The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 701: tit for tat

Chapter 701: Tooth for Tooth

Yan Xiangluo explained, "What the other party took away was only my mother's good luck, and the rest was all rough luck. That's why my mother was so twists and turns, everything was not going well. Fortunately, my mother met my father, and my father's luck was also the same." The fortunes between husband and wife are extremely prosperous and can complement each other, but there is a time limit. This is also the reason why my mother and I have been getting worse and worse in the past six years. But if it were not for the support of my father's fortune, my mother would have been in bad health. He's gone a long time ago. Fortunately, our family got together today, and my luck can help my mother for a while. However, this is only temporary. If I don't get my mother's lost luck back, everything will still go wrong for my mother in the future. , even life-threatening.”

Yan Xiangluo's words are not exaggerated at all. This is the fact. She cannot hide it because she is worried that her mother will not be able to bear it. Moreover, her mother is also a heavenly master. There are some things that she does not say, but her mother also knows.

Long Moran looked at her husband and children apologetically. It was all because of her that not only her husband was implicated, but her children were also implicated.

Ju Chengye knew his wife very well and knew what she was thinking. He held her hand and said, "I have never regretted meeting you. Don't think too much. We have all come through such a difficult road. Now that we know the reason, we can find the reason." The remedy is good, it won’t be more difficult than before.”

Yu Chengye was very happy at this moment because his daughter was powerful enough, otherwise, their family would be in a lot of misery.

Long Moran choked and said, "Not all my good luck has been taken away. At least the good luck that allowed me to meet you is still left."

Sisters and sisters Juan Xiangluo and Juan Anluo looked at each other. Juan Anluo was a little strange, why did she feel full even before she had eaten. Yan Xiangluo was speechless. It was just a matter of her parents having such a good relationship. It was really unbearable to let her go astray at any time.

"Mom, please tell me about the other party's situation. An An can't wait any longer. If the other party cuts off contact, it will be difficult to find him." Yu Xiangluo interrupted her father and mother's love and continued reading. She was full too.

Long Moran came back to his senses, "His name is Long Moqing. He is a branch of the Long family like me. We are of the same generation, and he is ten years older than me. He awakened his spiritual roots at the age of three, and at the age of five he surpassed the cultivation level of a ten-year-old child." Since then, he has become the only genius in the Long family. Almost all the family resources can be used by him. The children of the family follow him as an example. Whenever he comes to practice, the elders in the family will use him to educate their children. Until I. After I awakened my spiritual roots at the age of three, and my cultivation level at the age of five also surpassed that of a ten-year-old child, our family almost trained both of us equally..."

Yan Xiangluo listened carefully to what her mother said about Long Moqing's deeds.

After hearing what her mother said, Yan Xiangluo had to admit that Long Moqing was indeed a genius.

He awakened his spiritual roots at the age of three, and became outstanding in his cultivation at the age of five. His mother was born when he was ten years old. At the age of fifteen, after his mother became another genius of the Long family, he chose to go out to practice.

The people who went out from the Long family were all brought out by Long Moran, including his mother's first time out.

 But when his mother was fourteen years old, the head of the Long family and the elders discussed letting Long Moran succeed the young master and become the next head of the Long family. However, Long Moran rejected him and recommended his mother to be the young master.

At that time, all the family heads and elders disagreed, just because Long Moran had already become a heavenly master. Although Long Moqing was already twenty-four years old at the time, her mother had not yet become a heavenly master. It was normal for the family heads and elders to favor Long Moqing. , In addition, Long Moqing is a man, and the family head and elders tend to have a talented man become the next family head.

However, I don’t know what Long Moqing told the head of the family and the elders, but later they all agreed to let his mother be the head of the family.

My mother was actually very reluctant to be the head of the family. She liked the free world outside, but she couldn't shirk it and couldn't change the decision of the head of the family and the elders, so she became the young head of the Long family.

At that time, a ceremony was held for her. Although every young master has it, hers was very special. Thinking about it now, her luck was taken away by Long Moqing at that time. The head of the family and the elders all knew about it and were accomplices.

Later, when Mrs. Cheng was pregnant with her, Long Moqing made a special trip to visit her and brought her a lot of spiritual energy ingredients suitable for pregnant women. When she was born, her mother had already broken up with the Long family. No one from the Long family went to see her, but Long Moqing went there again and stayed there for three days as a good brother, until she saw her after Ruan Xiangluo was born. He glanced at her before leaving.

Yan Xiangluo knew that Long Moqing should have done something to her when her mother was pregnant with her, and he should have wanted to do it again after she was born, but her mother separated her soul one by one in order to save her, and his The plan failed, so he targeted his younger brother again.

 That's why it happened that his younger brother was smuggled away by him.

Yan Xiangluo was almost certain that Long Moqing was the one who took away her mother's luck and stole her brother's luck. In this case, she would be blamed for being ruthless.

 All the hardships in his family came from his greed. Now that he knows the truth, it is not Yan Xiangluo's character not to take revenge.

"According to what mother said, this Long Moran should be the one who took away my mother's luck and stole An'an's luck. His own luck is very good, but he still has to cultivate his luck in this way. This shows that there should be some flaws in his luck, or that he What is the purpose? This purpose requires his luck to be extraordinary. No matter what, it is not a reason for him to bully our family. Mom, you and An An prepare. I will take action tonight. He took you and An An. No matter how much luck he had, he returned it intact. As for the price he had to bear, I hope he will not regret his decision back then. "

When Yan Xiangluo said these words, the harshness in her tone was not concealed at all. She wants to fight tooth for tooth.

It was the first time that Yan Chengye and Long Moran saw such a daughter. They realized that their once delicate and soft daughter had really grown into a towering tree that could protect them.

 Long Moran and Chengye looked at each other, "Luoluo, what do you need me to do?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "Have a good rest and consolidate your newly promoted cultivation. We will start at midnight. I will cook now. Our family has always had to eat for the reunion dinner that has lasted six years."

Yu Chengye and Long Moran looked at each other. Their daughter was very calm. At this time, she could still think about having a reunion dinner.

 If they heard it right, the daughter said that she wanted to cook the food herself. They haven’t eaten the food cooked by her daughter yet. No matter whether it tastes good or not, he feels very happy.

Juan Anluo became even more excited and cheered, "I'm going to eat the food cooked by my sister. It's great. I'm so happy."

Yan Xiangluo looked at her happy brother and rubbed his head, "I feel happy now. An An will feel even happier later."

Juan Anluo blinks her big eyes, will she be happier?

 (End of this chapter)

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