodded and said, "If he wasn't under me, I'm afraid he would have come to the higher continent long ago."

 After all, she went through so many hardships and came to the Higher Continent in her twenties. That person did not have any hardships and must have come to the Higher Continent earlier than she did.

A cold light flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes. No matter where he was, since he dared to plot against her mother and brother, he should wait for her revenge. Heavenly masters cannot take the initiative to do things that harm others, but if they are punishing evildoers, then there is no need to back off karma, and Heavenly Dao will not take care of it. If you deal with the evildoer, you will still gain merit.

"Mom, let me show it to you." Yan Xiangluo said to Long Moran.

Long Moran nodded. The Heavenly Master cannot see his own destiny, but he can still see the destiny of his relatives, but some people cannot see it under special circumstances.

Yan Xiangluo got her mother's consent and raised her eyes to look over. The powerful power of soul control immediately enveloped Long Moran.

Long Moran was extremely shocked. Why was his daughter's soul-controlling power so warm?

She is a Celestial Master herself, and she knows very well what the Celestial Master's power is like. It is all cold, which is why the soul body is afraid of the power of soul control.

However, today she discovered that Celestial Master's power was also warm and comfortable, making her want to sleep, as if she was back in her mother's belly, which completely subverted her previous understanding of Celestial Master's power.

 No wonder the daughter was able to open the box passed down from generation to generation in the Long family and obtain the soul control technique.

 This was not the time for her to raise doubts. Long Moran suppressed the doubts in his heart and relaxed his body and mind, so that his daughter could easily investigate her destiny.

 Actually, what she doesn’t know is that the soul body cannot resist Yan Xiangluo’s soul-controlling power. If you resist, she will only strengthen the soul-controlling power, but you will suffer even more.

Yan Xiangluo carefully checked her mother's fortune, and the cold light in her apricot eyes became colder and colder. If that person was in front of her, the cold light in her eyes could freeze someone.

Yu Chengye could see the result from his daughter's eyes. His wife's fate had indeed been tampered with. Narrowing his eyes, he would never let this person go. If he dared to plot against his concubine Chengye's woman, then he would have to be prepared to bear his wrath.

Juan Anluo looked at his sister nervously. He had received too much information this day at a young age. He was instantly touched by the hardships about their family, and he clenched his little fists tightly.

Not only has he grown up one day, but he has also strengthened his confidence in cultivation, so that no matter how big the obstacles are in his future cultivation, he will be able to get through it as long as he remembers the hardships his family has endured, without slacking off at all.

Yan Xiangluo took back the power of soul control, and Long Moran said in a gentle tone, "Let's talk, after so many years, the worst result is that the fate will be changed."

Yan Xiangluo's expression was still very calm. If the couple hadn't known about their daughter's temperament and could see the undercurrent in her eyes, they wouldn't have noticed any ups and downs in her emotions.

“Mother’s luck was neither stolen nor changed, but taken away directly.” Yan Xiangluo told the truth.

Long Moran was stunned. She was a heavenly master and knew the meaning of her daughter's words. Even the other party didn't steal or change, but directly took away her luck to nourish his, which meant making up for the shortcomings in his luck. Gone, commonly known as replenishment.

"Can you tell if the person who stole An An Yun's way is the same person?" Long Moran asked.

Yan Xiangluo shook his head and said, "I didn't dare to alert the person who stole An'an Yun Road. If you want to know if he is the same person, you have to wait until I take action against him."

Yan Xiangluo thought that it would be best if it was the same person. While she was snatching back her brother's luck, she could also take back her mother's luck.

It would be difficult if they are not the same person. We don’t know who the other person is and where they are, and there is no contact at all. It may be difficult to recover the fate of her mother who was taken away.

Yu Chengye frowned and asked, "Since your mother's luck has been taken away, what's going on with her current luck?"

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