The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 703: Delicious food in the world

Chapter 703 Delicious food in the world

In other words, the former royal chef was not as good at cooking as hers. Could she still be able to cook this meal?

Ji Zimo looked at it, and although what Yan Xiangluo brought out were all spiritual energy ingredients, they were also spiritual energy ingredients with particularly strong spiritual energy. But no matter how strong your cooking skills are, it is impossible for you not to waste any spiritual energy.

Even the imperial chef of the Nine Yuan Dynasty at that time was the highest-ranking spiritual chef in the entire continent, and he couldn't do it without wasting any spiritual energy.

How well can Yan Xiangluo cook so well that Changfeng can describe her cooking skills like this?

At this moment, he really wanted to have a sense of smell and smell how tempting the aroma of this food was.

“She often cooks for you?” Ji Zimo asked again.

Changfeng's mouth twitched, why would the mistress often cook for them? Even if the mistress was willing, the master would not be willing, and they did not dare to have that idea.

"The mistress often cooks for the master, and we are lucky enough to eat it." Changfeng said matter-of-factly.

Ji Zimo smiled and said, "This girl is really a treasure."

Changfeng also agreed with Ji Zimo's words. Their mistress was indeed a treasure, a treasure that no one could match.

He has never seen such an almighty woman, let alone seen or heard of such an almighty woman. There is no record of such a woman in the historical records of Tianqian Continent or the current High Continent.

The conversation between the two did not avoid the fragrant fragrance, so the fragrance that was busy cooking and the corners of the mouth was pumped. The two praised her. She didn't even know that she was so good, so good that no one had ever done it before or since.

 She turned to Changfeng and said, "Tell Jiuchong that the meal is ready. I have left some food for you and Zixian."

"Yes." Changfeng responded immediately, his eyes bright.

Ji Zimo looked at Changfeng's reaction and became even more curious about how delicious the food made by Yan Xiangluo was, so that Changfeng, who was serious about words and ice cubes, could show such an expression.

After Changfeng left, Ji Zimo floated to Yan Xiangluo's side, looked at the dishes she put into the aura-preserving food box one by one, and asked, "Luo Yatou, can you make me feel the taste?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said, "Yes, but I can't make you eat. Are you sure you want to feel the taste of these meals?"

Ji Zimo was confused when he heard what Yan Xiangluo said and shook his head, "Forget it."

 Judging from Changfeng’s behavior, this food is not generally delicious. If you can smell it but can’t eat it, it will be more painful. It’s better not to smell it and don’t make yourself suffer.

Yan Xiangluo shrugged and agreed with Ji Zimo's decision. She knew her own cooking skills, and so far no one could resist the temptation of the meals she cooked.

Her ancestor Mu Changling couldn't hold it back, but she didn't believe Ji Zimo could hold it back. If he smelled it and rubbed her to taste it, then she really had no choice.

 Since he has no body, where will he eat?

 The wind goes away as quickly as it comes back, "Mother, I'm coming."

Changfeng naturally picked up the food boxes that Yan Xiangluo had prepared. Yan Xiangluo pointed at the two food boxes and said, "Those two belong to you and Zi Xian."

 “Thank you, mistress.” Changfeng said immediately.

Ji Zimo raised his eyebrows. Is this food so delicious that it makes Bingbao Changfeng's mouth taste sweet?

In the palace, the table had been cleared. When Changfeng came in to tell her that the food was ready, Yuan Anluo ran all the way to call her mother.

 So, as soon as the food was set, Long Moran and Concubine Anluo came over to take a look.

Yan Xiangluo said to Changfeng, "You should go and eat too." Changfeng bowed and went out, and immediately used the sound transmission stone to contact Zi Xian, telling him that his mistress had cooked and asked him to come back quickly to eat.

As soon as Zi Xian, who was busy, heard about the food cooked by Yan Xiangluo, he immediately assigned the work in hand to Black Feather Guard and went back to the palace in a hurry.

 The Black Feather Guards were very puzzled as they watched, what happened to Mr. Mu?

At this time, in the palace, Juan Anluo's big eyes were wide open. If she hadn't been brought up well since she was a child, her saliva would have flowed out.

 Why does it smell so good?

Yan Xiangluo put the food on the table and said to her parents with a smile, "Mom and dad, you try it first and see which dish you like. Then I will cook what you like."

Ji Jiuzhong was speechless. The food prepared by Luoluo was not picky at all. Every dish was delicious.

Juan Anluo also looked at her parents, which meant that you should hurry up and eat. Only after you eat can I eat.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at his brother-in-law and was very greedy, but he still couldn't bear to move his chopsticks. He thought to himself: My father-in-law did teach his children very well.

 Luo Luo is like this, and so is my brother-in-law An An.

“Dad, let’s try it first.” Yan Chengye picked up the chopsticks. Although he said he would try it first, the first chopstick still picked up his wife’s favorite dish and put it in her bowl.

Ji Jiuchong’s phoenix eyes raised slightly, are you looking at this for yourself?

After taking a bite, Yan Chengye and Long Moran looked at each other in shock. Their daughter's cooking skills were so good. This dish was the most delicious dish they had ever eaten in their lives.

“It’s delicious, Luoluo’s cooking skills are great.” Yuan Chengye said with a smile.

Yan Xiangluo’s almond-shaped eyes smiled like a pair of crescent moons, and she said to Ji Jiuzhong and An An, “Eat them all.”

Yuan Anluo immediately picked up the chopsticks, took a piece of food and put it into his mouth. Suddenly his big eyes, which were exactly the same as those of Yan Xiangluo, also curved into a pair of crescents.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the two siblings. They looked so much alike that he knew they were siblings without even asking.

Did Luoluo be like An An when he was a child? At this time, he felt a little regretful. Luo Luo was obviously his fiancée at the age of ten, so why didn't he go and see her? Otherwise, would he at least know how cute Luo Luo was at ten years old?

Ji Zimo stood at the door of the palace and watched the five people eating. Originally, he was thinking that if there were only five people eating, how could Luo Yatou cook a large table of dishes and be able to finish it?

But when he saw that no one spoke except for a few words at the beginning, and almost all the dishes on the table were eaten in a flurry, he was extremely shocked.

It seems that this meal is indeed not ordinary delicious. Except for Ji Jiuzhong and Yuan Xiangluo who also controlled their appetite, Yuan Chengye, his wife and An An were almost full.

Yan Xiangluo had expected it a long time ago, so although she cooked a lot of meals, they were all easy-to-digest ingredients. However, even so, she still gave An An a Xiaoshi Pill to keep the child's spleen and stomach in good condition.

 The child was very embarrassed to let me settle down. He seemed to be a little rude.

"This is the case for everyone who eats your sister's cooking for the first time, An An, don't be embarrassed." Ji Jiuzhong comforted his brother-in-law.

“Brother-in-law too?” Juan Anluo asked immediately.

Ji Jiuzhong thought that the first time he ate Luoluo's food was at the Xianyun Sect. At that time, she was not so kind to him. She only had a normal amount and would definitely not be able to eat enough.

 But he would not say this to his brother-in-law, lest his brother-in-law look down on him. He naturally changed the subject and asked, "What do you think of the formation you just studied?"

 (End of this chapter)

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